

This document covers:

  • New features or functionalities
  • Enhancements to existing features or functionalities
  • Open issues or known issues
  • Fixed issues

Note: This document covers full list of changes each SaaS release introduces. See Release Highlights to view detailed information of a specific set of significant features for each release.

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May 28, 2024

Last Updated: June 05, 2024.

New Features
This release introduces a custom header for Request Start Time

Users can now configure custom headers in the load balancer to include the request start time. As part of the request headers to add or response headers to add configuration options, users can specify any custom key and use the value req_start_time to capture the exact time when the request started. This feature enhances the ability to monitor and log precise timing information for requests.

Enable source ip persistence quota in origin pool

By default, source ip persistence is disabled and default resource quota for origin_pool.sip_persistence is 0. Tenant can enable/disable source ip persistence in origin pool UI through other settings. The sip persistence quota can be configured to restrict the number of origin pools with sip persistence enabled per tenant. Beyond the configured value, the sip persistence quota resource exhausts and user gets an error message regarding the same.

Renaming the Good Bot traffic type to Benign Bots

To further refine our traffic categories and enhance clarity, we have updated the name of the "Good Bots" traffic type to "Benign Bots." This change is designed to alleviate any customer confusion regarding the classification of what constitutes a Good Bot.

Adding an additional field in the traffic analyzer table for action taken on traffic

We are introducing an extra field in the traffic analyzer table to display actions taken on traffic by XC Bot Defense. This new field will also support filtering for enhanced analysis capabilities.

Improvements in AWS S3 Global Log Receiver target

We have fixed the "compression always enabled" issue, and changed the filename to clarify what kind of logs is being stored.

For HTTP loadbalancers, the route match for a path can now support a regex pattern

While creating Route objects for HTTP Loadbalancers, the "Path Match" option now supports a "Regex" match along with the existing "Prefix" and "Path" match options

Adding a tool tip to indicate the TLS Certificate type and Renewal Status

We created a status object for each load balancer with auto cert and the status object will now show the reason for Auto Generation failure.

The API Security Posture now detects configurations where the GraphQL query size is not limited and where GraphQL endpoints support introspection.

We have introduced a new security enhancement that detects when the size of GraphQL queries is not limited, potentially exposing systems to performance issues or security risks. Additionally, another critical update is the detection of GraphQL endpoints that support introspection. By identifying these, our security posture helps you mitigate risks associated with exposing detailed schema information that could be leveraged in malicious attacks.

Adding 'System' Namespace configurations for Distributed Apps workspace

The Distributed Apps workspace now supports a new namespace called "System", to provide easy configuration and visibility of Managed K8s as well as Service Discovery. Please note that only specific roles having access to 'system' namespace would be able to view this.

Added TCP Proxy Protocol support to convey original connection parameters, such as the client IP address, to the back-end servers for L4 Load Balancers (TCP)

Protocol extensions such as “X-Forwarded-For” header for HTTP require knowledge of the underlying protocol (such as HTTP). For layer 4 applications, F5 Distributed Cloud Load Balancers now support versions 1 (human-readable format) and version 2 (binary format) of the PROXY protocol (PROXY protocol spec), which conveys the original connection parameters, such as the client IP address, to the back-end servers.

Kubernetes 1.29 upgrade.

Kubernetes version will be upgraded to v1.29 during this release.

WAAP Scheduled Reports now support trends

WAAP Scheduled Reports have been enhanced to show trends, that provide context into the change in percentage of attacks detected and mitigated with the previous time period.

Sampling of Packets Dropped via Fast ACL in DDOS

Sampling has been enabled for DDOS related fast ACL. The sample will carry following info - source IP, destination IP, source Port, destination Port, sampled packet, fast-acl and fast-acl-rule name. These logs are visible in Network Logs of Multi Cloud Network.

X-Forwarded-For Header Behaviour Update

The F5XC load balancer will create or append (if it exists) the downstream client IP address to the header "X-Forwarded-For". When the header "X-Forwarded-For" is configured in the user identification, the updated value is currently being used. As part of this feature, the header value received from the downstream client will be used for user identification.

IP Prefix as Selection Criteria for DNS Load Balancing Rule

This release adds the ability to use an IP Prefix as criteria to match incoming DNS queries, and taking DNS Load Balancing decisions based on that IP Prefix. It comes in addition to the existing GeoIP location set and AS Number.

Simplified CE Site Dashboard

The new site dashboard for Customer Edge (CE) sites provides an improved and simplified view of the CE Site. At a high level, some changes include:

  • Manage Configuration capability for users to be able to edit the configuration from the dashboard.
  • Provides linkages to Topology and Flow Analysis tools.
  • Provides improved contextual information such as the type of Site, Infrastructure Provider, as well as the number of Control & Worker nodes.
  • Being able to figure out all connectivity from the CE be it connectivity to Regional Edges (RE), other CE sites or Private Connectivity
  • Consolidating all Metrics (System, Node, Interface, Pod) under a single view).
  • Infrastructure Page which displays all the details about the CE Site Nodes & their relevant interfaces.

The new Site dashboard is available across all CE Site Types. As part of this effort, there are a few page URLs that have been updated, a few pages that have been removed and a few that have been added.

The URLs to the following pages have been updated. This information is only relevant to customers with previous browser bookmarks.

  1. System metrics
  2. Node metrics
  3. Interface metrics
  4. Flow table
  5. DHCP
  6. Status Objects.

Infrastructure page is a new page part of this enhancement which merges the information within the Node & Interface tabs into a single tab.

The list below mentions the pages that have been deleted and where to find the same information in our console.

  1. Application metrics: available under App Connect on a per Load Balancer basis.
  2. Nodes tab: This has been merged as part of the infrastructure tab
  3. Interfaces tab: This has been merged as part of the infrastructure tab
  4. Site Status: Information is available on the site dashboard and within infrastructure pages of the site.
  5. Requests: The information is available on a per Load Balancer basis within App Connect under Overview > Performance, and choosing the load balancer of interest.
  6. Top talkers: There is the Traffic Flows link on the main dashboard that will redirect to Flow Analysis which has the information of top talkers on a site and further capabilities.
  7. Connections: For Dynamic Reverse Proxy (DRP) monitoring this information is available within App Connect under Overview > Applications there is a tab HTTP Connect & DRP where you can get stats about a particular DRP.
Showing Bot Customers Additional Traffic Types

This feature is designed to provide power users with more detailed traffic insights across all Bot Defense pages by showing more granular traffic types such as allow listed and unevaluated traffic.

Config Drift Support for LB/Origin/Service Policy

Terraform Config drift support is supported for specifically Load Balancer, Origin, Service Policy & IPPrefixSet. Prior to this behavior, customers who have created these resources via F5 Distributed Cloud Terraform Provider and had to make modifications through the UI (out-of-band) had major issues as the Terraform Provider didn't recognize the out-of-band change and kept overriding it. Now with the feature enabled for the mentioned resources, customers using Terraform will be able to detect the out-of-band change, and either modify the Terraform to incorporate this out of band change or have Terraform override the out-of-band change to ensure the infrastructure automation continues to have a single source of truth.

Proactive Discovering of Issues on Cloud Sites

The feature alerts to customer by proactively discovering issues on cloud sites. These include missing security group rules or default routes.

Explicit Annotation in App Stack Deployment Manifest for Wingman

Until now Wingman sidecar is injected by default when customers deploy applications onto App Stack. With this release, Wingman sidecar container will not be injected automatically for workloads in non-F5xc/customer namespaces on CE sites. Although existing workloads in non-F5xc namespace will continue to run wingman even after upgrade until there are some changes in workloads which triggers re-creation of pods. If such workloads have dependency on wingman for App Secrets service, then they must include following annotation in pod template of the workload: "": "enable".

Hiding of Mobile Reload Header Field

Bot Defense users don't need to configure Reload Headers for their Mobile SDK on the XC UI. This value is being randomly generated per customer now.

Improved Maintenance Banner

This release improves the banner displayed during F5 Distributed Cloud maintenance windows, giving customers more information about the ongoing status.

Console Only Plan for a Select Subset of Customers Leveraging Specific Point Solutions

The XC Console Only Plan is now available, providing access to the XC Console and select capabilities, including UAM and SSO. This plan is ideal for customers who do not require the full portfolio of the XC Base Package. Upgrades to the full XC Base Package are facilitated through F5 sales for expanded feature access. Additionally, the Console Plan permits non-entitled exploration of the XC Portfolio through limited quotas across various functionalities.

Data Intelligence Service

Enable customers to configure and manage data sinks to receive Data Intelligence feeds in Splunk and AWS S3.

IPv6 Functionality for Features on non-orchestrated CEs as Early Acces

IPv6 functionality for non-orchestrated CEs - Baremetal, KVM, VMware can be turned on for testing purposes as part of the early access pilot. For more details on the features and functionality enabled on CEs for IPv6, please refer to the IPv6 Early Access Support for CEs article.

Ability to Save and Share Bot Defense Filters

We are enhancing Bot Defense with a new feature: Filter Save and Share. This allows users to save their customized filter configurations for later use and access filters created by others for insights and analysis. Additionally, these filters will be specific to individual pages for targeted data examination.

DNS Load Balancer Health Check Billing Visualization Improvement

This release improves the DNS LB Health Checks billing page, by giving more details on the utilization and making it more clear what the usage was.

Network Segmentation Support for AWS TGW and On-premises Secure Mesh Sites

A segment is a F5XC enforced network of spoke VPCs, where VPCs in the segment can communicate with each other, and VPCs not in the segment cannot communicate with each other.

Introducing DNS API Groups

This release introduces new specific API groups for DNS management, allowing more granular permissions. There are 3 groups available: monitor, user, admin.

Import BIND DNS configuration

This release adds the ability to import BIND DNS configuration, allowing for an easier onboarding for customers migrating their DNS into F5 Distributed Cloud.

F5 Distributed Cloud Customer Edge Software Long Term Support (LTS)

Customers running LTS version of CE software will get 12 months of support with critical bug fixes and high severity security vulnerabilities will be made available on a regular basis during the 12 months support window. CE LTS software versions will be labeled in the lts-<date>-<build_no> format while standard CE software version will continue to be labeled as crt-.

In this release, lts-20240528-0001 will be available for customers looking for 12 months of support, it's recommended to use RHEL OS 9.2024.11 with this LTS software.

Tenant Level Dashboards for WAAP Workspace

The WAAP workspace now supports a new namespace called "System" , to provide visibility into security and performance metrics aggregated across the tenant. Customers would now also be able to export the security, performance metrics and load balancer configuration details in a csv format from the Security and Performance dashboards. These capabilities drastically simplify the configuration review and attack investigation for the user, by providing a single unified view of all load balancers. In addition, The Tenant Search page provides the ability to search for example a source ip or request id across the tenant and navigate to that specific load balancer. Please note that only specific roles would be able to view these dashboards.

CRD Support for Apps on Virtual Kubernetes

Many enterprise web and AI applications, and API gateways rely on k8s Custom Resources(CRs) to pass the initial and run-time configurations to the application controllers on the k8s clusters. F5XC now supports Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to be created on managed k8s and be used for CRs that can be created using the vk8s API. This enables customers to configure the CRs once using vk8s API and apply the changes to apps across all clusters in the vk8s. The feature is supported only for vk8s applied to the virtual site containing CE sites. This release only supports CRDs and CRs for Seldon (an platform to deploy AI/ML models) and Ambassador's Emissary ingress.

Workspace Focused Roles Streamlining User Access Management and RBAC Assignment

This release introduces new workspace-focused roles, enhancing User Access Management (UAM) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) assignments. Each role is designed to outline clear expectations for user access and the boundaries of what they can and cannot do within those roles. These roles are closely aligned with Services that exist within a Workspace, ensuring that API groups within each Service are accurately reflected in the Workspace roles. The pattern for Workspace Roles and Service API Groups is as follows:

  • f5xc-<workspace/service name>-monitor: Read APIs
  • f5xc-<workspace/service name>-user: Write APIs
  • f5xc-<workspace/service name>-admin: Privileged APIs
Console UI Enhancements Showing Tunnel Details between CEs in Site Mesh Group

The CE-CE link in an SMG supports multiple tunnels (3 tunnels for 3 node CE to 3 node CE link or 1 node CE to 3 node CE link, and 1 tunnel for 1 node CE to 1 node CE link). This feature brings UI enhancements to show the details of the tunnels on connectivity graphs and views to observe individual tunnel metrics between CEs in a Site Mesh Group and between CE and REs.

Introducing Catalog Page, Workspace Focused RBAC, and Workspaces with Integrated Add-On Services

This release debuts a new Catalog View, offering a streamlined and intuitive interface where users can browse, learn about, and enable a wide range of Add-On Services. Each workspace clearly delineates the add-on services required for its enablement. Additionally, this update introduces workspace-centric RBAC roles, enhancing security and providing precise access control tailored to specific users, personas, or teams. Roles for each workspace are defined with monitor, user, and admin patterns. Add-On Services also adhere to these patterns, with each workspace role incorporating all necessary API groups from the integrated Add-On Services.

Introducing Cloud Connect

Cloud Connect allows easy onboarding of customer VPCs from their cloud accounts. Customers can then apply policies such as l3 networking, application delivery, application security, and more to these VPCs. In this release, Cloud Connect will support onboarding AWS VPCs onto a F5 Distributed Cloud - Customer Edge (CEs). This functionality is part of F5 Distributed Cloud Network Connect.

Note: Cloud Connect allows customers to seamlessly discover and connect their Cloud VPCs to the F5 Distributed Cloud network. This feature is in "Early Adopter (EA)" and will be made "Generally Available (GA)" soon.

KVM Multi NIC Mesh Support for Secure Mesh Certified Hardware

kvm-multi-nic-voltmesh has been added into secure mesh certified hardware list.

Enhanced Header Transformation Configuration with Expanded HTTP Protocol Options

Enhanced the Header Transformation configuration for HTTP/1.1. Header Transformation options now display exclusively when HTTP/1.1 is selected, simplifying the configuration process. Moreover, the HTTP Protocol configuration is now accessible at the Load Balancer level, facilitating the configuration of the Preserve Case option for both request and response headers.

HPE CSI Upgraded to v2.4.2

HPE CSI software has been updated to a new version, specifically version 2.4.2.

Upgrade Webroot IP/URL Reputation SDK to the latest 5.36.3

New release includes functionality to force the SDK to return unused local DB and RTU memory to the operating system and improves handling of SIGPIPE messaging to prevent SDK crashes.

Fixed Issues
Centralized Controller and Regional Edge
Deleted Sites Showing up in Topology

Sites that have been deleted are in rare cases showing up in topology, delete notification problem has been fixed.

Suggest Values are Missing for Global Network When Adding/Modifying a Network Connector

When adding/modifying a network connector under Network connector configuration if options "Direct, Site Local Inside to a Global Network" or "Direct, Site Local Outside to a Global Network" are selected no suggest values are shown for associating global network. This fix would allow the suggest values to be shown.

TLS Certificate Expiration Date is not Updating in Load Balancer View for Custom Certificates

TLS Certificate expiration date is not updating in the Load Balancer view. Updates to the expiration were not being accurately shown in the load balancer view. The expiration is now correctly shown.

Errors While Configuring Secure Mesh Global Network

Some advanced configurations in the Secure Mesh Global sites cause errors. For example, certain configurations when adding a Secure Mesh Site and choosing Select item of Global Virtual Network result in a "Request Error" with no useful details. The handling of this form has been fixed.

Enhancements to AWS CE sites

AWS CE sites will have AWS Network Load Balancer cross-zone load balancing enabled by default now. Data transfer charges will be incurred to customer by AWS when AWS CE multi-node site is configured as per AWS pricing.

Customer Edge Site
DRP - NoHealthyUpstream Burst

Description: A reserved port 6080 is not used anymore for user's data traffic

Symptoms: User's data traffic(getting NAT-ted) being sent on the wire could potentially be dropped if the random source port chosen was 6080

Conditions: The source port for sending NAT-ted traffic can be from a range of ports. In a very rare scenario, port 6080 can also be chosen randomly, due to which , such traffic would then be dropped by the CE

Fix: Port 6080 is now excluded from the range of source-ports to be used while doing NAT of traffic

About SiteCLI Command Issue

Description: Update execcli commands to improve user experience

Symptoms: automic and kubectl commands do not work properly and traceroute command should be tracepath on RHEL

Conditions: when using RHEL operating system, automic and kubelet commands are not supported in execcli and traceroute command is renamed to tracepath

Fix: update execcli command tree in SiteCLI to reflect corresponding findings

Pod does not Start with "No space left on device" on a Specific Node

Description: In CENTOS 7, /run inode count is equal to half of the number of physical RAM pages, but this value is harcoded to 800k in RHEL 9. It gets full quickly if /run is mounted as hostPath and used in application.

Symptoms: /run inode becomes full in RHEL 9.

Conditions: In RHEL 9 CE, managed k8s pod mounts and uses /run.

Fix: /run is remounted with 63M inodes in RHEL 9 once the OS boots up.

Name Resolution via Internet from Pods Fails in Certain CEs

Description: VER pod not able to resolve DNS after OS reboot, or after DNS update on host it is not reflected to VER pod

Symptoms: VER pod not able to resolve DNS after OS reboot, or after DNS update on host it is not reflected to VER pod

Conditions: This issue would happen after OS reboot, or when user updated the DNS config

Fix: An fix has been implemented to periodically copy the DNS config from the host to VER pod to address this issue.

VER Pod Restarts Irregularly (High)

Description: When calling collect-debug-info, vpm writes vega dumps into /run temporally, which is running on RAM disk. This may cause vega to OOM.

Symptoms: Vega OOMs during collect-debug-info.

Conditions: Running low on RAM.

Fix: We have changed this to write into a physical disk instead of ram disk in this version.

Increasing Trend in Memory Usage of CE Nodes - Webroot OOM

Description: Upgrade Webroot IP/URL Reputation SDK to the latest 5.36.3

Symptoms: New release includes functionality to force the SDK to return unused local DB and RTU memory to the operating system and improves handling of SIGPIPE messaging to prevent SDK crashes.

Conditions: NA

Fix: Upgrade Webroot IP/URL Reputation SDK to the latest 5.36.3

Kubernetes 1.28 Removes hostPort in Workload Manifests when hostNetwork is Set to True

Description: Before Kubernetes 1.28, if hostNetwork is set to true and hostPort is not specified, deployments/statefulset/daemonset or other workload management objects will add hostPort inside PodTemplate Object (.spec.template). The adding of hostPort is not present in Kubernetes 1.28 onwards.

Symptoms: A one-time pod restarted when upgrade to Kubernetes v1.28 onwards.

Conditions: HostNetwork is set to true and HostPort is not specified in the k8s manifest.

Fix: No fix is required. You will not see any changes in behaviour of using hostNetwork other than triggering a redeployment; your application functionality will remain as is. This is a one time change and you will only see this behaviour once during this transition.


The following caveats apply:

  • When a new site is created there may be a delay in displaying Topology for the site. Topology for a site is gathered through periodic asynchronous tasks, so this may not be displayed until the next Interval, currently this interval is 5 minutes. Also there is a possibility that the topology could take longer than 5 minutes when the service is overloaded

  • Cloud alerts propagation from olympus to Akar is somewhere between 35 and 45 minutes, because multiple form factors. The topology job runs for 3 clouds. It runs tenant based. And the metrics which are needed for the alerts are based on the topology objects. So there's no way to deterministically say which tenant will run and which objects will be created. And this takes time.

  • The service responsible for creating the status object for cloudlink may initially have an error for DescribeDirectConnectGatewayAttachments. This error will eventually clear in 10-15 min once the job responsible for updating the status runs again. This is due to a performance issue identified in the service responsible for the status object and will be addressed in the july release.

  • Intra-Cluster connectivity check failed(Node-To-Node) alert is generated on sites that are configured to be in L3 Enhanced Mode with Jumbo Support. Detail: ** Due to a limitation in the forwarding plane of F5XC, intra node communication in a multi node CE site does not work. As a result of this the user sees Intra-Cluster connectivity check failed(Node-To-Node) alert on the Alert page.

  • When multiple Azure Sites are getting created sometimes there seems to be a leak for BGP ASN. We are still root causing the leak for ASN but if customer faces this issue there is a command to clean up ASN which can be run to cleanup leaked resources. This will be fixed for upcoming release.

  • Kubevirt VM subnets created with connect to SLO & isolated interfaces data missing in All network Interfaces overlay, no issues in functionality of the kubevirt VM interfaces.

  • Network connectivity to a node may be lost while using Mellanox PF/VF along with RHEL image based CE. Problem happens because NetworkManager assigns same IP on two interface namely vhost0 and physical interface like eth0 causing networking stack to start dropping packets. Only way to recover is by rebooting the node.

  • TCL LB hash algorithm method 'LeastActive' not functioning as expected. In a TCP LB origin pool, When multiple origin servers configured and while one of the server is serving a tcp request, the next subsequent request should go to any other origin server which has no active connection. But currently, it is not happening now. The subsequent requests going to same Origin server which already has an active connection.

  • With UDP Proxy configured and continuous traffic running ,addition/deletion of endpoint may result temporary user-traffic loss for few seconds. With UDP Proxy configured and continuous traffic running, addition/deletion of endpoint may result in user traffic disruption for few seconds.

  • Conflicting container name due to migration, causing CreateContainerError. Delete container to resolve it. On rare occasions, there may be some containers that are failed to be replaced by Kubernetes during container runtime migration from docker to CRIO. As a result, 2 pods with same name are trying to start and are causing the pod to get CreateContainerError error. To resolve it, delete the problematic pods through kubernetes kubectl delete or container cli crictl stop && rm.

  • TLS parameters of only one of the LB is applied if multiple LBs share the same certificate info. When multiple LBs share the same Certificate info, in some specific combinations of the configuration, the virtual-host configurations are merged in the backend loadbalancer configuration. This has a possibility where the TLS parameters of only one of the LBs are applied(even if they are different between the LBs).

  • Containerized Data Importer only works on a single node CE. Currently Containerized Data Importer only works on a single node CE. When this feature is needed, please avoid to use multi node CE.

  • Direct Connect Status for AWS site wont be create for site's using cloud credential of type assume role. AWS sites which are deployed using cloud_credential of type assume role are failing to get the Direct Connect Status

  • While using L3 focussed mode, it is important to have L3 focussed mode enabled on all CEs. While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the CE-CE tunnel interfaces would not be consistent. While using this new feature, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod doesnt come up when CE mode is changed from L7 to L3 or viceversa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • In case of network segmentation, the destination segment match will not work in ADC case for EFP & service policies.

  • The aws_vpc and aws_tgw sites are not getting provisioned if it is created by cloning other site object. If new aws_vpc or aws_tgw site is created by cloning other site object, system generated labels are also getting cloned. This result in site provisioning failure. Workaround is to remove all the system generated cloned labels while creating new site object.

March 26, 2024

Last Updated: March 26, 2024.

New Features
Renaming Field Automation Type to Bot Reason

This change renames the field Automation Type and widget title Reason Code to Bot Reason. This will ensure consistency across F5 Bot products. The underlying data will not be impacted.

Service Policy Custom Rules Support for Invert Match for HTTP Path

This functionality provides flexibility to create advanced match criteria to address specific use cases, as invert match is introduced for HTTP Path, in addition to HTTP Methods and HTTP Headers.

Easy Access to Log Fields Reference Documents via Distributed Cloud Console

Security Analytics and Requests pages in the Console now provide quick access to the reference documents via links. The documents provide explanation of log fields for security events and requests (access logs), enabling users to review and understand the name and description for each field in the log.

JWT Validation Enhancements

The JWT Validation feature is enhanced with the following key updates:

  • Mandatory Claim Validation for custom JWT claims
  • Enhanced User Identification using JWT claims
  • JWT Claim Matchers for Service Policy Rules

These improvements bolster security by providing more granular control and flexibility in authentication and access control.

Advanced Exclusion Criteria for Signatures and Attack Types in WAF Exclusion Rules

Introduced following enhancements to WAF Exclusion rules:

  1. Ability to exclude all signature IDs for a specific context

  2. Ability to exclude attack types for a specific context

These enhancements enable customers to address specific scenarios and provide more flexibility to tune their WAF policies

New Validation Workflow for Cloud Sites

AWS VPC Site, Azure VNET Site, AWS TGW Site, and GCP VPC Site will have a new status workflow after a Site is created which will verify cloud-specific conditions. If validation fails, user will be able to re-validate after making changes on cloud console or updating cloud Site configuration.

Enhancements to Customer Edge Execcli Utility for Troubleshooting and System/Kernel Tuning to Support 5GC Data Plane NFs

With enhancements to execcli utility, customers can run network and file operation troubleshooting commands to troubleshoot issues related to Site. Additionally, for use-cases where 5GC Network Functions (UPF) require system/kernel tuning for optimized performance, customers can leverage F5 validated system/kernel tuning commands using execcli.

CloudLink Dashboard Support for GCP Monitoring

CloudLink dashboard now includes monitoring for Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Update to Workspace Tiles Order on the Console Main Menu

As part of enhancing the visibility and accessibility of key services on the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, the most frequently used services are relocated to the forefront of the service list, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.

Customer Edge (CE) Intra-Cluster Communication Checks

Intra-cluster communication checks are meant to ensure that the communication between nodes within a Customer Edge (CE) Site is not interrupted. Each node will send ICMP pings towards the other nodes in the cluster every minute. The ICMP will be sourced from the Site Local Outside (SLO) Interface on each node targeting the IP addresses of the SLO on the other nodes. Within a period of 10 minutes, if all the pings were to fail, an alert named Intra-Cluster connectivity check failed (Node-to-Node) with critical severity will be triggered. For the checks to run successfully, ensure that ICMP is allowed between nodes on the SLO interfaces. Intra-Cluster Communication Checks is supported in all Customer Edge (CE) Site types.

New HTTP/TCP Load Balancer Status Object

If HTTP load balancer and TCP load balancer are created with manual certificates or automatic certificates, then a status object will get populated with more information. A show status workflow is added for http load balancer and tcp load balancer objects in Console.

Kubernetes 1.26 upgrade.

Kubernetes version is upgraded to v1.26. Following deprecation from Kubernetes, the Pod Security Policy (PSP) is deprecated and replaced by Pod Security Admission (PSA). AWS, Azure, and GCP Cloud Container Storage Interface (CSI) is migrated from in-tree CSI to out-of-tree CSI.

Support to Manage Security Posture Vulnerabilities Status

Introduced a dynamic way to track and manage API Endpoint vulnerabilities with the Security Posture Vulnerabilities Change State feature. This feature allows users to categorize vulnerabilities into the following four statuses:

  • Open
  • Under Review
  • Resolved
  • Ignored

This categorization aids in identifying new issues, monitoring ongoing reviews, and recognizing resolved items. Once vulnerabilities are addressed or set to ignored, they are automatically moved to the archive tab.

Load Balancer SNAT IP Persistence Between Regional Edge and Customer Origin

Regional Edge load balancer SNAT IP persistence ensures a consistent source IP from the F5 Distributed Cloud network to the origin for a given client session. This feature ensures that the Source IP from the F5 Distributed Cloud load balancer to origin is a consistent F5 Distributed Cloud IP, and remains unchanged for the duration of the session. To enable this functionality, raise a support ticket and specify the load balancer on which you wish to enable it.

Expansion of API Rate Limiting Capabilities

The API rate limiting capabilities are expanded to include advanced request conditions, wider client conditions, and a new duration period option. This update provides more flexibility and control over API usage.

  • Advanced Request Conditions: Users can now implement rate limiting conditions based on specific Query parameters, Headers, or Cookies, allowing for more granular control over API access and usage.

  • Client Condition Enhancement: Improved the way client conditions are defined and managed, making it easier to customize rate limiting rules that match your specific application needs.

  • New Duration Period - Hours: Added "hours" as a new duration period for rate limiting. This option complements existing range of time-based restrictions, providing additional flexibility for managing API traffic.

Enabling SSH management Option for NFV Service

For managing NFV service, if you need SSH access, users can now enable it while creating/managing NFV service. NFV service dashboard also displays SSH command that users can copy and execute.

Documentation for Bot Signatures

New documentation is added for bot signatures along with change logs, see Reference for bot signatures reference document.

Shared Objects for Root CA Certificates

Root CA certificate can be uploaded once in the tenant and shared across load balancers in namespaces. In addition, mutual TLS configuration at the load balancer and origin pool supports ability to select a shared object (certificate).

Customer Edge (CE) Site Manual Mode Deployment for AWS

Manual mode is another method of deploying Customer Edge (CE) Sites that provides greater flexibility and deployment customization that caters to varying customer needs. This feature allows customers to improve control on how they orchestrate their cloud resources, catering to their architectural and security requirements, especially in brownfield environments. In addition, manual mode is an option for a limited set of customers who do not wish to input their Cloud Service Provider (CSP) credentials in any Console. This feature is now available on AWS via the AWS Console and the AWS Terraform Provider.

Azure, AWS, GCP Cloud Site CSI migration to Out-of-Tree CSI

The in-tree Container Storage Interface (CSI) for cloud Sites will be migrated to out-of-tree CSI and this is a one-time migration during upgrade in which, workload will be drained node-by-node. Azure, AWS, GCP cloud Site CSI will be migrated from in-tree CSI to out-of-tree CSI as part of Kubernetes effort to phase out in-tree CSI. Out-of-tree CSI storage class default-csi will be introduced and in-tree default storage class will be deprecated. To support workload migration, existing workload using in-tree storage class will continue to function, Kubernetes will internally reroute to out-of-tree CSI.

AppStack Sites Support SR-IOV Interfaces for Container Workloads Using DPDK Driver along with VM Workloads

Customers can now attach SR-IOV interfaces to VM workloads and containers (DPDK-based) workloads running on AppStack Sites that require bare-metal like high performance networking while connecting directly to the underlay network.

API Inventory Management

Introducing API Inventory Management, a feature designed to enhance your API ecosystem by simplifying the management of your API inventory. It allows for easy managing of discovered APIs, marking of non-API discoveries, removal of outdated endpoints, and seamless updates to API schemas. This tool keeps your API inventory organized, current, and secure, catering to your dynamic requirements.

Fixed Issues
Centralized Controller and Regional Edge
Code Optimizations in User Deletion Workflow

Code optimizations are added in user deletion workflow while handling a high number of namespaces.

Azure VNET Site Configuration Enhancements

The Azure Machine Type for Node field is now required in Azure VNET site configuration.

Site Hardware Changed Alert was Triggered on a Service Restart

In situations where a Centralized Control and Management service restarts, the "Site Hardware Changed" alert is triggered. This alert is responsible for alerting user in situations where the underlying "Node Flavor" or "Certified hardware" changes. This false positive alert condition is fixed.

Customer Edge Site
Deprecate Pod Security Policy (PSP)

Issue: Pod Security Policy is removed, migrate to Pod Security Admission.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: PSP is removed from k8s version 1.25. If custom PSP is used in managed k8s, it has to be migrated to custom PSA.

Fix: Find out equivalent PSA security standard for the custom PSP and configure custom PSA for managed k8s. See Kubernetes Migration from PSP page for more information.

Status of hpe-csi Pod Changes to ImagePullBackOff

Issue: Fixed an issue that causes registry change on K8s community.

Symptoms: A third party csi driver image could not get pulled.

Conditions: When a specific storage feature enabled from the Console.

Fix: Correct the container registry which will make this application to not depend on the upstream change.


The following caveats apply:

  • Intra-Cluster connectivity check failed(Node-To-Node) alert is generated on Sites that are configured to be in L3 Enhanced Mode with Jumbo Support. Due to a limitation in the forwarding plane of F5 Distributed Cloud Services, intra-node communication in a multi-node CE Site does not work. As a result, user will see Intra-Cluster connectivity check failed(Node-To-Node) alert on the Alert page.

  • Kubevirt VM subnets created with connect to SLO & isolated interfaces data missing in All network Interfaces overlay, no issues in functionality of the kubevirt VM interfaces.

  • Network connectivity to a node may be lost while using Mellanox PF/VF along with Site deployed using RHEL image. This problem happens because network manager assigns same IP on two interface namely vhost0 and physical interface like eth0, causing networking stack to start dropping packets. Only way to recover is by rebooting the node.

  • With UDP Proxy configured and continuous traffic running, addition/deletion of endpoint may result temporary user-traffic loss for few seconds.

  • On rare occasions, there may be some containers that are failed to be replaced by Kubernetes during container runtime migration from docker to CRI-O. As a result, 2 pods with same name trying to start will cause the pod to get CreateContainerError error. To resolve, delete the problematic pods through kubectl delete or container CLI crictl stop && rm.

  • When multiple load balancers share the same certificate information, in some specific combinations of the configuration, the virtual host configurations are merged in the backend load balancer configuration. This results in a possibility where, the TLS parameters of only one of the load balancers are applied, even when they are different between the load balancers.

  • Containerized Data Importer only functions on a single-node Site. If this feature is required, avoid using multi-node Site.

  • AWS Sites deployed using cloud credential of type assume role fail to get the Direct Connect status

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • Daemonset needs to be manually deleted and paused during CSI migration. During cloud CSI migration, node drain will happen to detach storage from pods to allow CSI migration to happen without disruption. However, daemonset will not be drained. User is required to manually detach and remove the pod from consuming the storage before start of migration to prevent any data corruption.

January 16, 2024

Last Updated: January 16, 2024

New Features
Default Advanced L7 DDoS Detection and Auto-Mitigation for HTTP Load Balancers

Advanced L7 DDoS detection and auto-mitigation is enabled by default on all existing and new HTTP load balancers to provide default protection for all customer origins against large scale volumetric L7 DDoS attacks. Users will have the option to choose a different mitigation action. However, disabling either detection or auto mitigation capabilities is not supported.

CSRF Policy Configuration per Route

The CSRF policy was defined at HTTP load balancer level and did not provide an option to disable/configure CSRF enforcement for specific match criteria. This release provides the option to configure CSRF policy per-route, which allows overriding the global CSRF policy configuration definition. The feature can be configured under Routes > Advanced Options > Security section.

Enhanced Range for Alert/Audit Logs in Bot Defense

The Alert/Audit Log feature within Bot Defense has been upgraded to support a comprehensive 30-day range, allowing for extended visibility and analysis. This enhancement enables more robust monitoring and investigative capabilities over a full month's period.

Improved Handling of Empty Data States in Bot Defense

Enhanced the handling of empty data states in Bot Defense, incorporating additional indicators and resolution options. This improvement ensures a smoother experience when dealing with unavailable data in widgets and charts.

Enhance Scroll Query APIs (V2) to Use POST Request for Log and Event Access

Enhance Scroll Query APIs (V2) to use POST request to pass the scroll_id in the body. This resolves the scroll_id length limitation in Scroll Query (V1) APIs.

Site Debug Information Collector Support for Collecting More Local Data

The collect-debug-info now gets more data locally for cases where a brain split might happen, and the node is unable to reach the master node. It now collects argo, vega, envoy, kube-proxy, kubelet-proxy, openvpn, voucher from crio directly. In addition, vega tracebuffers, envoy dump, vega db-dump, argo o/p data are also collected locally from crio.

UX Enhancements to Primary Navigation Menu in WAAP Workspace

The navigation menu for Overview section in WAAP workspace has been updated, to make it easy for users to navigate to security and performance dashboards with few clicks. Users can also switch between performance and security dashboards at a load balancer level, by selecting the dropdown at the top of the page.

Enable Accelerated Networking for Azure Site

Azure Accelerated Networking (SR-IOV) is a native functionality within Azure that our CE sites can benefit from. We can now enable accelerated networking for CE sites deployed in Azure. This option is available at the site level and when enabled will enable Accelerated Networking across all interfaces on all member nodes provided that the selected Azure Virtual Machine supports Accelerated Networking. The default setting for newly created Azure sites is to have accelerated networking enabled. For existing sites, there is no option to turn this feature on. After the site is created, the setting for accelerated networking can not be changed. This applies to all Azure site types (Mesh/Stack) and for ingress as well as ingress/egress modes on recommended or alternate regions. The feature will be available through the Console and through Terraform. In this release, when enabling Accelerated Networking on a virtual machine that does not support it, the user will get the error VMSizeIsNotPermittedToEnableAcceleratedNetworking during the apply stage suggesting other instance types that support the feature.

The GraphQL Discovery Enhancement to Show GraphQL Endpoint in Native Format

Enhanced the GraphQL discovery process by incorporating the ability to present the GraphQL endpoint in its native format. This enhancement provides application owners with a more intuitive and insightful experience, fostering a deeper understanding of the API structure, ability to download and facilitating streamlined interactions.

Cloud Sites Monitoring Improvement

Added a new state in the site workflow called QUEUED. The state will be set to QUEUED when user performs any actions and remains in QUEUED state until terraform at the backend starts executing user actions (PLAN/APPLY/DESTROY).

Introducing Detailed Events in the Synthetic Monitoring Service

Users can triage issues faster and dive deeper into critical events with Detailed Events in synthetic HTTP and DNS monitors in the Events table.

New Action for L7 DDoS Auto Mitigation

L7 DDoS now supports JavaScript Challenge as one of the mitigation options in addition to blocking. This option provides flexibility for customers, to choose an action of their choice to mitigate volumetric DDoS attacks.

AS Number as Selection Criteria for DNS Load Balancing Rule

This release adds the ability to use an ASN (Autonomous System Number) as a criteria to match incoming DNS queries, and taking DNS Load Balancing decisions based on that ASN. It comes in addition to the existing GeoIP location set.

Fixed Issues
Centralized Controller and Regional Edge
Upgrade to Latest Version Option is not Available for Site

By using the old Software version, if user creates a Site, the upgrade option is not showing up to the newer version which is happening because of Maurice version object in old code. This fix in the Maurice code with AvailableVersion resolve the issue provides the option in Site.

Customer Edge (CE) Site Health Accounts for any Nodes in Not Ready State

Customer Edge health status reported 100% healthy even when if a node in the Site transitions to NotReady state. With this fix, customers can keep track of the Site health when a node transitions to NotReady state. This is especially helpful for AppStack Sites.

Fixed Access Issues for Tenants with Tenant Access Policy set

Resolved issue with Incorrect client IP extraction resulting in failure of Tenant access.

Customer Edge Site
Site with Small Disk may Get Disk Pressure

Issue: CE with small disk may get disk pressure.

Symptoms: CE runs with small disk may get disk pressure. It is recommended to use a larger CE to host application data.

Conditions: When any CE running with 40G disk and has been running software upgrade multiple times.

Fix: After every software upgrade, vpm will run a docker system prune to clear up unused docker image. Crio image will get cleared based on K8s garbage collection process.

Argo Issue with Specific Memory Setting

Issue: Fixed an issue where argo may not come up with specific memory setting.

Symptoms: With a specific argo memory setting, argo and socket memory allocation may result in memory init failure due to K8s limits. This issue is only seen at the software upgrade. This release has fixed this issue.

Conditions: When customer starts Software upgrade, argo pod may stay in crashloopbackoff or not became Running state.

Fix: This release has added logic to allocate memory to avoid above issue.

CE Admin CLI Unable to Show VPM Logs for RHEL9

Issue: CE admin CLI was not able to show vpm logs for RHEL9 OS.

Symptoms: The log vpm command will not show any output.

Conditions: When the user logs in to CE admin CLI in RHEL9.

Fix: Improved the log collector code to make it able to read format on RHEL9.

Broken Node Requires Deletion or Decommission

Issue: When the customer node is broken, customer may need to delete or decommission the node. When any node is broken or suspect an issue, delete the node.

Symptoms: Node is broken and stuck.

Conditions: NA

Fix: This release allows the customer to run kubectl delete node command with kubeconfig


The following caveats apply:

  • With UDP Proxy configured and continuous traffic running, addition/deletion of endpoint may result temporary user-traffic loss for few seconds.

  • Connectivity issues might be observed in the cluster if SR-IOV VF interface is renamed as eth0 by VF driver in some certified hardware. This issue is not seen in Dell server. In case connectivity issue is noticed in certified hardware, appropriate VF driver udev rules must be created to restore the connectivity.

  • On launching new vK8s pods, it may sometimes take few (10 to 15) minutes to show the correct pod status. Users are expected to wait for that period.

  • On rare occasions, there may be some containers that are failed to be replaced by Kubernetes during container runtime migration from docker to CRI-O. As a result, 2 pods with same name trying to start will cause the pod to get CreateContainerError error. To resolve, delete the problematic pods through kubectl delete or container CLI crictl stop && rm.

  • MAC address data for some interfaces is missing in UI for MULTUS pods. However, this does not affect functionality of the pod interfaces.

  • When multiple load balancers share the same certificate information, in some specific combinations of the configuration, the virtual host configurations are merged in the backend load balancer configuration. This results in a possibility where, the TLS parameters of only one of the load balancers are applied, even when they are different between the load balancers.

  • Containerized Data Importer only functions on a single-node Site. If this feature is required, avoid using multi-node Site.

  • AWS Sites deployed using cloud credential of type assume role fail to get the Direct Connect status

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • Exporting public endpoint routes happens only from subset of RE Sites instead of all RE Sites. The Endpoints that are advertised with "Where" field as 'Virtual Network' (public virtual network) in RE, were previously advertised from every RE where the discovery succeeded. This behaviour has been modified in such a way that only a subset of RE sites export these routes. If the user requires that traffic reaches endpoints from a particular RE or a specific set of REs, endpoint configuration needs to be modified in such a way that "Where" field is either Site or Virtual Site. Choosing the "Where" field as Site or Virtual Site disables this optimisation and restores the original behaviour.

December 12, 2023

Last Updated: December 12, 2023

New Features
Introducing DNS Monitor response string validation in the Synthetic Monitoring Service.

Users can now validate that the correct DNS records are returned in DNS query answers through their Synthetic DNS Monitors via regular expressions in the receive string field.

Access Controls for Support Requests by a Managed Tenant User in an Operating Tenant

RBAC-based access controls have been updated to allow users from an Operating Tenant to submit and view support requests when accessing a Managed Tenant with Delegated Access.

Improved Handling of Empty data states in Bot Defense

Refined the handling of empty data states in Bot Defense, incorporating additional indicators and resolution options. This improvement ensures a smoother experience when dealing with unavailable data in widgets and charts.

Support for Seconds in Dashboard Date-Time Picker Filter

Customer can use custom time range filter to review the monitoring data to the seconds level.

Pausing New Signups for Free, Individual, and Teams Plans

F5 Distributed Cloud is pausing new signups for the Free, Individual, and Teams plans. This change removes signup capabilities in the console and the API. This does not impact existing Free, Individual, or Teams plan customers.

Flexible Caching and Purging support in CDN

Distributed Cloud CDN has added support for flexible caching to enable more control over how to cache assets within your CDN Distribution. Distributed Cloud CDN has also added support to provide more granular control when purging content from your cache.

Disable the Creation of new Delegated Domains

With this release, ability to create new Delegated Domains is disabled. This is because it is now possible to leverage F5 Distributed Cloud Primary DNS to do so, and also benefit from having the capacity to manage the content of the DNS zone (in addition to having the DNS records for the HTTP load balancer created).

Improved Visibility when No Data is Present

The empty data states feature ensures that customers have clear visibility, even when data is absent, preventing confusion and improving user experience. It provides intuitive indicators and messages to signify when data is not available, maintaining transparency and facilitating better user understanding.

DNS Query Logs

This release adds the ability to see the DNS query logs in the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, giving customers more visibility on their DNS traffic.

Detect and Label Unused APIs (Zombies) After 45 Days of Inactivity

The API discovery is enhanced to automatically discover APIs that are part of inventory and are inactive for more than 45 days. Unused APIs are labeled in the API Attributes column on the API Endpoints dashboard.

Enhancements to Malicious Users Detection

Malicious User detection is enhanced to consider Bot Defense and Rate-limiting activity from the client, when these features are enabled for the HTTP load balancer, to effectively detect bad actors.

Support Automatic Certificates for Load Balancers Advertised to the Internet on a Customer Edge (CE) Site

This release introduces support for automagtic certificates for load balancers advertised on a Customer Edge (CE) Site. This release will support VIPs that are advertised to the internet via CE Internet VIP option on AWS site. Internet VIP option must be enabled on the Site before you enabled the custom advertise network option on HTTP load balancer.

Validate Authenticity, Integrity, and Expiry of JSON Web Token

As a pivotal component in modern web application security, this feature ensures the integrity of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), commonly utilized in authentication. By cryptographically verifying incoming JWTs, the platform mitigates the risks of replay attacks and tampering, fortifying your API against unauthorized access. Additionally, JWT Validation prevents requests with expired or invalid tokens, elevating the overall security posture of your application.

Peer Comparison Report Page

A new report that allows customers to see how their protection data compares to that of a cohort of their peers.

DNS Load Balancer Fallback Pool

This release adds the notion of "fallback pool", allowing customers to define a pool that will match if no other pool matches.

Ability to Manipulate Single DNS Records Using the API

It is now possible to create, delete or update single DNS records using the F5 Distributed Cloud Services API. Previously, one had to resend the whole DNS zone to update it, and that is no longer needed.

CloudLink for Customer Edge Sites

First, users provision a virtual connection into public clouds using a network provider of their choice. Then configure a CloudLink to provide required cloud network orchestration such as orchestration of the VIFs, Direct Connect Gateway and association to one or more Customer Edge Sites (CEs) for AWS. Optionally, customers can configure a Private ADN network to establish private connectivity with F5XC Regional Edges (REs) from the Customer Edge Sites (CEs). This release also adds support for GCP, where GCP Cloud Router connectivity is already set up.

Support for GCP network orchestration and Azure is coming soon.

Fixed Issues
Centralized Controller and Regional Edge
HTTP Load Balancer with Automatic Certificate Allows Domains Greater than 64 Characters

Previously, creating load balancers was not allowed if any of the domains is greater than 64 characters. This limitation is removed, and users can create load balancers as long as one of the domain is less than 64 characters in length.

Site Upgrade State Stuck in UPGRADING if Worker Node Added During Upgrade

Issue: Site Upgrade State Stuck in UPGRADING if Worker Node Added During Upgrade

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: During upgrade, if user introduces new worker node to a Site cluster, the Site upgrade status gets stuck in UPGRADING, and the new worker node cannot join the cluster when upgrade is happening.

Fix: This fix resolves the issue where site is stuck in UPGRADING state, and new worker node can subsequently join the cluster once upgrade is completed.

Connection with RE Repeatedly Flapping

Issue: Tunnel flaps are happening because of BFD flaps.

Symptoms: BFD container is getting killed due to OOM. When this happens, the `veth`` interface for communication between BFD and Argo is deleted. New interface gets created upon BFD restart, but it is not updated to Argo.

Conditions: NA

Fix: Fix delivered by ensuring that the interface is not deleted if BFD is killed.

Rewriting Response Headers to Lowercase

Issue: Updating header transformation settings for both upstream and downstream configurations.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: NA

Fix: Header Transformation settings are applicable only for HTTP 1.1, and this information has been added as a tooltip in the UI. For upstream connections (i.e., request headers), users can configure this option in the origin pool. However, for downstream connections (i.e., response headers), this option is hidden for both HTTPS Automatic Certificate and HTTPS Custom Certificate configurations, requiring users to contact F5 Distributed CLoud Services SRE team for assistance.

Customer Edge Site
VPM Tool File Edit Issue for RHEL

Issue: Some VPM CLI tools used for edit configuration does not work properly with RHEL9 OS.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: Some VPM CLI tools used for edit configuration does not work properly with RHEL9 OS.

Fix: This release fixed the VPM tool file edit issue.

New Worker Node Became NotReady

Issue: New worker node became NotReady after adding it to cluster.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: After adding new worker node to cluster Site, there is a rare chance that the node will stay in a NotReady status due to the order of process.

Fix: This release has fixed the issue by ensuring the process order.

Debug Info Collector Stops when NFS Not Responding

Issue: When there are any issue with NFS client, debug-info collector will wait and not continue to finish.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: NA

Fix: This release fixe the issue.


The following caveats apply:

  • An extra load balancer is shown in the WAAP performance dashboard. Due to a metrics collection defect, an extra load balancer may be displayed in the WAAP performance dashboard in the health section.

  • PersistentVolume is not created with version crt-20231106-588.

  • After adding new worker node to CE cluster, there was a rare chance that the node will stay in a NotReady status due to the order of process. To temporary recover, restart VPM or reboot any other working node.

  • Connectivity issues might be observed in the cluster if SR-IOV VF interface is renamed as eth0 by VF driver in some certified hardware. This issue is not seen in Dell server. Detail: In case connectivity issue is noticed in certified hardware, appropriate VF driver udev rules must be created to restore the connectivity.

  • On launching new vK8s pods, it may sometimes take few (10 to 15) minutes to show the correct pod status. Users are expected to wait for that period.

  • On rare occasions, there may be some containers that are failed to be replaced by Kubernetes during container runtime migration from docker to CRI-O. As a result, 2 pods with same name trying to start will cause the pod to get CreateContainerError error. To resolve, delete the problematic pods through kubectl delete or container CLI crictl stop && rm.

  • When multiple load balancers share the same certificate information, in some specific combinations of the configuration, the virtual host configurations are merged in the backend load balancer configuration. This results in a possibility where, the TLS parameters of only one of the load balancers are applied, even when they are different between the load balancers.

  • Containerized Data Importer only functions on a single-node Site. If this feature is required, avoid using multi-node Site.

  • AWS Sites deployed using cloud credential of type assume role fail to get the Direct Connect status

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

November 07, 2023

Last Updated: November 09, 2023

New Features
Update to Terraform Resource Approval Arguments

Argument private_network_name is added for the Terraform resource volterra_registration_approval.

Update to API Credentials Managed Through Terraform

API Credentials managed through the Terraform were not deleted during destroy action. This release updates destroy action to delete the API credentials.

Cloud credential Field Order Change for Azure VNET Site

Cloud credential field is moved up and based on this cloud credential, suggest values get populated for existing objects such as Azure virtual network, resource group, etc.

Additional Policy on Availability Zones for AWS Sites

The AWS Sites need additional policy ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones. If this is not set, suggest value for the availability zones will not be populated.

General Availability of F5 Distributed Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The F5 Distributed Cloud CDN service is now out of public preview phase and is generally available.

Azure Site Worker Node Scaling and Updating Load Balancer Backend Pool with Scale Set

This release fixes Azure Site worker node scaling issues and updates load balancer backend pool with scale set.

GCP Site Replace Validation for Subnet/VPC

Fixed GCP configuration validation failure during replace/upgrade. The failure was observed when the Site configuration had new subnet configuration for existing Inside or Outside VPC. This validation is applicable only for new Sites and not existing Sites.

Fixed Failure in Route Withdrawal on Custom VIP Removal/Uninstallation

When custom VIP advertised on Site Local Inside network, routes advertised for the VIP were not getting retracted when the VIP is uninstalled. This is fixed by withdrawing routes on uninstallation of Custom VIP.

Distributed Cloud Services Node Software Support for Dell R650.

Distributed Cloud Services Node software is certified to run on Dell R650 server for new Customer Edge (CE) Sites. See Create Baremetal Site page for the detailed hardware specifications.

Update to Suggested GCP Regions

The following regions are added to the GCP region suggestions:

  • southamerica-west1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • us-south1
  • us-east5
Revamped Security Incidents

Security incidents are updated to provide additional insights such as attackers intent and description which includes attacker source IP address and TLS fingerprint.

Multiple Custom TLS Certificates/Keys per Load Balancer on Customer Edge (CE) Site

HTTP and TCP load balancers now support the ability to refer to more than one custom (Bring Your Own) TLS certificate. You can upload your TLS certificates and intermediate certificate chains to the F5 Distributed Cloud Services platform once, and refer those objects from multiple load balancers. This new capability is available under Manage > Certificate Management section of Web App and API Protection service.

BGP MD5 Authentication

Added support for configuring MD5 password for authenticated BGP sessions while configuring peers in BGP configuration.

Alerts for L7 DDoS Auto Mitigation

A new alert is introduced to provide visibility into the auto-mitigation of L7 DDoS attacks. The alerts are generated in the Console, when an auto mitigation rule is created or deleted. The L7 DDoS auto mitigation feature can be enabled in the DoS Protection section of HTTP Load Balancer.

Supportfor Bond and VLAN Interfaces on Non-Dedicated Physical Interface in Secure Mesh Site

Secure Mesh site with bond Ethernet interfaces and VLAN interfaces is supported both on dedicated physical interface and non-dedicated physical interface. This enhancement does not support ISV and IGW devices.

Generic Webhook for Alert Reciver

Generic webhook provides the ability to send F5 Distributed Cloud alerts to any endpoint of your choice that supports webhooks. The webhook feature can be configured in the Alert Receivers section in the Console.

Export Security and Performance Dashboards to PDFs

Exporting Security and Performance dashboards in WAAP service as PDFs is introduced so that you can archive, print, or distribute them. This makes it easy for you to share the security and performance insights for your namespaces and HTTP load balancers with stakeholders in your organization.

Insights into Workload Traffic Using Flow Analysis

The Flow Analysis tool provides a graphical way to visualize the volume of data flow between your workloads across the F5 Distributed Cloud fabric. You can choose individual entities or get a top ten list based on the amount of data transferred and plot it. You can also gain additional insights using the metadata provided with every node in the graph and the link connecting them. Additionally, you can view and search through individual records in a tabular format.

Introduction of Health Policies in the Synthetic Monitoring Service

Users can now set health policies on HTTP(s) and DNS monitors based off dynamic and static thresholds on response time to determine when applications are unhealthy.

Addition of New Widgets in Authentication Intelligence

The following enhancements are made:

  • Updates one existing dashboard API, friction histogram, and adds new fields /sr/{version}/dashboard/friction_histogram.

  • Users Login Transactions

  • Recognized Users: device category is private

  • Non-Recognized Users: device category is shared or unknown

  • Total: recognized and non-recognized users

  • Top Reason Codes

  • Time Period: Last 7 days (startTime, endTime)

  • Total Users: 100K (MUD + SH + LOE + LSBH)

  • MUD: 50,000 (MUD)

  • SH: 35,000 (SH)

  • LOE: 10,000 (LOE)

  • LSBH: 5000 (LSBH)

  • Reset Password Without Login Attempt

  • X-axis: date field of epoch in millisecond (actual browser date)

  • Y-axis: users percentage

  • Failed Login Attempt

  • Directly Clicking Forget Password

  • Number of Users: includes failed login attempts and direct attempts to reset the passwords

Deprecate HMAC-MD5 TSIG Algorithm

The hmac-md5 algorithm used for TSIG keys in secondary DNS is insecure, and disallowed in FIPS 140-2. This is deprecated and it is no longer possible to create secondary DNS zones using this algorithm for TSIG. Existing zones using it continue to work, but while editing the zone, it is not possible to save it unless the algorithm is changed to a more secure choice.


This release adds the ability to import DNS zones from a Primary DNS zone, using a zone transfer (AXFR), from the F5 Distributed Cloud Console.

Note: Support using API was released in September 2023 release.

Dynamic Suggestion of Values for Azure Site VNET Fields

F5 Distributed Cloud Platform is enhanced to make synchronous call to find field values such as Existing VNET Resource Group and Existing VNET Name from Azure. Ensure that you pre-select credential and region, and in case of VNET name, select the resource group.

Licensing Server Details for APM on Bare Metal App Stack Sites

This release enables users to specify the licensing server details when creating APM on Bare Metal App Stack Sites so that BIG-IP instance can obtain a license.

MSPs are going to run an instance of License Server (BIG-IQ) so that when users are creating APM instances for Bare Metal App Stack Sites they can use it to license the BIG-IP instance. This feature will need a Licensing sever running and configured with licenses and a TCP Load balancer that is pointing to the Licensing server. This TCP load balancer is chosen during the APM creation so that BIG-IP is licensed during creation.

Dynamic Suggestion of Real Values for Config Fields for AWS VPC Site and AWS TGW Site

For AWS VPC Site, support for suggesting real time values for Existing VPC ID, Availability Zones, and NAT GW ID is introduced. For AWS TGW Site, support for suggesting real time values for Existing VPC ID, VPC ID to be used for attachment, TGW ID, and NAT GW ID is introduced. Suggesting real values will work only when you select valid cloud credential with correct access and region in the configuration fields.

Upstream Default Policy to Retry

HTTP load balancer has a "Do not retry" policy added newly. When this option is not chosen, the load balancer will program route with system default retry policy. This default retry policy will retry upstream request once if a 5xx error is seen in the first attempt. This means, load balancer will automatically attempt a retry if the upstream server responds with any 5xx response code, or does not respond at all (disconnect / reset / read timeout).

TCP Load Balancer Port Range Limit Update

TCP load balancer is updated to support up to 1000 port with port range limit.

Distributed Cloud Services Node Software Support for Dell R660.

Distributed Cloud Services Node software is now certified to run on Dell R660 server for new CE sites. See Create Baremetal Site page for the detailed hardware specifications.

DNS Load Balancer Support for SRV RR Type

This release adds the ability to create DNS Load Balancer records of type SRV, bringing customers more flexibility in how they use the DNSLB.

Kubernetes 1.24

F5 Distributed Cloud Services is updated with new Kubernetes main version 1.24. K8s version will automatically upgrade to this version via software upgrade. From this release, the CE Site also starts to use the CRI-O runtime. You are required to use the OS version 7.2009.45 (or above) before software upgrade. If you are using the old OVA/ISO and building the new CE site, click OS upgrade to bring up the Site.

Note: There are multiple changes from docker to CRI-O. For example, pod needs to add NET_RAW to securityContext.capabilities to be able to run ping command.

GCP Instance types with GPU can now be used to provision Appstack in GCP

GCP Sites now support the ability to spin up instance types with GPU to bring up Appstack on GCP. The following instance types needs to be added into our GCP VPC Site:

  • T2D machine types: t2d-standard-4, t2d-standard-8, t2d-standard-16
  • A100 GPU machine types: a2-highgpu-1g, a2-highgpu-2g, a2-highgpu-4g
Support for SR-IOV Interface for Container Workloads in AppStack Site

Customers can now attach SR-IOV interfaces to container workloads running on AppStack Sites that require baremetal-like high performance networking while connecting directly to the underlay network.

DNS Dashboards

This release brings observability to the F5 Distributed Cloud Services DNS, with different widgets available to get a better understanding of DNS traffic.

RHEL OS for New Site Deployments

F5 Distributed Cloud Services introduced new Customer Edge OS with RHEL. The OS version will start with 9.2023.xx. For the new CE Site, use RHEL image with the current latest software version.

Default Region when Opening Bot Dashboard

This feature automatically configures the default region to align with the predominant regions of the protected applications set up in the system.

Fixed Issues
Node Became Not Ready When Adding New Node

Issue: When adding a new node, the nodes changed to NotReady status.

Symptoms: After adding new worker node to CE cluster, node becomes not ready.

Conditions: After adding new worker node to CE cluster, there is a rare chance that the node will stay in a NotReady status due to the order of process.

Fix: To temporary recover, restart VPM or reboot any other working node.

NTP Configuration Issue on Customer Edge Site

Issue: NTP Configuration on CE Site is not functioning as configured.

Symptoms: Custom NTP configuration does not work after registration of a Site.

Conditions: Custom NTP can be configured for a Site during registration. There was an issue with the Site that, after registration, NTP server will use the Regional Edge (RE) infra instead of custom NTP configured by the user.

Fix: This release fixed this issue that local configured NTP will take priority.

Update of Labels on Origin Server Does not Work

Issue: Update of labels on origin servers does not work as expected.

Symptoms: Attempt to update labels on origin servers is not working.

Conditions: Addition or removal of labels of origin server of type IP Address or DNS Name was not getting updated in data path.

Fix: This fix ensures data path is updated correctly on edit of labels of origin server.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Connectivity issues might be observed in the cluster if SR-IOV VF interface is renamed as eth0 by VF driver in some certified hardware. This issue is not seen in Dell server. In case of connectivity issues in certified hardware, create appropriate VF driver udev rules to restore the connectivity.

  • After adding new worker node to CE cluster, there was a rare chance that the node will stay in a NotReady status due to the order of process. To temporary recover, restart VPM or reboot any other working node.

  • On launching new vK8s pods, it may sometimes take few (10 to 15) minutes to show the correct pod status. Users are expected to wait for that period.

  • On rare occasions, there may be some containers that are failed to be replaced by Kubernetes during container runtime migration from docker to CRI-O. As a result, 2 pods with same name trying to start will cause the pod to get CreateContainerError error. To resolve, delete the problematic pods through kubectl delete or container CLI crictl stop && rm.

  • When multiple load balancers share the same certificate information, in some specific combinations of the configuration, the virtual host configurations are merged in the backend load balancer configuration. This results in a possibility where, the TLS parameters of only one of the load balancers are applied, even when they are different between the load balancers.

  • Containerized Data Importer only functions on a single-node Site. If this feature is required, avoid using multi-node Site.

  • AWS Sites deployed using cloud credential of type assume role fail to get the Direct Connect status

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • The ISO image with version 7.2009.27 or prior does not have the required package to run Kubernetes v1.24 and CRI-O. Customer deploying node with old ISO image will need to upgrade OS version to 7.2009.45 immediately to complete the node setup and bring site health to healthy state.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

September 12, 2023

Last Updated: September 19, 2023

New Features
Support to Disable Wingman Secrets Management Service

Customers leveraging 3rd party secrets service like HashiCorp Vault can now optionally disable F5 Distributed Cloud Services native secrets management provided by Wingman side car service by disabling side car injection using annotations.

New Diagnosis Command to Debug Network Configuration

New implementation of diagnosis introduced ability to run network configuration check in admin CLI. The command dumps the information on gateway connectivity, nodes connectivity, and information on domains and DNS.

Customizable DNS Refresh Interval for Origin Pool

Users can now set the DNS refresh interval (in seconds) for specific origin server types, granting enhanced control over DNS caching and resolution.

Applying Storage Interface MTU Configuration

The Storage interface MTU setting is appropriately honored, allowing improved performance in external storage connectivity for deployments that support jumbo MTUs.

Trends for Performance Dashboard

Performance dashboard now supports trends for Traffic Overview and Throughput widgets. This will enable users to view the change in metrics (up or down) for the selected date time range compared with the previous period, along with the sentiment (positive, negative or neutral). This allows clear understanding of applications performance evolution, over time.

Custom Security Groups for AWS Sites on Existing VPC

This release introduces the capability for AWS Sites located on existing VPCs to utilize user-provided security groups. Users can now specify their own existing security groups for AWS VPC Sites and AWS TGW Sites.

OpenAPI Validation Expansion to Allow Validation for Responses

The OpenAPI Validation feature is expanded to validate not only requests but also responses with precision and confidence. This expansion encompasses the validation of crucial response properties, including Content-Type, HTTP Headers, HTTP Body, and Response Code.

Enhanced Error Description and Suggested Action for Site Errors

The feature transforms the error output in terraform to a user-friendly error description, and also provides a suggested action based on the error. If the error can not be interpreted, a generic internal error is displayed, and directs the users to check the error_output section of terraform_parameters.

Global Log Receiver Support for Google Cloud Storage.

This release adds support for Google Cloud Storage, allowing users to send F5 Distributed Cloud logs and events to their Google S3-compatible Object Storage.

Extension to DNS Resource Records Types

This release extends support for the following DNS Resource Records (RR) types:

  • TLSA
  • CERT
  • DLV

These records can be created using the API, or through the F5 Distributed Cloud Console with validation forms.

Enhanced Monitoring and Billing Support for MSPs of BIG-IP APM Instances

The Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can use the F5 Distributed Cloud to deploy BIG-IP virtual appliances on their AWS VPC or Bare Metal App Stack Sites for their customers. This feature provides the MSPs with the metrics and alerts allowing them to monitor the health of APM instances and bill their customers based on utilization (maximum number of concurrent APM sessions per instance).

Default Limit on Source IPs for Fast ACL Filtering the Source for DDoS Attack

A limitation of 512 source IPs per tenant is imposed as default. If there is a requirement for more than 512 source IPs, contact support to increase the limits.


This release adds the ability to import DNS zones from a Primary DNS zone, using a zone transfer (AXFR), using the F5 Distributed Cloud API.

Note: GUI support will be introduced in next releases.

Change of Geo-IP Provider

F5 Distributed Cloud Services changed the Geo-IP provider for the Distributed Cloud platform a more accurate one, providing more detailed information in future releases. In addition, the database is unified with the expanded F5 product portfolio (including BIG-IP), so that Geo-IP decisions made by any F5 product are from a common database. No user action is required for this enhancement, and any existing Geo-IP rules continue to operate as they do now.

DNS Dashboards

This release brings observability to F5 Distributed Cloud DNS, with different widgets available to get a better understanding of DNS traffic.

Automated Threat Briefing Integration with Report Scheduler

The Automated Threat Briefing email is integrated with F5 Distributed Cloud Services Report Scheduler. This enhancement allows customers to seamlessly manage both users and scheduling for this report.

Fixed Issues
Idle Timeout Problem for HTTP Proxy Load Balancers

Issue: The idle timeout not working for HTTP load balancers.

Symptoms: The idle timeout configured at HTTP load balancer is not getting applied.

Conditions: When PortMatch is specified on HTTP load balancer or route, the idle timeout configured at the load balancer is not getting applied. Instead, default timeout of 30 seconds is used as idle timeout.

Fix: This is fixed to pick the configured value at HTTP load balancer for idle timeout even when the PortMatch is configured.

Pod Created with a MULTUS Interface Displayed as Down in Console

Issue: Vega is not exporting status metrics for veth-interface created on bridge,

Symptoms: If a pod is created with a MULTUS interface, interface is showing as Down on UI.

Conditions: This issue is seen only for the VLAN MULTUS Layer 2 Interfaces.

Fix: This is resolved by exporting the status metrics for the veth-interface created on the bridge.

Unable to Login to Console

Issue: The Original SSO configuration did not have the proper SCOPE set.

Symptoms: Users were unable to log into Console due to the improper SCOPE. The Update account information was shown to update user information because some of the scopes were not properly set.

Conditions: The user's default scopes is set with empty value.

Fix: Recommended default scopes (openid, profile, email) are automatically set when configuring SSO. Contact F5 support to update the default scopes in case you can not configure the SSO again. This ensures that the Update account information form within the Console will not be displayed if the user's ID token already contains claims such as family_name, given_name, and email as per their Identity Provider (IDP) configuration. Ensure that your IDP is configured to include the recommended OIDC scopes (openid, profile, email).

Note: The profile and email scopes are optional but recommended.

Mastership Switchover Causing Vega Restart Due to Race Condition

Issue: Vega restarts during mastership switchover due to a race condition.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: In case of mastership switchover, Vega obtains the MUTEX lock over ETCD, causing a go routine crash.

Fix: This crash is caught using recovery so that Vega does not restart.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Containerized Data Importer only functions on a single-node Site. If this feature is required, avoid using multi-node Site.

  • There is a limit on number of port and domain combinations in case of port range configuration. For a newly created load balancer, a combination of ports and domains where the number of ports in port range multiplied by number of domains not exceeding 256 is supported. For example, the combination of (4 domains and 64 ports) or (32 domains and 8 ports) is supported.

  • NFV status is intermittently not working, the status fails to show up some times, and this is a known issue being worked on.

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

August 08, 2023

Last Updated: August 08, 2023

New Features
Ability to Specify a Name for DNS Load Balancer Pool Members

It is now possible to enter a name and description when adding/modifying a member inside a pool. This allows easy identification of resources that are part of a DNS load balancer pool.

Description Field for DNS Records

It is now possible to enter a description for each DNS record in F5 Distributed Cloud Primary DNS. This allows to qualify specific records in a better manner.

Removal of Built-in Policy Rules Page

As part of enhanced RBAC user experience, the built-in policy rules page is removed.

Mandatory SSH Public Key for All Site Configuration

This enhancement mandates all cloud Sites to have SSH public key while creating the Site. This is required to debug any Site which fails before registration.

BIG-IP APM on Bare Metal App Stack Sites

The MSPs can deploy a BIG-IP virtual appliance on their bare metal App Stack Sites, use native BIG-IP UI to configure APM policies tailored based on the requirement, monitor the health of APM instances, and bill customers based on maximum number of concurrent APM sessions per instance.

Introducing Threat Types to Bot Defense

This release introduces a new feature termed Threat Types, which will be accessible on both the Bad Bot tab on our monitor page and in the Bad Bot report page. This feature is designed to help users comprehend the various attack strategies that malicious bots are attempting to deploy.

Trusted Client Rules Enhancement to Skip DDoS Protection

L7 DDoS Protection can be bypassed for one or more clients (identified by IP prefixes) using the trusted client rules.

Support more DNS Resource Records Types

This release adds support for the following DNS Resource Records (RR) types:

  • DS
  • CDS
  • EUI48
  • EUI64
  • AFS
  • LOC

Those records can now be created using the API and also through the Console, with validation forms.

API Attributes Column for API Endpoints Monitoring

This release introduces enhanced discovery capabilities, along with the introduction of a new API attributes column on the main API endpoints monitoring page. This feature provides improved visibility and monitoring of API endpoints, including the detection of API types such as GraphQL, gRPC, SOAP, XML-RPC, and login endpoints. This helps users proactively identify potential weaknesses in their API endpoints, allowing them to take appropriate actions to mitigate the risks.

Alerts and Notifications Support for Content Delivery Network Service

To configure alerts, go to the CDN service and select Manage > Alerts Management. To view any active alerts, go to Notifications > Alerts.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mobile SDK Integrator Management

This release introduces Mobile SDK integrator access in F5 Distributed Cloud Console. This requires subscription to enable under the Organization plan. It provides no-code integration of customer’s mobile applications and F5’s mobile SDK and is designed to reduce the friction of the manual integration process. For more information, see Bot Defense.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Native BIG-IP, SFCC, Adobe Connector General Available(GA)

This release introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense General Available(GA) connector types for Native BIG-IP, SFCC, Adobe with F5 Distributed Cloud Console onboarding and integration. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Fixed Issues
Fix for Route Configuration Update Causing Panic

Issue: Route configuration update causes panic in system

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: This sometimes occurs when the route object configuration is updated with less number of routes than earlier.

Fix: This is fixed and the root cause for this issue was a race condition between two Go routines. One of the Go routines produced data that was consumed by the other. If the consumer runs before, it is resulting in this panic. However, system used to recover from the panic. The issue is fixed so that the panic will not occur.

Bonding Issue in Storage Interface

Issue: When bonding is created with storage interfaces, failover between those bond interfaces does not work

Symptoms: Bonding in storage interfaces does not work

Conditions: It occurs when bonding is created with storage interfaces.

Fix: In this release, this issue is fixed by tuning bonding parameters created by the platform manager.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • There is a limit on number of port and domain combinations in case of port range configuration. For a newly created load balancer, a combination of ports and domains where the number of ports in port range multiplied by number of domains not exceeding 256 is supported. For example, the combination of (4 domains and 64 ports) or (32 domains and 8 ports) is supported.

  • NFV status is intermittently not working, the status fails to show up some times, and this is a known issue being worked on.

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • TLS Coalescing will fail between load balancer with inline certificate and load balancer with explicit certificate object, when their certificate contents do not match, even if the certificate from one of these load balancers have newline at the end and other one does not have. The workaround is to edit the configuration and ensure that both certificates either end with newline or both do not have newline at the end.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

July 11, 2023

Last Updated: July 11, 2023

New Features
Direct Connect Status for AWS Site for Assume Role

AWS sites which are deployed using cloud credential of type assume role does not display the direct connect status.

Node OS Version Change when Adding New Node to Multi-Node Cluster

When adding new node to multiple node cluster, if the newly added node's default OS is different from other node on the cluster, based on the timing of process, it may result in the change of existing node OS. This release fixes it so that the newly added node OS version is set to the cluster OS version.

Scheduled WAAP Report for All Namespaces

Scheduled reports now support the ability to generate a report which aggregates WAAP metrics across all namespaces in the tenant.

Support for AWS Sites Using Existing VPC with Route Tables Attached to Outside or Inside Subnet

Deployment of AWS VPC Sites using existing VPC with route tables attached to outside or inside subnet is now supported. This supports only one custom route table attached to all the outside or inside subnets. For Workload subnets, F5 Distributed Cloud will create separate route tables for each subnet, and no custom route table is supported. Custom route table with default route or no default route pointing to internet gateway is supported with this release.

Removal of Debug Users

The ability to create debug users is removed from the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, and any existing debug users are deleted.

Support for MSPs to Deploy and Manage BIG-IP APM VE Using F5 Distributed Cloud Services

MSPs can deploy a BIG-IP virtual appliance on their AWS VPCs, associate it with the AWS TGW Sites for their customers, use native BIG-IP user interface to configure APM policies tailored based on customers' needs, monitor the health of APM instances, and bill their customers based on maximum number of concurrent APM sessions per instance.

Support for IAM Assume Role to Deploy Sites on AWS

Users can create an AWS assume role and delegate to F5 Distributed Cloud Services account. The F5 Distributed Cloud Services uses its own account credentials to assume the role delegated by the user and then deploy the Site in user account. Users are required to request for F5 Distributed Cloud Services account and IAM role details via support ticket.

Automatic Certificate Generation for Load Balancers Advertised on Customer Edge (CE) Sites.

F5 Distributed Cloud can auto-generate certificates for load balancers that are advertised on Customer Edge (CE) Sites. This includes support for load balancers that are advertised on private networks such as Site Local Outside (SLO), Site Local Inside (SLI), and advertised to the internet directly from the CE Site.

Note: DNS domain delegation is not supported in this release.

Enable Native JavaScript Tag Injection for Dedicated Bot Defense and Fraud Protection

Enable native JavaScript Tag injection for both dedicated Bot Defense and Fraud protection under unified route configuration through an HTTP Load Balancer. Please contact Bot Defense and Fraud support teams for dedicated Bot Defense onboarding, route configuration and Fraud protection integration Preview. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Traffic Loss Due to Stale Disovered Endpoint

A race condition in the handling of discovered endpoint delete was resulting in the object being added back as part of Audit. This race condition is now addressed.

New Target for Global Log Receiver

This release adds support for IBM QRadar as target for the global log receiver. This allows customers using those vendors to send their logs more easily, rather than having to use the generic HTTPs endpoint.

Rich Dashboards for Multi-Cloud App Connect

The Multi-Cloud App Connect service gets a refresh with rich dashboards focused around application delivery. Application and network operators can now observe and take action on applications delivered across their multi-cloud network fabric with a dashboard focused on applications and performance.

Export Security Events and Incidents from the Console

Users now have the ability to export security events and incidents (upto 500 each ) from the Distributed Cloud console in csv format, which enables seamless investigation of security logs

Optimization of cloud loadbalancer which is created

We are optimizing the internal cloud loadbalancer deployment. It will be only be created in cases when its needed. In AWS case its created when AllowedVIPPortConfig is defined for inside or outside network and in cases where there are more than 3 nodes in the cluster

Support for Multiple Ports on HTTP and TCP Load Balancers

HTTP and TCP load balancers now provide the ability to configure multiple ports (port ranges), to serve applications which listen on multiple ports.

Display of DNS Load Balancer Healthcheck Failure Details

This release adds more information in the DNS load balancer dashboard about the reason why a health check failed, such as connection refused, or received string not matching the configured string. This gives users more information for troubleshooting.

Changes to RBAC Policies on Various Console Pages

RBAC policies have been changed which may impact a user's ability to access pages or configurations that they previously could access. Locks are displayed on primary navigation entries and other areas in the Console if a user does not have the correct permissions to access them. As a result, user permissions may need to be changed to restore access.

Announcing Trends for Security Dashboards

Security dashboards (namespace and HTTP load balancer) now support trends for metrics such as security events, threat campaigns, IP reputation, etc. This will enable users to view the change in metrics (up or down) for the selected date time range compared with previous time period along with the sentiment (positive, negative or neutral).

Migration of the Delegated Domain Functionality into Primary DNS Management

With this release, the Delegated Domain feature is moved into the Primary DNS section of F5 Distributed Cloud Console. This allows easier management, as it is now possible to have DNS records for an HTTP load balancer automatically created, while letting users manage the content of DNS zone. Automatically created records appear in a new RR set group called x-ves-io-managed which is in read-only mode.

Fixed Issues
Argo Hotfix 20230606 Does not Support E810 NIC

Issue: Upgrade firmware version of ICE NIC.

Symptoms: NA

Conditions: RE Site/CE Site with ICE NIC does not function with June 06 release until ostree is also upgraded.

Fix: DPDK version was upgraded in June 06 release, and it requires newer 1.7 firmware version for ICE NIC. Newer firmware and kernel driver are now picked to ensure compatibility is maintained.

Unknown Unicast Packet is Sent to Fabric

Issue: Flooding of traffic with Connect to Layer 2 VM configuration.

Symptoms: Traffic congestion may be observed on the SLO/SLI interface due to traffic loop.

Conditions: When a VM is spawned using Connect to Layer 2 feature, promiscuous mode is enabled on interface and in such case, packets with VLAN ID unknown to datapath were forwarded in SLI or SLO VRF causing loop.

Fix: In such case, Argo drops packets with VLAN ID that are not configured in Argo. And in promiscuous mode also, it is ensured that packets are not forwarded in case destination MAC does not match our MAC.

Existing Node OS Upgraded After Adding a Node to the Cluster

Issue: When new node is added to multi-node CE Site, sometimes other node's OS gets upgraded to OS version of the new node.

Symptoms: When new node is added to multi-node CE Site, sometimes other node's OS gets upgraded to OS version of the new node.

Conditions: This sometimes occures when new node is added to multi-node CE Site.

Fix: This is fixed and after the fix, new node's OS is always updated to the same version that the other nodes use.

Retain Basic Configuration in Argo on Soft Reset.

Upon restart, Vega does a soft-reset of Argo and at that point Argo used to delete all configuration, routes and interfaces. Node would not be reachable until vega reprograms the interface and required routes. This is changed now. In the new model, upon soft reset Argo would not delete the bootstrap interface and will cross connect traffic, so that even when Vega doesn't reprogram interface or route, node will still have connectivity.

Issue: Upon restart, a soft-reset of Argo is performed and at that point Argo deletes all configuration, routes, and interfaces. Node will not be reachable until system reprograms the interface and required routes.

Symptoms: Node will not be reachable until system reprograms the interface and required routes.

Conditions: NA

Fix: Upon soft-reset, Argo will not delete the bootstrap interface and cross connects traffic, so that even when system does not reprogram interface or route, node will still have connectivity.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • There is a limit on number of port and domain combinations in case of port range configuration. For a newly created load balancer, a combination of ports and domains where the number of ports in port range multiplied by number of domains not exceeding 256 is supported. For example, the combination of (4 domains and 64 ports) or (32 domains and 8 ports) is supported.

  • NFV status is intermittently not working, the status fails to show up some times, and this is a known issue being worked on.

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Remove accept-encoding header in compression feature is not working. A workaround is to add Remove Request Header to remove accept-encoding header to be sent to upstream.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • On existing CSP deployments, custom tags for objects cannot be added/modified. In CSP deployments, increase of custom tags for objects is only supported for new deployments as tags cannot be added/modified on existing deployments.

  • TLS Coalescing will fail between load balancer with inline certificate and load balancer with explicit certificate object, when their certificate contents do not match, even if the certificate from one of these load balancers have newline at the end and other one does not have. The workaround is to edit the configuration and ensure that both certificates either end with newline or both do not have newline at the end.

  • Secure Mesh Site provisioning fails when bonded Ethernet interfaces are specified before Site is registered. The Secure Mesh Site with bond ethernet interfaces is not yet fully supported. Create the Secure Mesh Site with just the list of bond devices but not the corresponding Ethernet interface configurations. Contact the support team for assistance with provisioning the Site with the bonded interfaces.

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have a different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

June 06, 2023

Last Updated: June 06, 2023

New Features
Ability to Use an Existing NAT Gateway as Egress in AWS VPC Site.

An existing NAT gateway can now be added as egress gateway in an existing VPC during AWS VPC Site deployment. The user needs to provide existing NAT gateway ID as input during Site creation workflow.

Kubernetes Version Upgrade for vK8s

The Kubernetes version for Virtual Kubernetes is upgraded to v1.23.

Authentication Detection from API Definition

Authentication detection from API definition enhances the visibility and understanding of authentication mechanisms within your API endpoints. This feature allows you to import authentication state and type information from the uploaded inventory OpenAPI specifications (v2/3), and presents it in a clear and intuitive manner in the API endpoint list.

The API Authentication Detection feature provides insights into the authentication status of API endpoints based on uploaded OpenAPI specifications. It identifies the following three states:

Authenticated Endpoints - If the OpenAPI specification references security schemes in the endpoint's operation-level or API-level security requirements, the endpoint is marked as "authenticated". The specific authentication type and location are determined based on the referenced security scheme.

Unauthenticated Endpoints - Endpoints without explicit security requirements at the operation or API level are labeled as "unauthenticated". No specific authentication types or locations are displayed.

Unknown Authentication State - When the OpenAPI spec lacks security schemes, the authentication state of the endpoint is labeled as "unknown".

These capabilities help developers and security analysts understand the authentication requirements of each endpoint, ensuring proper security measures are in place for API integration.

VPM Option to Reduce Debug Information File Size

To reduce the debug information file size, a --terse option is added to the vpm debuginfo-collector. With this option, VPM will not include the VER (control plane pod) configuration dump in the debug information.

Auto Setup Mode for PAN External Service

As part of the auto setup mode, the F5 Distributed Cloud Services will be responsible for configuring the username and password on the PAN firewall. After provisioning, user can directly log into the PAN firewall console.

Jumbo Frame Support in L3 Enhanced Performance Mode

On Sites participating in Site Mesh Group (SMG), jumbo mode can be enabled under L3 performance. This will allow jumbo packets to flow through tunnel established between the Sites.

TCP Reset Attack Handling

A reset attack is possible by spoofing a TCP packet with reset flag enabled. With this fix, reset packets are validated by checking that their sequence numbers are in expected window. Flow eviction is done if the above validation succeeds.

Note: This is as described in RFC 5961.

Update DPDK to Release 21.11.3

Upgrade Argo and OpenVPN to use DPDK 21.11.3, along with private fixes. Added support for Mellanox ConnectX-6 Lx interfaces. Updated drivers for Intel IAVF and ICE are included in this upgrade.

Storage Parameter Comment Out to Address a Third Party Product Issue

In this release, the Customer Edge (CE) Site VPM will comment out override_kernel_check in /etc/containers/storage.conf to avoid a third party application issue.

Enable Dedicated Bot Defense Preview on Distributed Cloud

Enable dedicated Bot Defense on Distributed Cloud for selected enterprise Customers for Preview. Pilot enterprise customers migration and onboarding will be managed automatically and customers will be able to access the enhanced dashboard in the Console. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Test Connection Option for Global Log Receiver

This release adds the ability to send a test message to a configured log receiver, to make sure the connection works fine and ease the troubleshooting.

Custom Sensitive Data Detection for API Discovery

The custom pattern detector enables you to define unique patterns of characters to search for within API Requests and Responses. You can configure the custom pattern detector to search for and identify personal information based on specific data types or regional requirements. Supported data types include but are not limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, and unique social security numbers. By leveraging custom patterns, you can customize the detection process to align with your specific data protection needs, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. This empowers organizations to proactively identify and secure sensitive information traversing APIs.

Disabling DNS Load Balancer Objects

It is now possible to disable DNS load balancer, pool, and health check objects. This allows more flexible operations such as troubleshooting, disaster recovery, etc.

Support Ticket Updates in Console.

New fields and changes are introduced to support ticket management in the F5 Distributed Cloud Console.

Enable Good Bot Inference For WAAP

Enabling good bot inference for WAAP through HTTP load balancers is introduced. It allows the good bots continue to the origin or use the existing mitigation defined for all automated traffic. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Improved Display of Secondary DNS Zone Content

This release adds a new "view zone file" option which shows the content of a secondary DNS zone in a much easier to read manner.

Origin Server Subset Rules

Origin server subset rules provide the ability to create match conditions on incoming source traffic to the HTTP load balancer. The match conditions include Country, ASN, Regional edge (RE), IP address, and client label selectors for subset selection of destination (origin servers). This feature can be configured in the Origins section (advanced field) in the HTTP load balancer.

Support of A2 GPU on Site Deployed in Commodity Server HP DL360 and Dell R650.

Deployment of Site now supports A2 GPU on the certified hardware units HP DL360 and Dell R650. Site deployment on KVM also supports A2 GPU using PCI passthrough mode. Applications can use the as a resource in the pod manifests.

UI Improvements for Child, Local Status, and Global Status Objects

F5 Distributed Cloud Console replaced the current JSON based view with read-only UI display view for the details of the child objects and status objects. These objects are mainly used for debugging purposes.

Terraform Version v1.3.6 for Cloud Site Deployments

Site deployment code is updated to use terraform version v1.3.6. This will help F5 Distributed Cloud Services to use the latest terraform software to provide advanced functionalities. To get the new version of terraform for already deployed Sites, users can do a software upgrade of the Site, and execute terraform apply.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • While using L3 focussed mode feature, if L3 focussed mode is not enabled on all CE Sites in Site Mesh Group, the MTU configured on the Site-to-Site tunnel interfaces will not be consistent. Therefore, it is recommended to enable L3 focussed performance mode on all Sites participating in Site Mesh Group.

  • Remove accept-encoding header in compression feature is not working. A workaround is to add Remove Request Header to remove accept-encoding header to be sent to upstream.

  • Argo pod does not come up when Site mode is changed from L7 to L3 or vice-versa. Due to known limitation of DPDK, hugepage reservation may fail. It is recommended to reboot the node to recover from this.

  • On existing CSP deployments, custom tags for objects cannot be added/modified. In CSP deployments, increase of custom tags for objects is only supported for new deployments as tags cannot be added/modified on existing deployments.

  • TLS Coalescing will fail between load balancer with inline certificate and load balancer with explicit certificate object, when their certificate contents do not match, even if the certificate from one of these load balancers have newline at the end and other one does not have. The workaround is to edit the configuration and ensure that both certificates either end with newline or both do not have newline at the end.

  • Secure Mesh Site provisioning fails when bonded Ethernet interfaces are specified before Site is registered. The Secure Mesh Site with bond ethernet interfaces is not yet fully supported. Create the Secure Mesh Site with just the list of bond devices but not the corresponding Ethernet interface configurations. Contact the support team for assistance with provisioning the Site with the bonded interfaces.

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have a different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • DNS load balancer dashboard does not show how many objects are disabled. This capacity will be added as part of the next release. The objects can still be enabled/disabled, and their status is shown in the various lists. Only the dashboard does not reflect the status.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

May 09, 2023

Last Updated: May 09, 2023

New Features
Disable Advertising Azure Spoke VNET Routes to Route Server

New configuration option added for Azure VNET Sites with Express Route to disable spoke VNET route advertisement to route server. By default, spoke VNET route advertisement to route server is enabled. On disabling it, routes for Azure spoke VNETs will not be advertised to Azure route server.

Addition of Suggest Values for VPC IDs in Enhanced Firewall Policy

Enhanced firewall policy object on Console is enhanced to show list of VPCs to select. This is when selecting the source or destination filter as part of the custom rule.

General Availability of Synthetic Monitoring

This release includes the general availability of Synthetic Monitoring as part of Observability. For more information, see the Synthetic Monitoring guide.

Enhanced Dashboards for Multi-Cloud Network Connect

The Multi-Cloud Network Connect service is updated with rich dashboards for network operators. Network operators can now observe and take action on their multi-cloud network with a dashboard focused each for Networking, Performance, Network Security & Site management.

MTLS Enhancements

Mutual TLS (mTLS) now supports the ability to send client certificate details to origin server in x-forwarded-client-cert (XFCC) request header.

Support UDP 53 port in Advertise policy

Users can now load balance their DNS servers with a UDP load balancer configured on Site on port 53 with a custom VIP.

Enable Edit of HTTP Load Balancer in Standalone Bot Defense Service Card

This release enhances WAAP user experience to edit Bot Defense configuration in F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense service. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Rename of Delegated Access within Administration

The Delegated Access page within the Administration workspace is renamed to Tenant Access. To clarify Delegated Access configuration for Managed Tenants, the Delegated Access menu within the Adminstration workspace is renamed to Tenant Access. Functionality within the Delegated Access workspace is unchanged.

Block SSH and DNS Ports by Default for Cloud Sites

The SSH and DNS ports will be blocked by default on cloud Sites outside network.

F5 Distributed Cloud Console DDoS & Transit Services Self-Service Prefix Advertising

In the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, a DDoS & Transit Services user now will be able to self-serve advertise and revoke their prefixes via GUI or via API. This is in addition to existing Cloud Console functionality which allows portal users to create, delete, and modify their prefixes. Advertising a prefix allows the Always Available users to quickly and easily route their network traffic to F5 DDoS mitigation service during a volumetric DDoS attack. Users can still request the support of F5 SOC if required to advertise their prefixes on their behalf. Users can also self-service to revoke/delete their prefix advertisement once the attack has ceased.

Expand Object Tags for CSP Deployments

In CSP deployments, the number of tags that can be added to objects have been increased to 50. Out of these 50 tags, 10 tags are reserved for internal use, and up to 40 tags can be created by user. This increase of custom tags are available for new CSP deployments.

API Vulnerabilities Detection and Risk Score

API Endpoints Risk Score feature provides users with a comprehensive measure of the risk associated with their API endpoints. The risk score is calculated using a variety of techniques, such as vulnerability discovery, attack impact, business value, attack likelihood, and mitigating controls. Risk score helps users evaluate the potential impact of vulnerabilities or threats to an API endpoint and prioritize efforts to mitigate those risks. You can view the content of the risk score by security posture that appears in the endpoint details of each of the API Endpoints, with instructions and evidence for each vulnerability.

Security Incidents Reporting

Security incidents simplify the investigation of attacks by grouping thousands of events into few incidents based on context and common characteristics. The incidents for HTTP load balancer are seen in the Incidents tab of the Security Analytics page.

OpenAPI Validation

OpenAPI Validation is a new feature that ensures API traffic complies with the specified schema and can block non-compliant traffic. It provides flexibility in validation and control over shadow APIs, allowed IPs, and authentication schemes, improving the security and integrity of the API.

Many issues on the OWASP API Security Top 10 are caused by the lack of input validation. OpenAPI Validation is a solution to enforce protection against such attacks. The validation ensures API traffic complies with the specified schema. Non-compliant traffic can be blocked or reported, improving API security and integrity. Validation can be configured on a per-endpoint, per-group, or per-base-path basis for flexibility. The fall-through mode feature allows identifying and handling shadow APIs by either blocking, reporting, or allowing them. Enforcing authentication schemes improves API security by restricting access to authenticated users before reaching the Origin server.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • On existing CSP deployments, custom tags for objects cannot be added/modified. In CSP deployments, increase of custom tags for objects is only supported for new deployments as tags cannot be added/modified on existing deployments.

  • Secure Mesh Site provisioning fails when tagged Ethernet interfaces are specified before Site is registered. The platform manager generates logical interface for VLAN interfaces in bootstrap configuration during Site bringup when it should not, resulting in the Site provisioning failure. The workaround is to create tagged Ethernet interface after the Site is registered and the provisioning is complete.

  • Secure Mesh Site provisioning fails when bonded Ethernet interfaces are specified before Site is registered. The Secure Mesh Site with bond ethernet interfaces is not yet fully supported. Create the Secure Mesh Site with just the list of bond devices but not the corresponding Ethernet interface configurations. Contact the support team for assistance with provisioning the Site with the bonded interfaces.

  • TLS Coalescing will fail between load balancer with inline certificate and load balancer with explicit certificate object, when their certificate contents do not match, even if the certificate from one of these load balancers have newline at the end and other one does not have. The workaround is to edit the configuration and ensure that both certificates either end with newline or both do not have newline at the end.

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have a different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

  • Whenever the public IP associated with HTTP/HTTPs load balancer is re-configured to have a new public VIP, traffic to the load balancer may fail. In such scenario, user must raise a support case with F5 and F5 support team will resolve the issue.

April 11, 2023

Last Updated: April 11, 2023

New Features
Introducing Multi-Cloud Network Connect and Multi-Cloud App Connect

The Multi-Cloud Network Connect and Multi-Cloud App Connect are introduced as products for Multi-Cloud Networking. In this release, Cloud & Edge sites and Load Balancers tiles are renamed to Multi-Cloud Network Connect and Multi-Cloud App Connect respectively, to align with product rebranding. Also, landing pages for both these offerings are added.

Increased Granularity of Synthetic Monitoring Timeout Thresholds

HTTP(s) and DNS Monitor timeout units have changed from seconds to milliseconds, enabling finer control over alerting thresholds.

Added New Execcli for MPLS Support

This enhacement allows you to access Site CLI and execute execcli mpls command to check MPLS label and correspond entry. Use execcli mpls --help for more help options.

New Targets for Global Log Receiver

This release adds support for New Relic and Sumo Logic as targets for the Global Log Receiver feature. This allows customers using those vendors to send their logs more easily, rather than having to use the Generic HTTPS endpoint.

Support for Summary view of CDN Access Logs

F5 Distributed Cloud CDN now supports the ability to view a summary of CDN Access Logs.

Display Number of DNS Records in the DNS zones Listing

This release introduces possibility to display the number of DNS RR contained in each DNS zone, on the DNS zones listing page. This is done through an additional field named Number of DNS records that can be added as part of the listing.

Discovery of Header, Payload, and Signature Information in JWT

This release introduces ability to discover and analyze headers, payloads, and signatures within JWTs. The discovery capability helps in identifying indicators of compromise, validate signature algorithm, detect user role or user ID, and identify sensitive data in JWT payloads. This can be used to guide remediation efforts to secure the insecure endpoints.

Cookie Tampering Protection

The Application Firewall Cookie Tampering protection prevents attackers from modifying the value of session cookies. This feature can be configured by navigating to HTTP Load Balancer > Web Application Firewall > Cookie Protection section in the load balancers configuration.

API Authentication Types Discovery

This enhancement adds capability that detects the authentication type and its location in the API call. F5 Distributed Cloud services associates this data with the endpoint, and present the information in the endpoint details. New table columnn is created that allows you to filter and sort by authentication state or type. This helps you to quickly identify APIs that require additional security measures.

New Dashboard for Malicious Users

The new Malicious Users page provides a global view of attackers for a specific namespace, along with the ability to obtain specific malicious user details. This page is available in Web App & API Protection service under Overview > Threat Insights.

WAF Signature Staging

Attack Signatures Staging is ability to put new and updated WAF attack signatures in monitoring mode for a period of time. The feature is introduced with this release and can be configured under App Firewall > Detection Settings > Security Policy section.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Cloudflare Connector

Introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Cloudflare Connector. Users will be able to configure the protection through a new Cloudflare Connector type. In addition, users will be able to manage and download the configuration through the Distributed Cloud console. Once the F5 Connector module is deployed on Cloudflare, users will be able to view traffic statistics and security report in the Console dashboard. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Enable Bot Defense Mobile SDK/Base Configuration Direct Access from WAAP Portal

This release enhances WAAP customers to access F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mobile SDK/Base Configuration from WAAP Service directly.

Secure Mesh Sites

Users can now deploy Mesh sites on Edge or DC using a simplified workflow using F5 Distributed Cloud Console. Prior to this release, for deploying Mesh on Edge or DC, users were required to follow complex provisioning workflow. Using Secure Mesh Sites, the deployment of Mesh on Edge or DC is made easy with a simplified workflow in the Console.

Multiple Custom TLS Certficates/Keys per Load Balancer

HTTP and TCP load balancers now support the ability to refer to more than one custom (Bring Your Own) TLS certificate. Users can upload their TLS certificates and intermediate certificate chains to the F5 Distributed Cloud Services platform once and refer those objects from multiple load balancers. This new capability is available under Manage > Certificate Management section of Multi-Cloud App Connect service.

WAAP Scheduled Reports

WAAP Scheduled reports provide the ability to schedule reports (daily, weekly or monthly) and have the WAAP summary results (of one or more namespaces) emailed to the users specified in the user groups. The feature is available under Manage > Reports section of Web App & API Protection service.

Site Topology and Monitoring for Azure VNET Site

This feature now allows user to view detailed site topology for Azure VNet Site - both Standalone VNet and Hub VNet type. Users can view details about VNet, subnets, number of Mesh instances deployed, route tables etc.

Deriving Service Network for Managed K8s Endpoint Discovery Using Namespace

When doing managed K8s endpoint discovery, the virtual network for the endpoint is chosen using namespace. If the service name is used for endpoint discovery, and it has namespace embedded in it, then namespace is picked from service name. Otherwise, it is picked from endpoint object.

Note: Prior to this release, namespace was always picked from endpoint object.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • TLS Coalescing will fail between load balancer with inline certificate and load balancer with explicit certificate object, when their certificate contents do not match, even if the certificate from one of these load balancers have newline at the end and other one does not have. The workaround is to edit the configuration and ensure that both certificates either end with newline or both do not have newline at the end.

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have a different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • L7 DDoS Auto-mitigation does not work when load balancer is advertised in a K8s Site. In this case, the load balancer is accessed via an external load balancer. This will result in source NAT of the traffic. Hence, instead of the true source IP, the translated IP is seen as the src_ip in the logs. Therefore, the created Fast ACL will end up blocking the translated IP. This inturn blocks all incoming traffic to the load balancer.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

March 14, 2023

Last Updated: March 21, 2023

New Features
Custom Error Response Body Support for Request ID

The request_id can be added to the custom error response body of the HTTP load balancer to make troubleshooting easier.

DDoS & Transit Services Management of IP Networks and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs)

In the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, a DDoS & Transit Services user will be able to manage their IP networks and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). The first phase of this functionality offers the following capabilities in the console:

  1. Define ASNs

  2. Define Network Prefixes.

  3. View ASN and Prefix approval status from F5 support.

Note: When a user defines their ASN or Prefix, they will then be reviewed and approved or rejected by F5 Distributed Cloud Services Support. Once approved, the ASN or Prefix is marked as approved in the Console by F5 Distributed Cloud Services Support. In the first phase, it is recommended that users append the ASN number into the alphanumeric ASN description field during ASN creation.

CDN Log Field Updates

The rsp_size field in CDN access logs will report number of bytes sent to the client (header and response body included) instead of only response body.

Customizable TCP Load Balancer Service Policies

TCP load balancer now supports configuration to not apply any service policies or to apply a custom list of service policies. This is in addition to the default behavior of applying the namespace service policies.

Improved Configuration for Malicious User Auto-Mitigation

Auto-mitigation for malicious users can now be configured with ease, by navigating to Common Security Controls > Malicious User Mitigation and Challenges in the HTTP load balancer configuration.

Grouping per Availability Zone in Site Topology for AWS VPC and TGW Sites

This feature enhances the Site topology of AWS VPC and TGW Sites by grouping subnets and instances per availability zone.

Support for Directly Connecting Multiple Interfaces from Different VLANS in PK8s Kubervirt VMs and Pods

This feature supports VMs/Pods hosted on AppStack/PK8s Site to have multiple interfaces each from different VLANs/subnets directly connected to the underlay through the Site Local Outside (SLO) interface. The VMI metrics for each VLAN interface can be viewed from the F5 Distributed Cloud Console.

New Dashboard for Threat Campaigns

The new threat campaigns page provides insights into the full context of the attacker along with their origin (source IP), threat campaign attributes, and description. This page is available in WAAP service under Overview > Threat Insights.

Update to TLS Score Details Link in Synthetic Monitoring

The link to the detailed report for HTTPs monitors in the Synthetic Monitoring service is moved to the footer of the Global Summary bar.

API Groups - Club Your Multiple APIs

The API Group functionality is added to the API Management menu in the WAAP service in F5 Distributed Cloud Console. This feature allows you to group APIs together, making it easier to manage security policies across multiple APIs.

Support VM Export on PK8s

This feature supports creating a snapshot of VMs hosted on Appstack/PK8s enabling VM exports.

Introducing Enhanced Firewall Policy for cloud sites and app stack site

Enhanced firewall policy enables user to create network level policies. User can write source and destination match rules based on label selectors (selecting multiple sources or destination based on AWS VPC level tags), VPC IDs, IP prefix, and IP prefix set objects. The supported action could be to allow, deny, and insert an external service.

Note: The PAN VM Series Firewall Provider is the only external service type supported.

Enhance Client-Side Defense Reporting for F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP

WAAP users can now use the enhanced dashboard experience to view statistics and detection report for Client-Side Defense and have a navigation redirection link in between individual HTTP Load Balancer and standalone dashboard. For more information, see Client-Side Defense.

Improved WAF Exclusion rules

WAF exclusion rules now support additional match criteria such as cookie, query parameter, header, etc. These help creating granular exclusion criteria.

DDoS & Transit Services Tunnel Management

In the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, a DDoS & Transit Services user will be able to create, read, update, and delete and view status of their GRE Tunnel interfaces. This first phase of this functionality offers the following capabilities in the console:

  1. Create, Read, Update, and Delete GRE Tunnels
  2. GRE Tunnel Health Status monitoring.

Note: When a new tunnel is added via the portal, it will have an initial inactive state which will change to active once tunnel provisioning is completed.

Announcing Slow DDoS Protection

HTTP load balancer now supports configuration to protect origin servers against Slow POST and Slowloris attacks. The configuration is available at DoS Protection > Slow DDoS Mitigation in the HTTP load balancer configuration.

Site Topology for AWS VPC Site

This feature now allows user to view detailed Site topology for AWS VPC Site. Users can view details about VPC, subnets, number of Mesh instances deployed, route tables, etc.

Service Insertion of Next-Generation Palo Alto VM-Series Firewall with AWS Transit Gateway Site

This feature allows user to deploy Palo Alto Next-Generation Firewall (VM-Series) in AWS Transit Gateway Site (Services VPC) and create enhanced firewall policies to steer traffic to PAN FW. The traffic is steered from mesh instances to PAN instances using GENEVE. There are added monitoring and visibility capabilities for health of service and network traffic.

Support for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)

F5 Distributed Cloud DNS now supports IDN (Internalization Domain Names), which allows creating internet domain name containing labels displayed in non-latin script or alphabet.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have a different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • L7 DDoS Auto-mitigation does not work when load balancer is advertised in a K8s Site. In this case, the load balancer is accessed via an external load balancer. This will result in source NAT of the traffic. Hence, instead of the true source IP, the translated IP is seen as the src_ip in the logs. Therefore, the created Fast ACL will end up blocking the translated IP. This inturn blocks all incoming traffic to the load balancer.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

February 14, 2023

Last Updated: February 14, 2023

New Features
Clearer Indication of No Data State for New Monitors and Regions Added to Existing Monitor

When viewing monitor detail page in Synthetic Monitoring, the Availability chart now indicates if no health history data existed for the selected time window. This is especially useful when viewing the monitor details page immediately after creating a monitor or adding a region to an existing monitor.

Additional Validation when Using Automatic Certificates

Validation is now performed across multiple load balancers to ensure that certificates can be issued without incurring issuance errors. As an example, if exists on one load balancer and a certificate has been issued, the system will no longer accept a competing domain such as * to exist on a different load balancer with automatic certificates.

CDN Request Logs Available for Previous 7 days in Console

For performance reasons, the CDN Request Logs functionality in the F5 Distributed Cloud Console now supports a time window selection of the previous 7 days and a 24-hour selection range. Previously supported time window selection was the past 31 days. This change brings the CDN Request Log functionality in line with the HTTP load balancer request log functionality.

Roles Added for Synthetic Monitoring Service.

Three new roles were created for the Synthetic Monitoring service: f5xc-synthetic-monitor-admin, f5xc-synthetic-monitor-user, and f5xc-synthetic-monitor-monitor.

Announcing GraphQL Inspection

F5 Distributed Cloud App Firewall now supports inspection of GraphQL requests for attacks. The settings for the feature can be configured in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) section of the HTTP load balancer configuration.

CDI - Enable Efficient Cloning

The Containerized Data Importer (CDI) and Kubevirt is able to utilize extended features of the storage interface to create clones of volumes efficiently.

Introduction of Cookie Protection

Cookie Protection provides the ability to modify response cookies by adding SameSite, Secure, and Http Only attributes.

Disable WAF per Route

Routes now support the ability to disable App Firewall (WAF) in addition to inheriting App Firewall and enabling WAF settings. This feature is available under HTTP Load Balancer > Routes > Advanced Options > Security section.

Support for HPE Alletra 6030

Added support for HPE Alletra 6030 as external storage for the Customer Edge (CE) Site. Users can select HPE as a storage device while creating an App Stack Site on the Console. It is assumed to support expandable volumes and does not require additional software development from F5 Distributed Cloud Services.

HTTP Load Balancer Support for Direct Advertisement on Internet for Cloud Site

HTTP load balancer custom advertise policy now supports a new network type Outside Network with Internet VIP and Inside and Outside Network with Internet VIP for AWS cloud Sites which triggers creation of AWS network load balancer of type external. Users are provided with the CNAME per AWS Site in the DNS Info link on the HTTP load balancer configuration page. Using the CNAME, user can configure their respective DNS to attract traffic for the respective domain name.

Improved Observability for WAAP Service

Dashboards and pages in the WAAP service (expect Requests and API Endpoints pages) now support ability to select last 7, 14, or 30 days in the date time range picker.

Layer 3 Mode Enhanced Performance

AWS, Azure, and GCP Sites allow selecting performance enhancement mode to optimise for Layer 3 or Layer 7 networking. By default, all Sites are optimised for L7 processing. User can select site optimised for L3 traffic processing and then, majority of computing resources are allocated to L3 packet processing.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Layer 3 Performance Mode in Azure is supported only for default D flavours (for example, Standard_D5_v2). Azure flavours have different number of CPU NUMA nodes. The B flavours have 1 NUMA node and D flavour has 2 NUMA nodes. The current release is optimised only for D flavours to achieve the best performance.

  • AWS Site destroy fails, if Site has Internet VIP enabled and HTTP load balancer with Internet VIP network type.

  • Automatic certificates are not supported with domains and wildcard domains split across multiple load balancers. There is a currently an issue where validation does not prevent an unsupported configuration when using automatic certificates. Multiple load balancers cannot be used with automatic certificates. For example, the Console allows * and on separate load balancers with automatic certificates. However, this configuration is not supported and the certificates will not be issued. Validation will be added to prevent this configuration.

  • L7 DDoS Auto-mitigation does not work when load balancer is advertised in a K8s Site. In this case, the load balancer is accessed via an external load balancer. This will result in source NAT of the traffic. Hence, instead of the true source IP, the translated IP is seen as the src_ip in the logs. Therefore, the created Fast ACL will end up blocking the translated IP. This inturn blocks all incoming traffic to the load balancer.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

January 17, 2023

Last Updated: February 14, 2023

New Features
Resolution of Namespace-Based Labels

Resolution of namespace label was broken because of which, ACL using these labels does not get resolved and in turn, policy does not work. This issue is resolved.

Deprecation of the Valid Response Codes Field in Synthetic Monitoring Service API

When using the Synthetic Monitoring service API, the deprecated field Valid Response Codes should no longer be used; the Response Codes field should be used instead.

TGW Site Support for VIP Port Options

TGW Site support for Outside VIP port and Inside VIP port options is introduced. This will be used to attract ingress traffic coming to the F5 Distributed Cloud Site from the cloud load balancers.

CDN – Origin Request Timeout

CDN Distribution Origin Request Timeout is now configurable with a default value of 60s (previously 180s). Customers should re-check their CDN Distributions and set correct values.

Setting of Latitudes and Longitudes at Site Creation

In case of Cloud Sites, the latitudes and longitudes are automatically set as soon as the site is created, instead of waiting till the site is deployed.

Downstream Connection Idle Timeout Configuration Support

HTTP loadbalancer can be programmed with idle timeout for downstream connections. If there are no active requests in the configured idle timeout period, the connection will be closed. This can be configured for HTTP loadbalancer of type HTTPS Proxy.

Updates to F5 Distributed Cloud Node Onboarding CLI

Updated default language and settings during the local Site onboarding shell (VPM).

HTTP Protocol Configuration with ALPN Negotiation Support in Origin Pool

The Automatic setting when selected, allows switching of HTTP protocol. The configuration is available in Other settings section of the Origin Pool.

New and Improved Analytics Capabilities for API Protection

The API Endpoints dashboard is enhanced with new widgets which provide a summary of top attacked APIs, sensitive data types detected, total API calls by response codes, and most active APIs by traffic observed. Ability to filter the dashboard by one or more domains is introduced. Two new columns Domains and Sensitive Data are added to the tabular view along with a new date time picker.

New Inside Route Table for AWS Site with Two Interfaces

For any AWS Site with two interfaces, a new inside route table will be created and all the inside subnets will be associated with it. In case of direct connect enabled site, the VGW will also propagate the route to this route table.

CDN - TLS v1.3 Support

CDN Distributions now offer TLS v1.3 support. With this addition, the F5 Distributed Cloud Services CDN offers the highest level of security and performance available.

Kubernetes 1.23

F5 Distributed Cloud Services released new Kubernetes main version 1.23.x. It automatically upgrades all Sites to this version via software upgrade.

Announcing Request Constraints

Request constraints define the validation criteria for incoming requests by enforcing size limits on HTTP request attributes. The requests that have fields larger than the specified maximums are denied. Properly configured limits mitigate buffer overflow exploits, preventing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Request constraints can be configured with a service policy custom rule.

New Alert for TLS Custom Certificate

A new alert for TLS Custom certificate expiration is introduced.

Update to CDN Maximum Object Size

The file size limit for the F5 Distributed Cloud Services CDN service is increased. This change will allow users to upload and serve larger digital files.

CDN – Request Logs

CDN performance dashboard now shows CDN distribution request logs.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mesh Connector Endpoint Tagging with Flow Labels

This release introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense protected endpoint tagging with flow labels for WAAP through an HTTP Load Balancer. You will be able to configure flow labels as preview in this release. The endpoint and flow reporting in the security dashboard will be available in the subsequent releases. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Kubernetes Certificate Renew Process Update

Certificates are rotated only on software upgrade. Previously it was automatic, now user is introduced with the option to update it with software upgrades.

Enhanced Multiple Interface Support for PK8s Kubevirt VMs.

Pk8s Kubevirt VMs now support multiple interfaces, each from different subnets to directly connect to specific VLANs in the underlay. This feature supports AppStack/PK8s Site Kubevirt VMs to have multiple interfaces each from different subnets connected to different VLANs in the underlay and gets IP addresses allocated for those respective VLAN interfaces via external DHCP server. VMI metrics for each VLAN interface can be viewed in the Console.

Cloud Sites Upgrade Notification

After any cloud Site is upgraded, there is an updated notification which will pop up. The notification will guide user to re-apply the site after the upgrade is successful.

AWS Site Direct Connect - Support for Hosted VIFs from 4 Different Regions

AWS Site Direct Connect Configuration is enhanced to support hosted VIFs from 4 different regions. The region may be the same region as that of the Site.

Auto Mitigation for Application Layer DDoS Attacks (L7)

The Layer 7 (L7) DDoS feature based on Machine Learning (ML) now supports auto mitigation mechanism. The configuration is available under DDoS detection in DOS protection section of HTTP load balancer.

Removing Services VPN Connection from TGW (AWS resource) to AWS TGW Site

For any existing Site/new Site, F5 Distributed Cloud Services will remove the services VPN connection (Site-to-Site connection) from TGW (AWS resource) to AWS TGW Site. For existing Site, upgrade to the latest version of the Site and re-apply the AWS TGW Site.

Enable WAAP Customers to Use Standalone Bot Defense Service Card

This release enhances WAAP customers experience to use F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense service. You will be able to view the Bot Defense configuration for HTTP load balancers under the Application panel (Mesh Connector type for WAAP) in the Bot Defense Service Card. WAAP customers will be able to view the enhanced Bot Defense security dashboard and have a navigation redirection link in between individual HTTP Load Balancer and standalone dashboard. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Enable Private Connectivity Including Registration with Backbone for Cloud Sites utilizing CSP Private Link Solutions

This feature enables any Cloud Sites configured with a CSP provided private link solution such as AWS DirectConnect (Hosted VIF option only) and Azure ExpressRoute. The following are supported:

  • Register the Cloud Site privately with the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Backbone (REs)
  • Establish SSL tunnels between Customer Edge (CE) and Regional Edge (RE) over these private links and not be exposed to the internet. This enables customers to connect any cloud and on-premise locations privately & securely using F5 Distributed Cloud.
Upgrade of Envoy to 1.22.5

Envoy is upgraded to stable version 1.22.5 based on Envoy Upstream codebase, from version 1.12.7. All features will continue to work as they were.

AWS VPC Site UI Enhancement to Suggest Only AWS Credentials

In case of AWS VPC Site, the UI will suggest AWS credentials only.

Increased Limit for Configurable Cloud Tags

In case of cloud Site, configurable cloud tags limit is increased to 10.

New Attack Types and Violations in App Firewall

The following are introduced in App Firewall:

The four new violations are added:


Two new attack types added:

  • Remote file include
  • Malicious file upload

Note: These attack types and violations are enabled by default in App Firewall policy.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Terraform apply fails on pre-existing AWS TGW site object that is in destroyed state. Workaround is to update the site object and apply terraform.

  • AWS Site Direct Connect: Status not generated for Site with multiple hosted VIFs in region different to that of the Site.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

December 06, 2022

Last Updated: December 06, 2022

New Features
Site Management
External Services Configuration to Show valid list of Availability Zones

While configuring the external service nodes, the UI will only show the list of AZs where the AWS TGW Site is deployed.

Soft Restart Support to Restart All Components.

The new soft restart implementation provides ability to restart all software components instead of just limited subset of core components.

Enhancements for Synthetic Monitoring API.

F5 Distributed Cloud Observability service has improved the design of the API for Synthetic Monitoring by replacing the nested field valid_response_codes with the un-nested field response_codes.

Ignore Case of Server Name Indication (SNI) of Incoming Requests during Match

If SNI in the TLS packets of incoming requests is not in the lower case, TLS handshake fails and consequently request also fails. With this enhancement, the load balancer performs case-insensitive comparison of SNI of the incoming request with the configured SNI. As a result, incoming TLS handshakes will not fail if the SNI in the incoming requests differs only in the case.

Configuration was not Updated on VER

Issue while handling mastership change resulting in configuration update being blocked is resolved.

Improved Rate limiting Rules

Rate limiting rules now support new fields such as IP address, Country, and ASN for defining the request match criteria.

Log Collection in Offline Survivability

Log Collection in offline survivability stores 5 minutes or 8 MB of logs, after that time, some logs are going to be dropped. When logs get filled there can be occasionally crashes of fluentbit component.

New User Identifiers

This feature adds support for Client Country, Client Region, and Client City as user identifiers.

Delegated Access

This release allows one organization to “Delegate Access” to their tenant to users from another tenant and easily allow users from the second tenant to manage configuration in side the first organization's tenant.

OpenAPI Specification Enhancement

This release enhances Open API specification to include more learnt information for discovered Application API. The API Discovery feature allows downloading of generated OpenAPI Specification based on analyzed traffic per application. The OpenAPI Specification is extended to include application domains; request content-types and headers; detected response codes. The specification can be downloaded from Application Security Dashboard > API Endpoints tab.

Enhanced PII Detection in API Discovery

The Personal Identifiable Information (PII) detection capability is enhanced to detect Credit Card Number, US Social Security Number, Email, and Password for API requests and responses. The PII is detected for JSON and x-www-form-urlencoded formats, and can be monitored by navigating to API Endpoints > API Endpoint Details,

Offline Survivability Support for DC Cluster Group

With Site Offline Survivability enabled, a site continues to function with existing configuration even when it has lost its connectivity to Regional Edge (RE) Site. A Local Control Plane is implemented in a site when this is enabled, so local traffic load balancing for this site continues to work. Also, if two or more sites (having this feature enabled) are part of DC Cluster group, load balancing across local and remote endpoints in CE Sites continues to work as well, even when connectivity with the RE is lost.

With offline survivability, a site can continue to function as is with existing configuration for upto 7 days, even when the site is offline. The certificates needed to keep the services running on this site are signed using a local CA. Secrets would also be cached locally to handle the connectivity loss. When this feature is enabled/disabled on an existing site, the pods/services on this site will be restarted. If a site is running in offline state, it would not be able to communicate with REs (even if there is connectivity). Site would resume communication with REs/GC as soon as connectivity to GC is restored. A Local Control Plane is implemented in a CE site with this feature. So when a site loses its connectivity to RE, the local site load-balancing continues to work. If two or more such sites are in a DC Cluster Group (SLO/SLI), when a site loses its connectivity to RE, the load-balancing across local and remote endpoints continue to work.

New Alert for TLS Automatic Certificate

A new alert for TLS Automatic certificate renewal failure is introduced. The alert can be configured in alert policy rules.

Advertise Virtual IP or Endpoint Over Private Virtual Network

This feature allows advertising application virtual IP (VIP) or application endpoints over a private virtual network (known as private ADN network). When a customer on-premises location or Data Center is connected to F5 Distributed Cloud Global Backbone using Regional Edge (RE) site, the customer's on-premises network is mapped as a private virtual network on the RE site. The users or applications on this on-premises network needs access to applications residing on other cloud or edge sites. With this feature, the application's VIP or endpoint can be advertised into the private virtual network, thereby providing access across clouds.

Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) Protection

This release introduces the CSRF protection, enabling protection for your applications against CSRF attacks. This feature can be configured within the Web Application Firewall section in the HTTP Load balancer.

Ability to Exclude WAF Processing on One or More Paths

WAF exclusion rules now provide the ability to skip WAF processing on a path. This provides the flexibility for users to skip (disable) WAF on one or more paths.

DNS Load Balancer

Customers can now use F5 DNS Load Balancer (known as GSLB) as part of the F5 Distributed Cloud Services, allowing to improve the performance and availability of global applications by sending users to the closest or fastest endpoint. The DNSLB leverages F5 Distributed Cloud Anti-DDoS and Anycast architecture to distribute DNS delivery globally.

Ingress Support for Managed K8s

All Kubernetes distributions use an API object called Ingress to manage external access to the services in a cluster. This object describes the way to terminate the Layer 7 request from the client (HTTP/HTTPs), and apply host and path-based routing policies. An ingress controller is responsible for fulfilling and enforcing what the ingress describes, usually with a load balancer.

New Namespace-level Security and Performance Dashboards

Security and Performance Dashboards are introduced with a new set of features dedicated to the following:

  • Identifying, analyzing, and blocking attack activity against web applications and APIs
  • Identifying and analyzing the performance and health of applications
UX Enhancements when Blindfolding a Secret

The F5 Distributed Cloud Console has improved presentation when blindfolding secrets.

UX Enhancements to Configuration Forms

The F5 Distributed Cloud Console has introduced improved presentation across various forms. The "View Configuration" and "Clone" operations are now available for shared resources in application namespaces.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, updates to a monitor via API require the valid_response_codes and response_codes sections to be in sync.

  • NGINX Management Suite APIs deployments, agent-certs, and subscription are not supported for usage in the F5 Distributed Cloud Services Platform.

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, newly added regions may not display in the Availability chart temporarily. After adding another region(s) to an existing Synthetic Monitor, that region(s) may not be displayed on the Availability chart, depending on the selected time window (e.g. Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, Last 7 days). Once the monitor has run for a period of time long enough for the selected time window step size, the region(s) will show.

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, Global and Regional health event timestamps may differ slightly. As the Global monitor derives health from its Regional monitors, there may be a slight mismatch in health event timestamps.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

November 01, 2022

Last Updated: November 08, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Kubernetes 1.22

This release introduces support for Kubernetes main version 1.22.x. The F5 Distributed Cloud Services automatically upgrade all sites to this version via software upgrade.

Ability to Purge Orphaned Containers through CLI

This release adds the ability to purge orphaned containers through the Site Command Line Interface (CLI).

Disallow of Duplicate CDN Origins in Different Tenants

Duplicate origins were allowed in CDN Distributions across different tenants. This would lead to the CDN Distribution remaining in Pending status and not transitioning to an active CDN Distribution. Validation is added to prevent duplicated origins.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense AWS CloudFront Connector

Introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense AWS CloudFront Connector. Users will be able to configure the protection through a new AWS CloudFront Connector type. In addition users will be able to manage and download the configuration through the Distributed Cloud console. Users will access AWS Console to deploy the F5 Lambda@Edge Connector module for CloudFront via the Serverless Application Repository(SAR). Once it is completed, users will be able to view traffic statistics and security report in the Console dashboard. For more information, see Bot Defense.

CDN Cache Options Enhancement

Cache TTL has changed to "Cache Options". A new Cache Setting to "Disable Cache" has been added. This option will disable caching by the CDN service. When caching is disabled, the x-cache-status header will show BYPASS.

HTTP Expected Status Codes Support on Health Check Object

This feature supports the user in specifying a list of HTTP response status codes to be considered healthy. To use this feature, user can configure the list of expected status codes in HTTP Health Check Parameters. If this field is configured, the configured status codes are used to determine health status rather than the default status code.

Logs Streaming Enhancements

This release adds the ability to send logs to Kafka receivers and AWS Cloud Watch receivers, allowing to cover a broader set of targets. It is now also supported to send Audit Logs. Users can select between Request Logs, Audit Logs, and Security Events.

Rule Exclusion for API Security Events Triggered by WAF Signatures

API security events can be triggered by detecting a WAF signature of type "information leakage" in the transaction's response. Detecting this kind of signature will trigger the API Security event with "sec_event_name":"App Security Misconfiguration". All detected signatures will be visible in the event's details in the event page. If users decide this is not an API security event (false positive), or for any other reason, users can set an exclusion rule for this detected signature and avoid future events on this signature.

Note: This exclusion mechanism is already supported for WAF events and now the support is extended to API security events.

Customer Tenant Access for Support Team

The support team by default has read and write access to all namespaces on all customer tenants. Customer can now change the level of access of the support team to read-only access to all namespaces or read-and-write access to all namespaces or read-and-write access to selected namespaces.

App Infrastructure Protection Service

This release introduces the App Infrastructure Service for cloud workload protection, which delivers deep telemetry and high-efficacy intrusion detection for cloud-native workloads.

Analyze and Generate Response Payload Schema in API Discovery

The API Discovery mechanism is extended to learn responses payload schema. The discovered schema and response examples are presented per path and method in API Endpoints dashboard and in downloaded swagger. Currently, 2XX/3XX JSON and form-urlencoded responses are analyzed.

External Service Object Deletion after Cloud Resources Deletion

When user initiates delete of external service object, the actual object deletion takes few minutes as it waits for cloud resources to be deleted.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Scheduled Threat Briefing Report

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense users now will receive monthly scheduled threat briefing report through email. Users can enable and disable this email report through Manage Application page. By default, this feature is enabled for all subscribed bot defense customers.

Site Offline Survivability

With Customer Edge (CE) Site Offline Survivability enabled, a site continues to function with existing configuration even when it has lost its connectivity to Regional Edge (RE) Site. A Local Control Plane is implemented in a site when this is enabled, so local traffic load balancing for this site continues to work. Also, if two or more sites (having this feature enabled) are part of Site Mesh Group (Full Mesh), load balancing across local and remote endpoints in CE Sites continues to work as well, even when connectivity with the RE is lost.

With offline survivability, a site can continue to function as is with existing configuration for upto 7 days, even when the site is offline. The certificates needed to keep the services running on this site are signed using a local Certificate Authority (CA). Secrets would also be cached locally to handle the connectivity loss. When this feature is enabled/disabled on an existing site, the pods/services on this site will be restarted. If a site is running in offline state, it would not be able to communicate with REs (even if there is connectivity). The Site resumes communication with REs and Global Controller (GC) as soon as connectivity to GC is restored.

Azure Vnet Site Support Connecting to Azure Express Route Circuit

Azure Vnet Site in a Hub VNET mode now supports multiple connection to express route circuit.

Enhancements to CDN Dashboard Page

CDN Dashboard shows a country map widget that displays the country that visitors are coming from. CDN Dashboard shows the Top 5 countries that are visitors are coming from.

Enhancements to Date & Time Selection for HTTP Load Balancer Security & Performance Monitoring

The custom selection in date and time picker for following HTTP Load Balancer Monitoring pages provides the ability to select maximum 24 hrs in the last 30 days.

  • Overview dashboard
  • Security dashboard
  • Performance dashboard
  • Malicious Users
  • DDOS
  • Security events
  • Alerts
  • Bot Defense
  • Metrics
  • Errors
  • Origin Servers
  • Traffic
User Experience(UX) Enhancements for Monitoring Pages

The brush component is replaced with Pan and Zoom component in the charts, for all monitoring pages, to simplify ease of use while viewing and investigating of logs.

Enhancement to Audit Log APIs to Extend Maximum Query Duration

Maximum query duration for audit log APIs is extended from 24 hours to 30 days. In the F5 Distributed Cloud Console, the custom selection in date and time picker for Audit Logs page provides the ability to select any duration in the last 30 days.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense 30 days Time Range Selection Support

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense users now can select up to 30 days data range on Dashboard page and Traffic Overview page.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, newly added regions may not display in the Availability chart temporarily. After adding another region(s) to an existing Synthetic Monitor, that region(s) may not be displayed on the Availability chart, depending on the selected time window (e.g. Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, Last 7 days). Once the monitor has run for a period of time long enough for the selected time window step size, the region(s) will show.

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, Global and Regional health event timestamps may differ slightly. As the Global monitor derives health from its Regional monitors, there may be a slight mismatch in health event timestamps.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • Azure Vnet Peering with auto routing should only be enabled for spoke vnets without custom route table attached to subnets. User can enable custom routing option for spoke vnets with existing route table attached to subnet on the spoke net.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

September 27, 2022

Last Updated: September 27, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Extend Site Local CLI with Debugging Options

This release adds execcli subcommand, which provides options to provide advanced debug operations like dropstats, nh, systemctl-restart-kubelet, systemctl-restart-docker, systemctl-restart-vpm, vif, rt, flow, journalctl, curl-host, edit-etc-hosts, etc.

Enhancements when Using CDN and WAF in Series

When using WAF as a CDN Distribution's origin, the WAF protected origin would occasionally respond with a set-cookie header and cause a cache miss on corresponding requests.

Logs Streaming enhancements

This release adds the ability to send Security Events and option to select between Request Logs and Security Events for streaming. This allows customers to send Security Events to the monitoring systems (such as SIEM systems) so that those events can be processed by those systems.

Note: The supported targets are the same as for Request Logs (AWS S3, Datadog, Splunk, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Event Hubs, and Generic HTTPS Endpoint). Security Events are sent in the same format (JSON) as Request Logs.

Removal of Skip IP Reputation Option from Service Policy Rule

The Skip IP Reputation functionality is removed from Service policy custom rule in Action section. To bypass IP Reputation feature for one or more IP addresses, the Trusted Client Rules feature should be used. The Trusted Client functionality is available in the Common Security Controls section of HTTP Load Balancer.

Replace Query Parameters for Redirect Requests

The redirect route configuration is enhanced to replace query parameters of incoming requests with user specified values.

Note: Before this release, the redirect route configuration only supported removing or retaining the query parameters of incoming request.

Delay Deletion of Endpoints Discovered via vk8s Service Discovery.

When endpoints discovered via vk8s service discovery are getting deleted, they are marked with lower priority in data-path for short duration. Newly discovered endpoints are programmed with higher priority. The old endpoints programmed with lower priority will be removed after short duration. This will ensure that traffic will always go to new discovered endpoints when they are available and minimize traffic drops.

Improved Navigation for WAAP Features in HTTP Load Balancer

The security configuration section has been enhanced to highlight the different features of WAAP to simplify onboarding and enablement of security features for users. The WAF, Bot Protection, API Protection, Dos Protection, Client Side Defense, and Common Security Controls sections now simplify and highlight the various WAAP features.

Note: The enhancement is supported with API backward compatibility.

Enabling support for Containerised Data Importer for Kubevirt

DataVolumes are a way to automate importing virtual machine disks onto PVCs during the virtual machine's launch flow. Without using a DataVolume, users have to prepare a PVC with a disk image before assigning it to a VM or VMI manifest. With a DataVolume, both the PVC creation and import is automated on behalf of the user. A DataVolume is a custom resource provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. KubeVirt integrates with CDI in order to provide users a workflow for dynamically creating PVCs and importing data into those PVCs.

Note: In order to take advantage of the DataVolume volume source on a VM or VMI, CDI must be installed.

Enhancements to Service Policy Blocking Page

Service policy blocking page shows the request ID. This provides the ability to search for the blocked request in the security events page and view the details and reason for blocking.

Note: The Support ID value displayed in the blocking page is the request ID.

New Capability to Enable App Firewall Policy per Route

A simple route matches on a path and/or HTTP method and forwards the matching requests to one or more origin pools. Users now have the ability to configure an App Firewall policy per simple route.

Ability to Identify the Real Client IP Address with Trusted Client IP Headers

Trusted Client IP Headers feature provides the ability to identify the real client IP address, that initiated the connection to the platform, as the source IP, from the configured http headers, when there are one or more proxies between the real client and the distributed cloud platform.

Security events and request logs will show this extracted IP address from the HTTP headers as the source IP, when this feature is enabled.

Support for Discovery of Services without Specifying Port

During service discovery, port of the service was required to be specified. This release introduces automatic port option where specifying port is not mandatory. When this automatic port option is specified for K8S service discovery, the service will be discovered in port 80 or 443 depending on whether TLS is configured in Origin Pool. For Consul discovery, all the services matching the name will be discovered. When there are multiple ports for Consul service, all of them will be discovered with one endpoint for each unique port.

Application Misconfiguration Detection (OWASP API Security 7 - Security Misconfiguration)

Users may misconfigure their application, which may result in application information leakage to an attacker. A new detection capability for information leakage has been added to identity this scenario. In case of information leakage detection, an API security event is triggered in the Security events page with Event Name as App Security Misconfiguration. This security event will be triggered when WAF is enabled on the HTTP Load Balancer. See App Firewall for more information on App Firewall.

Enable Client-Side Defense for F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP

F5 Distributed Cloud Mesh Connector now supports automatic JavaScript injection for Client-Side Defense to enable new add-on protection for WAAP users. Client-Side Defense users will have an enhanced self-serving onboarding alternative to leverage native JavaScript injection. Users can configure Client-Side Defense JavaScript injection through an HTTP Load Balancer and define the protected domains still through the Client-Side Defense Service card. Users will be able to view statistics and detection report in the Client-Side Defense Service dashboard. For more information, see Client-Side Defense.

TLS Support on TCP Load Balancer

This release introduces TLS support for TCP Load Balancer. To use this feature, user can pick TLS type or TLS with autocert option in newly added loadbalancer_type property.

Detect Users Sending High Number of Requests to Non-Existing URLs (OWASP API Security 1- Broken Object Level Authorization)

Attackers can exploit API endpoints that are vulnerable to Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA) by manipulating the ID of an object that is sent within the request. This may lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data. In many cases attacker sends requests to multiple non-existent URLs trying to discover unprotected resources. Malicious Users feature detection mechanism is enhanced to identify and flag such scenarios.

System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM)

SCIM is a standard protocol for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains and IT systems. This feature simplifies organisations in managing their employees On-boarding / Off-boarding from F5 Distributed Cloud Console and also managing the roles.

The SCIM feature simplifies user acccess management for organisations. This release adds the SCIM support for Azure AD.

Header Transformation Support on Origin Pool

A new feature that provides the ability to normalize the headers of the upstream requests, has been added. To use this feature, the user can enable header transformation options present under advanced options of Origin Pool configuration.

Synthetic Monitoring Feature as Part of the New Observability Service

This release introduces the Synthetic Monitoring feature for Observability. For more information, see Synthetic Monitoring guide.

Enhancements for API Endpoints page.

The enhancements include refresh and auto-refresh capabilities, ability to filter items in the Table tab, and a new tooltip for Security Events column.

Note: The new tooltip in the security events column provides details for the values in that column.

Attack Activity Insights for HTTP Load Balancer Security Dashboard

The following capabilities are added to Security Dashboard:

  • Ability to filter dashboard metrics per domain
  • Global filter for the dashboard widgets
  • Security Events by Type widget
  • Top Attack Sources widget
  • Top Attacked Domain/Path widget
  • Top Attacked API Endpoints widget
  • Top Attacks by Violations widget
  • Top Attacks by Threat Campaigns widget
  • Domains filter to view stats per domain
  • Global filter for metrics in the dashboard

The Recent Security Events widget is removed.

Improved Attacks Investigation with Forensics

Forensics provides an intuitive approach to investigate attacks and take relevant actions. More than 25 metrics are supported that provide the ability to slice and dice the security events, along with the ability to view the top values for each metrics along with the percentages.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, a 500 error is returned when a synthetic configuration has a Number of Failed Locations value greater than number of configured External Sources. The workaround is when creating/editing a synthetic monitor, ensure the Number of Failed Locations value is not greater than the number of provider regions under 'External Sources'.

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, newly added regions may not display in the Availability chart temporarily. After adding another region(s) to an existing Synthetic Monitor, that region(s) may not be displayed on the Availability chart, depending on the selected time window (e.g. Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, Last 7 days). Once the monitor has run for a period of time long enough for the selected time window step size, the region(s) will show.

  • In the Synthetic Monitoring service, Global and Regional health event timestamps may differ slightly. As the Global monitor derives health from its Regional monitors, there may be a slight mismatch in health event timestamps.

  • The Synthetic Monitoring service does not support a region down threshold greater than 5. If a monitor has more than 5 regions, entering a value greater than 5 in the region down threshold will cause alerting/global health to not work correctly for a given monitor. Synthetic Monitoring will support "region down thresholds" greater than 5 in an upcoming update.

  • Azure Vnet Peering with auto routing should only be enabled for spoke vnets without custom route table attached to subnets. User can enable custom routing option for spoke vnets with existing route table attached to subnet on the spoke net.

  • CDN distribution domains are limited to 52 characters. Using a CDN distribution domains longer than 52 characters will result in a non-compliant domain name for the service that is not resolvable.

  • The Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove old resource, and it requires deleting resource using the k delete apiservices command.

  • When enabling the AWS Direct Connect on existing AWS VPC Site and AWS TGW Site from the Console, only hosted VIF mode for VIF configuration is allowed in this release. Setting standard VIF mode for VIF configuration is not allowed. However, it can be configured through API or vesctl.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

August 30, 2022

Last Updated: August 30, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Updated Workflow for Cloud Sites

Cloud Site terraform parameters should be applied after the cloud site software upgrade. A message box will pop up after the Cloud Site software upgrade is started, which will ask users to run apply after the site is updated successfully.

AWS Site - Show Imported Routes from VGW

In case of AWS Sites with direct connect enabled, if user selects show direct connect status option, a new field is displayed showing routes imported by the Distributed Cloud dataplane from VGW.

Remove Option to Block Web UI port for Cloud Sites

While configuring "Blocked Services" in cloud sites, the option to chose "Web UI" was present. This option is incorrect as the cloud sites do not have "Web UI". This option is now removed. You can now choose only SSH or DNS.

Bot Defense - Known Good Bot

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense new dashboard is enhanced with known good bot classification.

Assign Custom/Private ASN for AWS Direct Connect Gateway

Custom ASN option enabled while configuring direct connect on AWS Sites.

BGP Passive Mdde Support

BGP can be configured to run in passive mode where it will never initiate a session to the peer. Instead, it will wait for connection to be initiated by peer. By default, BGP is configured in active mode until passive mode is set.

Increased Number of Static Routes per Virtual Network

Number of static routes that can be attached per virtual network is increased to 100.

Logs Streaming Enhancements

This release adds the ability to send logs to Splunk and Datadog receivers, as well as a generic HTTP(s) endpoint, allowing to cover a broader set of targets. It is now also possible to send logs to Azure Blob Storage and Azure Event Hubs. Customers can now select for which application namespaces they want the logs to be sent, and the Shared namespace is also supported.

Site Labels Usage as Labels in Network Policy

Site labels can be added by user in the Site which in turn can be used to define destination and source in network policy. The keys of these labels should be the known_label key.

API Discovery - Generate OpenAPI 3

OpenAPI 3 is introduced to define discovered API endpoints instead of OpenAPI 2 (Swagger). The OpenAPI spec can be retrieved per discovered API endpoint or downloaded for all discovered API endpoints of a specific HTTP Load Balancer.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mesh Connector Web-scraping Protection for WAAP

Introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mesh Connector web-scraping protection for WAAP. Users will be able to configure the protection natively on an HTTP Load Balancer through Bot Defense protected endpoint with either GET(XHR) or GET(Document) HTTP methods(not both). Users will be able to view traffic statistics and security report in the dashboard. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Support Non-SNI Clients when more than one HTTP or TCP LB is Advertised on a Single VIP Address.

When multiple HTTP and/or TCP Load balancers are adverstised on a single VIP address, the load balancer allowed requests only when their Server Name Indication(SNI) matches. This feature introduces concept of default load balancer per Advertise policy. If SNI is missing in the TLS client Hello, default HTTPS LB is selected and certificate of this HTTPS LB is used for TLS session.

Multiple Interfaces Network Support

Appstack/Pk8s site Kubevirt VMs now support multiple interfaces each from different subnets.

Azure VNET to VNET Peering (Hub & Spoke Model)

Azure Vnet Site can now support VNET to VNET peering in a hub and spoke VNET model. Any Azure VNET Site can now be made as Hub VNET and users can give list of azure spoke VNETs which need to be peered. These spoke VNET CIDR routes will be discovered by the Site, and it will route from hub VNET. All spoke VNET to VNET communication will happen via Azure Vnet Site.

Upload File Directly from API Definition

OpenAPI Specification files can be uploaded during HTTP Load Balancer Configuration flow. During HTTP Load Balancer configuration a user can define API Definition of the application by uploading OpenAPI Specification files. This API Definition sets the Inventory of paths and methods for the given HTTP Load Balancer. The Inventory and Discovered API can be monitored in API Endpoints Security dashboard. In addition, the Inventory can be used in suggestions to build API Protection and Rate Limit rules. The flow is improved by allowing to upload OpenAPI files directly during HTTP Load Balancer or API Definition configuration.

F5 Distributed Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN)

This release introduces F5 Distributed Cloud CDN. A CDN is a geographically distributed set of highly efficient servers that cache and deliver static and dynamic content. Users can take advantage of Distributed Cloud CDN to improve application performance and end user experience when delivering apps on Distributed Cloud. Distributed Cloud CDN is available to all users. For more information, see Configure CDN.

Bot Defense: Support Up to 30 days Time Range for Dashboard

Support of time range selection up to 30 days for F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense is enabled.

Connectivity Graph API/UI Support for 30 days of Observability

Following connectivity graph API's now support 30 days of observability data:

  1. api/data/namespaces/<namespace name>/graph/connectivity/edge

  2. api/data/namespaces/<namespace name>/graph/connectivity/node

  3. api/data/namespaces/<namespace name>/graph/connectivity.

Following connectivity graph UI pages now support 30 days of observability data:


Note: It will take 30 days after the upgrade to populate the backend storage with the historical data required to support this functionality. If you make a query for a time range greater than 24 hours before 30 days data is fully populated, you will see that the data is unavailable for the time range before the upgrade. If you narrow down the range using brush over the time range where data is unavailable, you may suddenly see data. This inconsistency will be resolved once backend storage has complete data for 30 days.

Modification of Refresh Button with the Timestamp Value

This release will show Timestamp along with Refresh for Dashboard and other Data Visualisation page.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Kubevirt VM upgrade requires to execute removal of old API resource. When new version of kubevirt v0.54 is deployed, it does not automatically remove the old API resource and requires deleting using the kubectl delete apiservices command.

  • In case the Azure VNET Site deployment is failed with the You have not accepted the legal terms on this subscription... error message, perform the following even if the VM marketplace agreement terms were already accepted:

    • Select correct subscription; Enter the az account set -s <subscription-id> command.
    • In case of Ingress Gateway Site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer volterra-node --plan volterra-node command.
    • In case of Ingress/Egress Gateway site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node_multinic command.
    • In case of App Stack site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node command.
  • When enabling the AWS Direct Connect on existing AWS VPC Site and AWS TGW Site from the Console, only hosted VIF mode for VIF configuration is allowed in this release. Setting standard VIF mode for VIF configuration is not allowed. However, it can be configured through API or vesctl.

  • The global resource hosted VIF acts as a region specifically from AWS terraform provider point of view. Therefore, only attaching VIF from single region is supported for this release.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

August 02, 2022

Last Updated: August 02, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Kubevirt Upgrade v0.54.0

The Kubevirt version v0.54.0 is released. The F5 Distributed Cloud Services automatically upgrades all sites to this version via the software upgrade.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense - Mobile SDK and Base Configuration Management

This release introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense self-serving mobile SDK and base configuration download capability for all Connectors as applicable (Mesh, iApp, and Custom Connectors). Users can download the stable and Long Term Support(LTS) versions of compatible Mobile SDK from the Standalone Bot Defense Service. In addition, users can manage base configuration and access mobile integration guide from the F5 Distributed Cloud Console. For more information, see Bot Defense.

DNSSEC for Primary DNS

This release adds support for DNSSEC in Primary DNS Zone.

Trusted Client Enhancement to Skip IP Reputation Detection for Specific IP

IP reputation database is frequently updated and reputation of any specific IP may change between updates. With this enhancement, you can set trusted client to skip IP reputation check if this IP is misclassified and blocked by IP reputation policy.

Trusted Client Enhancement to Skip Malicious User Detection for Specific User IDs

The enhancement to skip Malicious User Detection for Specific User IDs is introduced. With this, you can create Trusted Client to skip Malicious User detection check and mitigation if this user ID is mistakenly detected and blocked as Malicious User.

Trusted Client Enhancement to Skip API Protection Rules for Specific IP

Trusted Clients can be defined to skip different protection layers, including API Protection. For example, you can define API Protection allowing access to only specific APIs. With this enhancement, you can configure to bypass these rules for specific trusted clients.

App Stack
Support POD Priority Class for Managed K8s

Managed K8s configured with Allow K8s API Access to ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, MutatingWebhookConfiguration, and ValidatingWebhookConfiguration is enhanced to allow you to perform Create, Replace, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on POD Priority Classes denoted with the priorityclasses construct. Users can manage their own classes. However, users cannot delete or modify existing list of priority classes deployed by the F5 Distributed Cloud Services.

The following is the existing list of priority classes:

Existing Priority Classes
          NAME                      VALUE        GLOBAL-DEFAULT    AGE

ares-priority             900000       false            468d
ares1-priority            900000       false            495d
argo-priority             1000000      false            251d
bdbewaf-priority          1000000      false            83d
envoy-priority            1000000      false            251d
etcd-priority             1100000      false            495d
fluentbit-priority        600000       false            495d
frr-priority              1000000      false            251d
ganges-priority           900000       false            13d
gubernator-priority       900000       false            495d
ike-priority              1000000      false            251d
keepalived-priority       1000000      false            251d
obelix-priority           1000000      false            495d
openvpn-priority          1000000      false            251d
opera-priority            1000000      false            495d
phobos1-priority          900000       false            456d
piku-priority             900000       false            495d
pmtud-priority            1000000      false            251d
prometheus-priority       700000       false            495d
sredns-priority           1000000      false            468d
system-cluster-critical   2000000000   false            495d
system-node-critical      2000001000   false            495d
test-priority             1100000      false            16s
ver-priority              1000000      false            495d
voucher-priority          1100000      false            495d
webroot-priority          1000000      false            210d

Support User Application to Access Kube State Metric

This release introduced support for user's application to access kube-state-metric which allows user to scrape the metrics via Kubernetes service kube-state-metrics.kube-system.svc:65031. It is accessible from any namespace/pod in the Site. This feature is enabled by adding ClusterWideApplication called Prometheus.

Note: It also opens the ports to be accessible from the outside of the Site. Therefore, block the ports if your Site is exposed to the Internet.

UX Enhancements - New Configuration Forms

The F5 Distributed Cloud Console User Interface is enhanced with configuration forms with improved presentation and functionalities. This contains layout resizing with change in screen resolution (anything above 1280 px resolution is supported). It contains visual changes for grouping of form components, reference viewing, editing, and mixing of modes within same form. The enhancement also updated left side navigation to provide more information about all steps in reaching a nested level.

Not all objects are enhanced with the improved forms. Only the following objects are enhanced in this release:

Objects with Enhanced UI
DNS Zones
DNS Delegated Domain
Fast ACLs
Workload flavor
App Setting
App Type
K8s Clusters
USB Policy
API Definition
Certificate Revocation List
Rate Limiter
Log Receivers
Global Log Receiver
Alert Receivers
User Identifications
K8s Cluster Role Bindings
Malicious User Mitigation
Bot Defence - Applications
Mobile Base Configs
K8s Cluster Roles
K8s Pod Security Policies


Note: Configuration for enhanced objects does not load the improved form if it is created or updated from a parent object that is not enhanced with the new UI.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • When enabling the AWS Direct Connect on existing AWS VPC Site and AWS TGW Site from the Console, only hosted VIF mode for VIF configuration is allowed in this release. Setting standard VIF mode for VIF configuration is not allowed. However, it can be configured through API or vesctl.

  • The global resource hosted VIF acts as a region specifically from AWS terraform provider point of view. Therefore, only attaching VIF from single region is supported for this release.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

July 05, 2022

Last Updated: July 05, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Support for Multi-Node Site Deployment in a Single AZ

Support for multi-node Site deployment in a single Availability Zone (AZ) is introduced.

Direct Connect Support for AWS VPC Site and AWS TGW Sites

Using Direct Connect Support, users can connect the on-premises data centers to VPC in which F5 Distributed Cloud Sites are hosted. The platform automatically discovers the on-premises datacenter routes advertised by the on-premises router connected to AWS router via direct connect. These routes will be learnt on the inside network of the F5 Distributed Cloud Site. Two modes of direct connect private vif interface are supported.

Note: User must manage the direct connect connection.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Mobile Protection

This release introduces F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense mobile application protection for Mesh Connector through an HTTP Load Balancer, iApp Connector(v3.0.3), and Native Connector for BIG-IP. Users can configure mobile protection natively on an HTTP Load Balancer though Bot Defense configuration and view the mobile traffic in the security dashboard. For BIG-IP users, mobile protection is configured through the iApp or Native Connectors and users can view the mobile traffic in the standalone Bot Defense service dashboard. For more information, see Bot Defense.

API Discovery Enhancement

HTTP Load Balancer API Endpoints dashboard is enhanced to present Inventory, Discovered, and Shadow API for better tracking of approved versus detected API. The Inventory API consists of operations defined in OpenAPI files, imported by a user for a given HTTP Load Balancer. Discovered set includes API with traffic detected during last few days. The Shadow API presents discovered which is not in inventory. User can configure API Protection or Rate Limiting rules for Shadow or other API Endpoints.

User Groups and User Group Roles

This release introduces support for configuring user groups and associated user group roles. For more information, see User Groups and User Group Roles.

Logs Streaming to AWS S3

This release introduces the capability to stream logs from a tenant to an AWS S3 bucket. Customers can have all the logs (sites, HTTP load balancers, etc.) sent to an AWS S3 bucket, allowing for an easy integration with SIEM solutions.

Note: Streaming of logs is only available for Organization plans.

Change to Logs Retention Period

The retention period for the logs is changed to 7 days. This change only applies to logs. The other events displayed in the dashboard (events, incidents, etc.) can be viewed up to 30 days back, with a 24 hours interval.

Support Site Mesh Group for AWS TGW Site

This release introduces support for Site Mesh Group connection type. Connection type can be privateIp or publicIp.

Service Discovery from Selective K8S/Consul Clusters in a Single Site.

When service discovery is configured on a given site, it discovers services from all the K8S/Consul clusters on the site by default. With the introduction of cluster-identifier configuration, users can assign an identifier for each K8S/Consul cluster. This allows users to control service discovery from one or more clusters thereby allowing service to be discovered from only subset of clusters on a given site.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • The Bot Defense does not function correctly when hash policy is enabled on load balancer (for example, source IP stickiness). As workaround, disable hash policy on the load balancer.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

  • In case the Azure VNET Site deployment is failed with the You have not accepted the legal terms on this subscription... error message, perform the following even if the VM marketplace agreement terms were already accepted:

    • Select correct subscription; Enter the az account set -s <subscription-id> command.
    • In case of Ingress Gateway Site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer volterra-node --plan volterra-node command.
    • In case of Ingress/Egress Gateway site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node_multinic command.
    • In case of App Stack site type, enter the az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node command.

June 07, 2022

Last Updated: June 07, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Support for DC Cluster Group on Inside network

This release introduces support for DC cluster group on inside network. Sites can form a DC cluster group on the site local inside network.

Disable Installation of Virtual Host if its Service Policy Set is Invalid

Virtual hosts can have references to one or more service-policy-set objects. If any of these objects have invalid or incomplete configuration, the corresponding virtual host object will not get installed.

API Protection Rules in HTTP Load Balancer

API protection rules are introduced for HTTP load balancers. These rules can be defined in two categories. The first category includes fine-grained rules, per API path and methods. The second category includes rules per API groups or server URLs. If request matches any rule in the first category, second category rules are not evaluated. Rules can also include additional conditions. For example, specific clients can access certain API endpoint or API group.

Support Bot Defense Multiple Data Region for F5 Distributed Cloud Mesh Connector

This release introduces Bot Defense multiple data region support for F5 Distributed Cloud Mesh Connector through an HTTP Load Balancer. You will be able to configure Bot Defense to select the EU region for data residency. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Primary and Secondary Authoritative DNS support

This release introduces primary and secondary DNS zone support using F5 Distributed Cloud Services. You can now manage your DNS zones and leverage F5 Distributed Cloud Anti-DDoS and Anycast architecture to distribute DNS delivery globally.

Support for Explicit Knob to Disable/Enable Access for Services

Services such as SSH, DNS, and Web UI are allowed implicitly. User's ACL can not disable them. However, if user wants to disable any or all of them, configuration is introduced to support disabling services. These services can be disabled or enabled using the Blocked Services configuration in the Fleet.

Console Assistant for Enhanced UX

This release introduces Console Assistant (CoA) for UI. The CoA provides assistance to users in executing various features and services provided via the Console. The assistance is offered in the form of step-by-step guides for various scenarios, inline access to various resources, etc. See Console Assistant for more information.

Fixed Issues
Resolution for App Firewall Configuration Update Problem

The App Firewall occasionally missed configuration updates due to internal concurrency issue in one of the components. Fix for this issue is delivered in this release.

Resolution for Automatic Certificate Renewal Problem

The F5 Distributed Cloud provided certificates expire after a certain period of time and are automatically renewed before expiry. An issue caused certificates to not automatically renewed. Fix for that issue is delivered in this release.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • Unnecessary pod is created by NFV Service deletion on unrelated site due to bug in logic of destroy code. Upgrading the Site software to the latest version resolves this problem.

  • Before creating NFV service with pre-existing AWS TGW Site, it is required to execute terraform apply on that AWS TGW Site.

  • The Bot Defense does not function correctly when hash policy is enabled on load balancer (for example, source IP stickiness). As workaround, disable hash policy on the load balancer.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

May 10, 2022

Last Updated: May 18, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Removal of Assisted Deployment from Cloud Sites

The Assisted Deployment option is removed from the user interface for all cloud site types AWS VPC Site, Azure VNET Site, GCP VPC Site, and AWS TGW Site. In case of trying to create a site with Assisted Deployment mode via API, an error is returned.

Note: Existing sites can continue using the site in assisted mode.

Support Longer Idle Timeout on HTTP Load Balancer

Support for longer idle timeout (up to 60 minutes) in HTTP load balancer for specific application is introduced for specific application use cases. The number of such load balancers is limited based on the http_loadbalancer.large_idle_timeout value.

Public Server CA Rotation and Credentials Update

Public certificates are switched from current provider to a new provider. The existing vK8s & managed K8s kubeconfig will stop working. Users with existing kubeconfig are required to download a new copy for the credentials.

F5 Distributed Cloud(XC) Bot Defense with iApp Connector for BIG-IP

This release introduces the F5 Distributed Cloud(XC) Standalone Bot Defense service with iApp Connector(v3.0.2) for BIG-IP. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Site Mesh Group for Public Cloud Sites

Support for configuring site mesh group for public cloud sites is introduced. Supported site types are AWS VPC Site, Azure VNET Site, and GCP VPC Site.

Support HTTP Header as Allow list(Trusted Client Rules)

This release introduces HTTP header as Allow list(Trusted Client Rules) to skip Bot Defense, WAF, or Both. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Support for Multiple Tunnels between Sites

Support for multiple tunnels between the F5 distributed cloud Sites is introduced. Up to three tunnels will be setup between the Sites, if the Sites have more than one master node. A single-node Site will be set up with a single tunnel.

Support for Site Mesh Group for K8s Site

Support for configuration of Site Mesh Group for K8s Site is introduced. Multiple tunnels (up to three) will be setup between the Sites, if the Sites have more than one master node. A single-node Site will be set up with a single tunnel.

Support for Site Mesh Group for K8s Site on OpenShift

Support for configuration of Site Mesh Group for K8s Site on OpenShift platform is introduced. Multiple tunnels (up to three) will be setup between the Sites, if the Sites have more than one master node. A single-node Site will be set up with a single tunnel.

New Identifiers for User Identification Rule

In addition to blocking users based on the IP Addresses, more granularity is enabled by introducing the following identifiers in the user identification rule:

  • TLS fingerprint
  • Client IP + TLS fingerprint
  • Client IP + HTTP header value
Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • The external service creation is not successful with pre-existing AWS TGW site. Before creating the external service with pre-existing AWS TGW site, terraform needs to be applied for that AWS TGW site so that the creation is successful.

  • The Bot Defense does not function correctly when hash policy is enabled on load balancer (for example, source IP stickiness). As workaround, disable hash policy on the load balancer.

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

April 12, 2022

Last Updated: April 19, 2022

New Features
Site Management
Factory-Reset Using Hardware Push Button on ISV

Support for doing factory reset for ISV boards with revision R0D and above is introduced.

Multi-Node Support for Kubernetes Site

This feature introduces multi ETCD and multi VER pods on multi-node K8s cluster and adds support for various debug tools in the Tools section in site dashboard and metrics for the Kubernetes Site.

Ability to Run Virtual Machines on Managed K8s Sites

It is now supported to run VMs on managed K8s Sites (physical K8s/App Stack Sites). Use the virtctl binary to interact with the VM to perform functions such as start, stop, pause, etc.

Optional Matching of Server Name Indication (SNI)

F5 load balancer will not match the SNI if single HTTPS load balancer is advertised on a given VIP:Port. It always offers certificate programmed on the HTTPS load balancer ignoring the SNI. If additional HTTPS load balancers are advertised on this VIP:Port, then SNI match becomes mandatory and requests without server name extension are rejected.

Custom Response Code for WAF Blocking Page

This release introduces support to set a response code to be returned when an incoming request is blocked due to WAF security violation.

DC Cluster Group Support for Cloud Sites

This feature introduces support for connecting Cloud Sites using DC cluster group.

Note: This requires Layer 3 connectivity between the Cloud Sites.

Ability to Configure IP Reputation per HTTP Load Balancer

This feature adds support to enable IP reputation per HTTP load balancer.

Rotate Public LE Certficatess

F5 Distributed Cloud Services will switch public certificates from current provider to a new provider in the release of May 10, 2022. The existing vK8s & managed K8s kubeconfig will stop working after the release of May 10, 2022. Users with existing kubeconfig are required to download a new copy which will include both old and new CAs. This will ensure that the kubeconfig continues to work when switching to new provider.

Support Mutating Webhook Configuration

This feature introduces support to enable mutating webhook configuration for the F5 Distributed Cloud Sites.

Allowed Request Rate per API Base URL, Path, and Method

The API rate limit rules are introduced in two categories. The first category includes the rules defined in API server and base URL level. In the second category, more granular rules such as per API path and methods can be configured. Each rule is composed of match conditions (domain, base path, API endpoint, and methods), allowed rate (requests per given duration), and user identifier. Requests matching the configured conditions are counted per defined user identifier.

Note: Only first match is counted per each category.

Simple Route Based on Host Header in the Incoming Traffic

Configuring header matcher to allow/deny traffic to an origin pool based on the incoming traffic header is introduced for HTTP load balancer. Multiple rules can be configured in this header matcher.

Handling of Accidental Deletion of Secret Policies

The following functionalities are introduced in case of deletion of secret policies:

  • Secret policy soft-delete and recover facility added
  • A custom list API is introduced for listing secret policies based on their state such as active or deleted
  • UI is introduced with soft-delete in place of default crud delete
  • UI is enabled with facility to recover the soft-deleted policy
Header Match for Routes in HTTP Load Balancer

This feature adds support to match on header in simple route, redirect route, and direct response route in case of HTTP load balancer.

Handling TLS Coalescing

Connection Coalescing also known as Connection Reuse is a mechanism to reuse same HTTP/2 connection for new requests. To support coalescing requests across load balancers, multiple load balancers configuration is merged to a single one when the load balancers have same certificate configured. If mTLS is configured, then this merging of load balancer configuration is not done. This means 421 (misdirected request) is returned by the load balancer. The browsers are expected to initiate new connection on receipt of 421. The other exceptions for not merging load balancer configurations are when they have different configurations for the following features.

  • Path Normalization
  • Server Header
Support for Deploying External NFV Service - F5 BIG-IP

This release introduces External Service Object which can be used to deploy F5 Big IP VE EC2 instance in the services VPC of an already deployed AWS TGW Site. The External Service object deploys F5 BIG-IP VE and sets up bootstrap configuration needed for the service instance to become functional. The AWS TGW Site acts as external network load balancer and distributes the traffic to F5 BIG-IP nodes. Traffic may be East-West (originating from apps running on spoke) or North-South (originating from Internet).

Note: This feature requires users to manage virtual server and security policy configuration on F5 BIG-IP.

App Stack
Advertise Local Prometheus in Managed Kubernetes

This feature allows accessing Prometheus API on local K8s API endpoint on route/prometheus. You can integrate with this endpoint to receive node and kube-state-metrics monitoring.

Upgrade to K8s Version

The Kubernetes main version 1.21.x support is introduced. It automatically upgrades all sites to this version via software upgrade.

Network Policy Update

The sidebar entry for Network Policy under shared and system namespaces is renamed to vK8s Network Policy and Firewall Policy respectively.

Note: The vK8s Network Policy is supported only under application and shared namespaces. The Firewall Policy is supported only under the system namespace.

Recently Visited Service Links

The Console is updated to show recently visited service links. Up to four recently visited services links are shown in the Select Service drop-down to simplify navigation between services. Also, the All Services links are removed.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • The Bot Defense does not function correctly when hash policy is enabled on load balancer (for example, source IP stickiness). As workaround, disable hash policy on the load balancer.

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently, they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

  • A recent software update to documentation may result in rendition/formatting issues in few documents.

February 22, 2022

New Features
Enhancement for WAF Exclusion Rules

This release introduces enhancements in configuring exclusion rules for the WAF.

Certificate Revocation List Support

A CRL object can be created that configures HTTP server information reachable from site local network of a site. HTTP loadbalancer can refer to this CRL object whenever client certificate needs to be verified against a revocation list provided by the server. CRL file will be downloaded periodically and applied.

App Stack
Upgrade to k8s Version

This feature updated the K8s and vK8s main version support to 1.21. System automatically upgrades all sites to this version via the software upgrade.

Managed K8s Overview Page

This release introduces a new page for the Managed K8s. The overview page is located at the Managed K8s > Overview option in the Multi-Cloud Network Connect service in the Console.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • The Bot Defence does not function correctly when hash policy is enabled on load balancer (for example, source IP stickiness). As workaround, disable hash policy on the load balancer.

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

February 03, 2022

New Features
Node/Site Management
Support Cloud Tags and Labels in Cloud View Sites

This feature allows to insert custom tags/labels in the Console for all auto-provisioned Sites. It also automatically add tags ves-io-creator-id with value of creator (for example, and ves-io-site-name with value of name. In case of GCP, this feature stripes at-sign suffix and replace dots by underscores. For example, the creator value is converted to ves-io-creator-id: p_user1.

Ability to Correlate between WAF Custom Blocking Page and Security event

With this feature, user can add \{\{request_id\}\} placeholder in the custom blocking page to include the request identifier from the WAF security event.

Client IP Reputation Capability Using Service Policy

This release introduces the service policy rule based on IP reputation. The rule can allow or deny traffic based on IP score and/or IP Threat categories.

Policy-Based Malicious User Mitigation

This release introduces Malicious User Mitigation settings for HTTP Load Balancers. User can customize the settings to have corresponding actions for threat-levels LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. The supported actions are Javascript Challenge, Captcha Challenge, and Block Temporarily.

F5 Distributed Cloud Services Brand Update

This release introduces updates to product terminology in all resources of F5 Distributed Cloud Services, including updated UX for Console users. F5® Distributed Cloud Services denotes set of distributed cloud services/products such as the following.

  • F5® Distributed Cloud Mesh (Mesh)
  • F5® Distributed Cloud App Stack (App Stack)
  • F5® Distributed Cloud Console (Console)

Note: This list does not show all names of services/products. See About F5 Distributed Cloud and Services for more information on products and services.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In case of few IP addresses that might not be temporarily found in Webroot threat database, the IP reputation score might be inconsistent for the same IP address in different instances

  • Customizing of App Settings for functionalities such as malicious user mitigation is supported only for multip app load balancer and not for single app load balancer.

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

January 13, 2022

New Features
Node/Site Management
OVF Property to Set Admin Password on Deployment

VMware OVF property to set admin password on deployment is introduced. It can be set from OVA form during provisioning and allows to fully automate deployment via terraform.

Removal of CoreDNS Configmap on EKS

AWS introduced CoreDNS as an add-on for EKS clusters. When CoreDNS is an add-on, it resets any changes done to the Configmap of CoreDNS. This causes DNS Delegation to fail. Therefore, CoreDNS add-on is disabled while keeping CoreDNS service active.

Note: If CoreDNS add-on is deleted without the preserve flag, it will remove CoreDNS service itself. If a service discovery object is already present, then do one of the following: Execute the eksctl delete addon --cluster <cluster-name> --name coredns --preserve --region <region-name> command. Delete and re-create the discovery object. Restart the VER service from the Tools tab of the site monitoring page. Go to Sites -> Site List and click on your site to view the site monitoring page.

Remove Auto Generated Public CRUD for User Object

Some user management APIs exposed in earlier versions of software are now removed as they are no longer supported.

For example, instead of the API, use the Custom API.

The following list of APIs are removed:


Note: Clients using the above APIs are required to use equivalent custom APIs for these operations. See API for more information.

Alert Policy Matching on any Alert Label

This feature allows users to configure alert policies with different alert labels as custom matchers and can configure receivers to send or block notifications based on matched alert labels.

Advanced AddOn Bot Defense in HTTP Load Balancers

This release introduces the Advanced AddOn Bot Defense feature for HTTP Load Balancers. For more information, see Bot Defense.

Define and Enforce API for the App Using its Swagger.

This feature introduces support for defining and enforcing API for application using its swagger files. After uploading application swagger files, you can create API definition which includes paths and methods from the swagger files. The API definition includes default API groups, all operations, and base URL. You can refer to the API definition and apply custom service policy in HTTP load balancer to allow/deny access to specific API groups. You can also tag operations in swagger by specific custom tag (x-volterra-api-group). In this case, API definition builds multiple groups and allows higher granularity in policy rules.

Generic object store

This feature introduces ability to upload and download Open API Specification files. You can upload a swagger file via the Console in JSON or YAML format. The content is checked if it is a valid v2/v3 swagger. Each file version gets a unique URL in F5 Distributed Cloud Services and can be referred by other configuration objects such as API Definition. The user can list and download files in his tenant and required/accessible namespace.

App Stack
Permit K8s API Access to ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding

Managed K8s API server accesscontrol is now enhanced to permit CRUD operations to manipulate ClusterRoles and ClusteRoleBindings. This can be enabled as advanced option on K8s Cluster configuration.

Primary Navigation UX Enhancement

Console is enhanced with a new user experience. The primary navigation elements have been updated and the interface can be tailored to match any level of expertise. The new experience makes it easier for various teams to focus on tasks related to their respective roles. The following are the highlights of the new experience:

  • Services - services are arranged into logical groups of tasks and functionalities that improve focus while making it easier to find and switch between services.
  • Work domains - When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to choose your work domain. The user interface is tailored to this selection and the services related to that domain are filtered for easy access. You can also change your domain selection at any time.
  • Home page - A new home page is created where you can access common, persona-related services accompanied by walkthroughs and solution videos.

For more information, see Getting Started.

Observability for Site Mesh Group and DC Cluster Group

This feature enables user to see enhanced sites topology connecting across different cloud providers (Site Mesh Group) and to check similar connection within a single data centre (DC Cluster Group).

Observability for L3-L4 DDoS

This feature enables user to have visibility into various L3-L4 monitoring Dashboards. The dashboards include the following:

  • Top talkers
  • Events list and details
  • Alerts list and detail
  • Mitigations list
  • Details and Annotations
  • Graphs by - Network, Application, Zone and Mitigation.
Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

  • In case of new user signup using the Single sign-on (SSO), after first time successful login, you may get an error screen with permission denied or 403 message. To resolve this, retry login after some time and a choice of plan selection is displayed. Upon completion of the signup flow, you will be able to login and start using the Console.

December 13, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Enhanced Ability to Update HTTP Proxy After Registration

New CLI command configure-http-proxy is introduced to update HTTP proxy and distribute the update to all K8s nodes at the same time instead of doing it one by one. The command sends the updated information to SaaS and reloads the software with new HTTP Proxy parameters.

Note: This action is the same as software upgrade. Therefore, rolling update for all software components is expected.

Create and Support Cluster on Multiple Certified Hardware

Creating and supporting cluster with multiple certified hardware options is introduced.

Configuration knob for SNI Strict Check

The HTTP load balancer is updated with configuration option for enabling and disabling SNI strict checking.

Support Certificate Minting without Requiring Domain Delegation

This feature introduces automatic certificate management on load balancer without delegating a sub domain to F5 Distributed Cloud. When such a load balancer is created (with automatic certificate management enabled but domain not delegated to F5 Distributed Cloud), a CNAME record information is provided. This record is required to be created in the parent domain by the user. Certificate is minted once this CNAME record is added.

Support for Priority-Based Load Balancing Among Origin Pools

This feature introduces option to specify priority among origin pools. When the highest priority origin pool is not available either due to health check or due to discovery of retracting the endpoint, subsequent priority origin pool is used for handling requests. The priority-based switching of origin pool is pre-emptive. That is, when the highest priority origin pool is available, it is selected immediately for load balancing the requests.

Support configuring OCSP Stapling in HTTP Load Balancer

This feature enables user to configure OCSP Stapling when using HTTPS proxy with custom certificates. The option to disable OSCP Stapling, enable OCSP Stapling with system configuration, or enable OCSP Stapling with custom order of Hash Algorithms is introduced.

Support Configuring AI Options Directly from HTTP Load Balancer

This feature enables the user to configure, for an HTTP load balancer, AI options like API discovery, malicious user detection and ddos detection directly from the HTTP load balancer form.

Replacement of Rule-Based WAF to Signature-Based Advanced WAF

This feature replaces the rules-based Web Application Firewall (WAF) with a much advanced application firewall that supports classification and detection for attacks that are based on signatures, provides bot protection, detects security violations, and also offers controlling response traffic. The WAF also provides protection against threat campaigns, supports enabling/disabling false positive suppression, and allows to mask sensitive data in request logs.

For more information on the new WAF, see WAF and Configure App Firewall.

Path URL Normalization

HTTP load balancer is enhanced to normalize the Path URL according to RFC 3986. Additionally, the slashed is merged when path URL normalization is enabled.

Path normalization is supported with an option to enable it for HTTP load balancer of type HTTPS proxy. In case of HTTP proxy, it is enabled by default.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • In the Client Classification section of HTTP Load Balancer’s Security Monitoring dashboard, the human requests count may show incorrect data.

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

  • In case of new user signup using the Single sign-on (SSO), after first time successful login, you may get an error screen with permission denied or 403 message. To resolve this, retry login after some time and a choice of plan selection is displayed. Upon completion of the signup flow, you will be able to login and start using the Console.

August 26, 2021

New Features
SSL Renegotiation for Origin Pool

This features enables SSL renegotiation by default in case of origin pools.

App Stack
Enhancement to Cluster Role and Role Binding Manifest

This release introduces support for adding the : character to the YAML format for the K8s cluster and cluster role binding manifests.

Changes to Default Behavior



The following caveats apply:

  • vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

August 5, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Support Licensing VMware Site with NVIDIA vGPU

This features enables unlocking full GPU performance for a VMware site with licensing support. You can enable this by adding VMware site to a fleet that has vGPU enabled in its advanced configuration section. Also ensure that you add license server address and license type.

Health Check Support for HTTPS-Enabled Origin Pool

This feature introduces support for health checks for origin pools enabled with HTTPS. The TLS configuration of the origin pool is used to make TLS connection with the upstream server for the periodic health check requests.

Monitoring for Site Networking

This release introduces Site Networking monitoring views. The dashboard view provides a summary view of site metrics dividied into sections and each section shows Top 10 Sites for that metric. The following metrics are presented:

  • Data Sent
  • Data Received
  • Tunnels by Latency
  • Tunnels by Drop Rate
  • Tunnels by Throughput

The dashboard also provides table view for data for the following:

  • Data when data plane reachability < 75%
  • Data when control plane status is down
  • Data when tunnel health < 70 score.

Note: The view also shows the tunnel alerts in the dashboard.

App Stack
Support Custom storage class

This feature introduces new storage device and storage class type called Custom, which allows to insert K8s storageclass manifest. This gives ability to enforce own storageclass names or integrations with 3rd party storages.

Notification Preferences for Users

This features allows to set user notification preferences for the following notifications:

  • Access Requests
  • Product updates
  • System Maintenance

You can select a notification to receive or deselect to disable receiving notifications for it. The notification preference setting is available in the General -> Personal Management -> My Account page.

Changes to Default Behavior



vK8s Role and Role Binding currently does not support user level K8s RBAC and is applicable only for vK8s workloads. vK8s Role and Role Binding are propagated to the K8s cluster and enforced at the K8s cluster only. Currently they are not enforced at the vK8s API server.

July 15, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Ability to Specify Total Worker Nodes Irrespective of Availability Zones

This feature adds support for specifying total number of work nodes, irrespective of the availability zones in case of Azure sites.

Addition of Alternate Region for Azure Sites

This feature introduces support to use the following alternate regions for the Azure VNET sites:

  • northcentralus
  • koreacentral
  • centralindia
  • southindia
  • australiacentral2
  • australiacentral
  • southafricanorth
  • norwayeast
  • swedencentral
  • switzerlandnorth
  • uaenorth
  • uaecentral
  • switzerlandwest
  • norwaywest
  • germanynorth
  • francesouth
  • canadaeast
  • koreasouth
VMware Site Deployment Enhancements

The default certified hardware for VMware site is changed to simplify user experience. The updated certified hardware is called as vmware-regular-nic-voltmesh. This contains by default 2 virtual interfaces eth0 (site local outside) and eth1 (regular interface). The eth1 is optional interface, and can be configured only from Console through the network interface object.

Storing All Request Logs

This feature enabled storing all request logs without any sampling on cold storage by default.

Handling of HTTP2 Coalescing

Client browsers may employ a performance optimisation known as connection coalescing. In case 2 virtual hosts with different domain names are hosted on the same IP address and present in the same TLS certificate, the HTTP/2 connection is reused between them when connection coalescing is used.

System detects such case and returns 421(Misdirected request) error to the client browser. Client browser receiving a 421 (Misdirected Request) response may retry the request over a different connection.

Note: Handling of 421 error is browser-specific. Not all client browsers handle this error code.

App Stack
Support NVIDIA Tesla T4 on VMware ESXi

This feature introduces support for NVIDIA Tesla T4 on App Stack on VMware ESXi on certified commodity hardware. By enabling fleet vGPU option, The Site switches runtime to NVIDIA and can deploy vGPU workload applications.

Upgrade to k8s Version

This feature updated the Kubernetes main version support to 1.19.11. System automatically upgrades all sites to this version via the software upgrade.

Credential Create API Expiration Field Update

The expiration option for create and renew API for my credentials and service credentials is changed from expiration_timestamp to expiration_days. In case you are using API to download the credential, ensure that you use the updated expiration field. See Credentials guide for more information on using the credentials.

Note: This effects only users of the API and not the Console users.

Changes to Default Behavior

Expiration field for create and renew APIs of my credentials and service credentials is changed from expiration timestamp to number of days. Use the updated field expiration_days for create and renew API requests.



June 24, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Support upgrading to a specific version

This feature allows specifying a particular software or operating system version during a site upgrade.

Note: You must obtain the correct version information before setting it for site upgrade.

Deprecation of Virtual Host Object

The virtual host object creation is deprecated for most of the virtual host types except UDP and SMA proxy types.

Site Service Network Support

HTTP and TCP Load balancers can be configured to be advertised on vK8s network on F5 Distributed Cloud ADN. However, for TCP Load balancers, there is a limitation that no two TCP Load balancers can be advertised on the same port. Also, the HTTP and TCP Load balancers can only be advertised on the site local outside or site local inside networks of a customer site.

The site service network allows multiple TCP Load balancers to be advertised on the same port on vK8s network on the ADN. It also allows HTTP and TCP Load balancers to be advertised on vK8s network on customer site.

Implicit Role for Tenant owner

An implicit system assigned role ves-io-tenant-owner-role is added to all the tenant owners. All existing and new tenant owner users will be assigned with this role in the system namespace. This is internally assigned for tenant owners and cannot be assigned to normal users. A tenant admin can go to General -> IAM -> Users and click ... -> Upgrade to Tenant Owner for a user to get this role added implicitly to the user.

Support SSO-based Signup for Free and Individual Accounts

This features allows users to signup for Free or Individual plan using Single Sign-On (SSO). As part of the initial support, sign in via Google is enabled. Users can use their existing Gmail/Google account credentials to authenticate when they choose SSO.

Changes to Default Behavior



Routing to workload subnet in AWS site fails. The following is a workaround:

In case of AWS VPC Ingress-Egress Gateway and AWS TGW site, for the successful routing towards applications running in workload subnet, an inside static route to the workload subnet CIDR needs to be added on the respective site object.

June 3, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Enable Site Local K8s API access for VoltStack Cluster Cloud Sites

This feature allows tenant to enable site local K8s API access for AWS, Azure, and GCP VoltStack cluster cloud view sites.

This provides same ability as VoltStack site to link K8s cluster on cloud site and access native K8s API server. See VoltStack Site for information on how to enable site local K8s API access for VoltStack site.

Ability to Disable Advertisement of Services on Public Internet

This feature introduces the ability to disable advertisement on the public internet by default. This prevents unintended data leak to the public. Users are required to open a support ticket to use this feature.

Control Communication across Namespaces Using Implicit Namespace Label

This feature introduces implicit labels for namespaces. These labels can be used by administrators in service policies and network policies to control communication between namespaces.

Note: All objects in a namespace get the implicit label. This label cannot be modified by the user.

Inside and Outside VIP Enhancements for Multi-node Cloud Sites

This release introduces support for using AWS and Azure loadbalancer IP addresses as the Site-Local Outside (SLO) or Site-Local Inside (SLI) VIP addresses to reach the applications advertised using F5 Distributed Cloud load balancer on the multi-node sites.

In case of AWS sites, you are required to configure allowed VIP port configuration on multi-node AWS VPC site. This is to explicitly specify which ports are going to be used while configuring the F5 Distributed Cloud loadbalancer. After this is configured, you can use the AWS loadbalancer IP address as the SLO/SLI VIP. Also, using AWS loadbalancer frontend IP as the VIP to external K8s or Consul cluster is supported. This is when a discovery object with VIP publishing configuration is enabled on the AWS site.

In case of Azure sites, you can use Azure loadbalancer IP as the SLO/SLI VIP to reach applications advertised using F5 Distributed Cloud loadbalancer on Azure multi-node sites.

Changes to Default Behavior



The UI does not support the option to update inside/outside VIP port configuration for AWS VPC Site. However, you can perform the updates using either of the following ways:

  • Using terraform run custom API.

  • Using the following vesctl ciommand

          vesctl request rpc terraform_parameters.CustomActionAPI.Run --http-method POST --uri /public/namespaces/system/terraform/aws_vpc_site/<site-name>/run  --json-data '{"namespace":"system","view_kind":"aws_vpc_site","view_name":"<site-name>","action":"APPLY"}'


May 13, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Factory Reset Using Hardware Push Button on IGW

This feature adds support to do factory-reset on the IGW 5000 series using the hardware reset button. Press the button continuously for 5 seconds to trigger factory-reset.

App Stack
Nodes View for Managed K8s

This feature adds Nodes tab to the monitoring of F5 Distributed Cloud's managed k8s cluster. This tab will give details about nodes in the cluster.

Managed K8s Monitoring Enhancements

This feature allows monitoring of the managed K8s cluster even when API access from Console is disallowed. This is done using metrics collected from the cluster and the monitoring dashboards appear different compared to when API access is allowed. The K8s monitoring is shown as Monitor K8s cluster when API access from Console is allowed. It is shown as Monitor K8s cluster(with metrics) when API access from Console is disallowed.

Global Kubeconfig for Managed K8s

This feature allows to download Kubeconfig for a the managed K8s cluster from Console gateway. Log into Console, navigate to Sites -> Site List in the system namespace, and click ... -> Download Global Kubeconfig for your App Stack site enabled with managed K8s.

F5® Application Traffic Insight on F5® Distributed Cloud Console

F5 Application Traffic Insight (ATI) is a real-time, high-precision device identifier that utilizes advanced signal collection and machine learning algorithms to assign a unique identifier to each device visiting your site. This feature introduces ATI on Distributed Cloud Console and associated monitoring to view various dashboards of devices visiting your site. For more information, see ATI.

Improvements in Subscription Plan Transition Workflow

This feature improves the transition between teams plan and organization plan by enhancing error handling. This is applicable while upgrading from teams to organization plan and vice versa.

Changes to Default Behavior




April 22, 2021

New Features
F5 Distributed Cloud Services Direct Connect Enhancement

F5 Distributed Cloud Services support enabling direct connectivity to the backbone network. This feature enhances the direct connect functionality by adding support to advertise and discover services. Advertising of services is supported using HTTP and TCP load balancers.

Active Alert Policies in Namespace

This feature simplifies configuration of active alert polices in a namespace. A new API on the namespace is added that takes a list of alert policies and makes them active in that namespace. Corresponding UI enhancement is also added.

Managed Certificate option for HTTP Connect & DRP proxy

Users can use the TLS interception feature for HTTP Connect & DRP proxy without managing custom certificates with this feature. To use this feature, users need to simply select the Volterra Managed Signing Certificate option in the downstream certificate configuration for TLS intercept configuration. After that they can use Download CA Certificate menu item for the HTTP Connect & DRP proxy to download and use it from the browser and non-browser clients.

Simplified BGP Object Configuration

Configuring BGP object is simplified by removing invalid field combinations. The updated configuration form also allows the user to select interfaces per-peer instead of specifying a single list of interfaces for all peers.

Node/Site Management
Install CE with Specific Software Version

This feature adds support for specifying a specific software version and a specific operating system version when bringing up a Customer Edge (CE) site. For view based sites, the versions can be specified when creating the site or during registration approval. For other site types, the versions can be specified during registration approval.

Changes to Default Behavior




April 01, 2021

New Features
FQDN Support in Tunnel Configuration

This feature introduces using Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in case of establishing IPsec/SSL VPN connection to the Regional Edge Sites. A Site can be configured to use IPSec/SSL VPN with an option of going through a site proxy. This feature now allows server FQDN in site configuration in addition to IP address. This FQDN gets resolved to establish VPN connection.

In case of proxy configuration being used with OpenVPN tunnels, FQDN is sent in the HTTP Connect request to the configured proxy server. Proxy server is required to resolve the FQDN and relay the connection to the final destination server to establish OpenVPN tunnel.

Cluster Retraction

This feature allows configuring fallback in case of endpoints behind a cluster are not healthy and route points to multiple clusters as part of weighted cluster configuration. In such case, the traffic is distributed only among the remaining clusters that have one more healthy endpoints.

Load Balancing AWS Egress Traffic

This feature introduces load balancing of egress traffic to all the nodes in case of AWS Egress gateway site.

App Stack
Site Status in vK8s Pods View

vK8s monitoring is enhanced to show the site status in the Pods view. Site status is shown in colored dots in the Node name column. Healthy sites are shown in green color, unhealthy sites are shown in red color, and if health information is not available, grey color is shown for those sites.

Note: If node status is down, then pod status should be considered as unavailable even if it shows as available or running.

Changes to Default Behavior




March 11, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Monitoring GPU Status

Node monitoring is enhanced to display the GPU status in the node status dashboard view. GPU status shows information such as temperature, power, CPU utilization, throughput, etc. Find the GPU status by navigating to Sites -> Site List, click on your site to load its dashboard, select the Nodes tab, and click on the node for which you want to monitor GPU status.

F5 Distributed Cloud Direct Connect

This feature allows tenants to have a direct connecting link to the REs. This enables the CE to RE connectivity to be on the direct private link instead of being in public.

Allow VIP Usage for DNS Resolution

This feature allows VIP address to be used as DNS server to resolve domain names configured in the load balancers. DNS queries can be sent to the VIP addresses configured on CE. The system software on the CE runs DNS server on the VIP addresses and resolves queries for domain names configured in the load balancers. It will also forward other requests to external DNS servers.

Server Response Header Manipulation for HTTP Load Balancer

Support for manipulating server token in the HTTP load balancer response headers is introduced. User can now configure the response header to do the following:

  • Set a default value
  • Set a specific value
  • Append a server name if no server header is not present
  • Set to pass through if the server header is present
Malicious User Mitigation Enhancements

Malicious user detection and mitigation is enhanced in the HTTP load balancer monitoring. In the Security Monitoring view, the Malicious Users tab now allows admin to view and act upon malicious users identified by a user-identification object or the source IP address in case a user identification object is not defined. The following monitoring functionalities are added:

  • Malicious user security events
  • Activity timeline for the identified user
  • Activity that contributed to the current suspicion score
  • Time series variation for the suspicion score
  • Options to block or whitelist users

F5 Distributed Cloud Services use advanced machine learning techniques and analyzes information to identify the malicious users. Analysis is performed on information such as WAF security events, forbidden access events, failed login attempts, and anomalous behavior.

Changes to Default Behavior




February 18, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
Monitoring GPU Status

Node monitoring is enhanced to display the GPU status in the node status dashboard view. GPU status shows information such as temperature, power, CPU utilization, throughput, etc. Find the GPU status by navigating to Sites -> Site List, click on your site to load its dashboard, select the Nodes tab, and click on the node for which you want to monitor GPU status.

TGW Service Policy for East-West Traffic

The AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)site allows for attaching multiple VPCs and forwarding of traffic between VPCs. This feature introduced support for service policy on the VPC-to-VPC traffic or east-west traffic and can be set in the security configuration section of TGW configuration wizard. User can enable the east-west service policy in the Manage East-West Service Policy section and attach a service policy. The service policy can be created in system namespace in the Security -> Firewall -> Service Policies page. It can also be created and attached from within the TGW configuration wizard.

Note: User can also enable east-west service policy with allowing all traffic to be sent via proxy.

Policy Based Security Challenge

Support for enabling policy-based security challenges is introduced. User can now set policy based challenge in load balancer configuration and specify whether to always enable a challenge or disable it while also setting override rules for specific match conditions. Both javascript challenge and captcha challenge are supported. The matching parameters include IP, domain, path, peader, query parameters, etc. These are similar to the parameters in service policy rules.

Note: The security challenge can be enabled in the advanced configuration section of HTTP load balancer configuration. See Configure Javascript Challenge for more information.

Server Response Header Manipulation for HTTP Load Balancer

Support for manipulating server token in the HTTP load balancer response headers is introduced. User can now configure the response header to do the following:

  • Set a default value
  • Set a specific value
  • Append a server name if no server header is not present
  • Set to pass through if the server header is present
WAF Rule Exclusion for Security Events

Support to set WAF rules for exclusion in HTTP load balancer security events is introduced. User can now select security events and create an exception rule for them from the HTTP load balancer monitoring page in Console. Navigate to Virtual Hosts -> HTTP Load Balancers in your namespace and click on your load balancer. Select Security Events tab and click ... -> Create Exception Rule for the security event entries for which you want to enable the WAF rule exception.

Note: Creating exception rule for an event will open HTTP load balancer configuration form with the WAF excluded rule added to the security configuration section. Click Save and Exit to update the configuration.

IP/User Blocking Rules for HTTP Load Balancer

Support for whitelisting or blocking specific clients for HTTP load balancer is introduced. The load balancer configuration is added with client blacklisting rules and trusted client rules sections. User can set to block or whitelist specific clients based on the IP addresses or AS numbers.

Route Options for TCP Load Balancer

TCP load balancer is enhanced to set load balancing schemes for the traffic to the origin servers. The schemes supported are round-robin, least active, random, and hash of source IP.

BGP Peering in Multiple Networks

This feature introduces ability to do BGP peering on multiple networks on a customer edge site. Networks could be site local, site local inside, or per site networks.

App Stack
Default Workload Flavor for vK8s

Support for setting default resource limits for vK8s containers is introduced using a default workload flavor object. User can now create a workload flavor object in the shared namespace at the Manage -> Workload Flavors page and attach it as a default limit in vK8s configuration. See Create Default Workload Flavor for more information.

Physical K8s Access for VoltStack Site

This feature gives ability to access customer edge (CE) K8s cluster through a kubeconfig file on the local network. Using this feature, user can deploy applications that can manage kubernetes workloads on the CE K8s cluster.

Changes to Default Behavior




January 21, 2021

New Features
Node/Site Management
VoltStack Site Support

This release introduces support for creating Data Center (DC) or physical hardware edge sites using the VoltStack site object from Console.

Stream Logs to External Service

Support for stream request logs to syslog service is introduced. User can now create a log receiver object and attach to the fleet of sites. Log receiver object can be created in Console in the Manage -> Site Management -> Log Receivers.

Note: The host IP of the external service must be reachable from the Site.

AWS View Site Enhancements

The following enhancements are added to AWS VPC site and AWS TGW site:

  • Configuring workload subnets
  • Configuring worker nodes - Supported only for AWS VPC site
  • Site admin state field is added in the Manage -> Site Management -> AWS VPC Sites page and also in the JSON view for the AWS VPC site object.
AWS TGW Site Monitoring Enhancements

The Sites -> Connectivity page view for the AWS TGW site is enhanced with representing the site with transit gateway, tunnels, and attached VPCs. Also, the details view for the AWS TGW site is enhanced to show the information on tunnels to TGW. This information includes the data transfer, throughput, and BGP connection status.

USB Whitelisting with Fleet

Support for whitelisting USB devices from Fleet is introduced. Users can now create a USB policy to allow specific USB devives and apply the policy using Fleet.

Site Local UI Enhancement

Site local UI URL is enhanced to be more usable. User can now access site local UI using the https://volterra.local:65500 URL. For more information on using site local UI, see Site Local UI guide.

Active Policies in Application Namespace

Support for adding active network and service policies in the application namespace is introduced. User can add active policies in the Security -> vK8s Network Policy -> Active Network Policies and Security -> Service Policy -> Active Service Policies pages.

App Stack
PVC Disk Usage

The virtual K8s (vK8s) dashboard and PVCs view are enhanced to display the disk usage of PVCs.

Changes to Default Behavior



Deploying F5 Distributed Cloud Sites on the same broadcast domain/subnet with other F5 Distributed Cloud sites/devices enabled with VRRP is not supported. This will be supported in a future update.

December 17, 2020

New Features
Node/Site Management
Operating System Update

The OS is updated with CentOS release 7-9.2009 and kernel release 4.18.0-193.28.1.ves1.el7.x86_64

Proxy Support for VMware CE Site

Support for configuring HTTP Proxy for VMware CE site is introduced. During the initial configuration using CLI, user can set HTTP proxy. For more information on VMware site installation, see Create VMware Site. Download the latest image from the VMware Site Images page.

Site Monitoring Enhancements
  • The tcpdump collection is improved for usability in the Tools tab of the site monitoring page. User can now start, fetch, and stop the tcpdump from single page for a selected target.
  • Traceroute utility is added to the Tools tab of the site monitoring page.

Note: Navigate to Sites -> Site List in the System namespace and click on any site to display its monitoring view. The dashboard tab is loaded by default.

Fast ACL Updates

The following updates are made to Fast ACLs:

  • Fast ACL set table list is removed from the Console
  • Fast ACLs for Internet VIPs object is introduced. The Fast ACL objects can be directly added to this.
DNS Management Enhancements for Load Balancers

In addition to supporting the HTTPS load balancer, the F5 Distributed Cloud DNS management is extended to TCP and HTTP load balancers. With this, users can now delegate domain to F5 Distributed Cloud and use the domains in load balancer of type TCP and HTTP.

AppType Creation for Application Namespace

App Type object support is enhanced so that it can be created from within the App Settings object in the application namespace.

Service Discovery for Kubernetes Headless Service

The service discovery is enhanced to discover and route to headless K8s services without depending on K8s DNS.

Note: This requires Layer 3 routing to be established between the CE site and the K8s pods.

App Stack
vK8s Resource Enhancements

The virtual K8s (vK8s) is enhanced to configure daemonsets, cronjobs, and service accounts.

vK8s Deployment Quota Increment

The deployments per vK8s is increased to 25.

Isolation for vK8s Services Across Namespaces

Support for restricting communication between vK8s services belonging to different namespaces is introduced. User can enable namespace isolation in the vK8s configuration and override this behavior for specific services by setting the annotation to false for that service.

Changes to Default Behavior
Cloud View Site Object Management Updates

The cloud sites created using the Manage -> Site Management page are updated to be edited and deleted only from the cloud site object menu and not from the Sites -> Site List menu. Navigate to Manage -> Site Management and click ... for your cloud site object to edit or delete the object and this in turn applies the operation on the sites.

November 25, 2020

New Features
Node/Site Management
Enhanced HA on SLI

Node mastership is now based on all configured VIPs across Site Local Outside (SLO) and Site Local Inside (SLI) interfaces.

Local UI Enhancements

Introduced status and tooling enhancements to the local UI dashboard of F5 Distributed Cloud Site.

Automatic API Schema Generation

Introduced per API endpoint Swagger API schema documentation generation. This can be found under App Namespace -> Mesh -> Service Mesh -> API Endpoints -> Endpoints Details -> Swagger.

Active Service Policies for HTTP Load Balancers

Introduced the ability to define active service policies for a specific HTTP Load Balancer. You can choose one of the following service policy options for the load balancer:

  • Set a default service policy
  • Apply active service policies
  • Disable the active service policy
IP Prefix & Prefix List Options for Forward Proxy Policy

Introduced ability to match destinations based on IP prefix and IP prefix lists under the custom rule list of the forward proxy policy.

BGP ASN and GeoIP Support for Forward Proxy Policy

Introduced ability to create a forward proxy policy matching on a specific BGP AS, ASN list, and GeoIP labels.

Forward Proxy Support for Global Networks

Introduced support for configuring forward proxy in the network connector when connecting Site Local Inside (SLI) to Global Network Type VNs.

App Stack
Enhanced vK8s Workload Dashboard

Enhancements are added to the vK8s workload dashboard under App Namespace -> Applications -> Virtual K8s -> Workloads.

Container Registries

Introduced the ability for users to configure private registries for their vK8s workloads.

Flow Table Under Site Management

Introduced the ability for the user to view existing flows per node.

Sidebar Navigation Enhancements

Several enhancements are added to the UX of the sidebar in Console.

Beta Release of Public Terraform Provider

Introduced beta support for F5 Distributed Cloud's public terraform provider. See Terraform Provider for more information.

Changes to Default Behavior
Change to Packaging and Management Providers

In case of a CE Site behind a firewall that is performing URL filtering, ensure that you update it with the latest domains listed in the Network Cloud Reference page.

November 5, 2020

New Features
Node/Site Management
Upgrade Guided Sites (AWS VPC/TGW, Azure & GCP) directly from Site List

Introduced support for users to directly upgrade site deployments via Site Management for AWS/Azure/GCP/TGW sites and also from the Site List page for sites.

GCP and Azure support for VoltStack Cluster Deployment Option

Enhanced the Site Management page for Azure VNET & GCP VPC to support a 3rd deployment option called VoltStack Cluster (One Interface).

Site Health Calculation Enhancements

Enhanced health score calculation to take Site Admin state into account.

TLS interception support for HTTP Connect & DRP

Introduced support for TLS interception when configuring an HTTP Connect or DRP (Dynamic Reverse Proxy) virtual host.

Descriptions for Policy Rules

Introduced logging of the description field for the configured policy in the hit logs. The policies include service policy, forward proxy policy (simple and custom rule set), network policy, and secret policy.

AWS TGW - East - West Forward Proxy Support

When provisioning an AWS TGW Site, East-West traffic now supports forward proxy policies by default.

App Stack
vK8s Workload & Jobs View Enhancements

Enhanced the vK8s workload & Pods table view to include deployment name, running pods, total pods, total sites, sites with error, sites without pods, virtual site, upgrade, and actions.

vK8s Virtual Site Descriptions

During vK8s virtual site selection, the selection table now shows descriptions for the virtual sites (system or user created).

Site Security Dashboard

Introduced the beta version of the site security dashboard. This view provides tenant and site level firewall events and logs. This is available at Sites -> Site Security.

API Endpoint Enhancements & Fixes

Enhanced UX and navigation of endpoint details in the API Endpoint page.

Notification Dashboard Enhancements

Enhanced Alerts and Audit Logs pages under Notifications section.

Revoking API Certificates and Kubeconfig

Support for revoking API certificates and Kubeconfigs is introduced. In case of API certificates and Kubeconfigs created prior to this release, you might receive the Client certificate is invalid or revoked response for API requests. In such case, create new certificates and download for use.

F5 Distributed Cloud Services Hardware
ISV 8000 Series GA

The Industrial Server (ISV) 8000 is now Generally Available. The Industrial Server is a series of ruggedized edge computing devices providing hyper-converged compute, GPU, storage and networking. They are easy to deploy and operate systems capable of running learning, inference, containerized or legacy (VM) workloads—from manufacturing plants to retail stores and small branch offices. The Industrial Servers combine the capabilities of hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) with a GPU for machine learning and robust connectivity (4G LTE/GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth) in a single ruggedized device designed to meet the rigorous demands of edge and industrial environments. You can learn more about the Industrial Server from the data sheet here and the User Manual here.

Changes to Default Behavior

The System -> Security -> Advanced page is deprecated.

October 14, 2020

New Features
Node/Site Management
Enhanced Remote Tooling (show service status)

The user can now query service specific status on a Per Node basis from Console. System -> Site -> Tools -> Show services status

Default Fleet

During CE setup the user can now configure a default type. This is helpful in scenarios where CEs required a basic working configuration on CE registration (i.e., Local breakout).


Console now supports the deployment of Sites and management of AWS TGW's. System -> Site Management -> AWS TGW Site.


Console now supports the deployment and management of Sites in GCP. System -> Site Management -> GCP VPC Site.

Site Wizard Improvements

The Site Wizard Page has been improved for better UX, readability and error/status reporting.

DDoS forensics and analysis

DDoS forensics and analysis for Load Balancers and Site (Forward Proxy) Enhanced ability to perform forensics and analysis of configured HTTP & TCP Load Balancers and per Site Forward Proxy.

Enhanced Alerting of DoS/DDoS

Using Time Series Analysis (TSA) of the Request Rate, Response Throughput, Latency and Error Rate anomalous enhanced DoS/DDoS alerting has been enabled.

HTTP/HTTPS on additional ports

This release has added additional HTTP & HTTPS ports to be advertised on F5 Distributed Cloud's REs (Public Network). Supported HTTP ports are 80 8080 8880 2052 2082 2086 2095 25565. Supported HTTPS ports are 443 2053 2083 2087 2096 8443 25565.

Forward Proxy in Denied Rules Hit

Site Dashboard Denied Rules Tile now includes Forward Proxy. The site dashboard Denied Rules tile now includes Forward Proxy as an option, in addition to Service & Network Policy.

App Stack
VoltStack DC Cluster

Guided Configuration for F5 Distributed Cloud DC Cluster - This feature brings in vK8s application deployment workflow to ease deploying applications on F5 Distributed Cloud Services platform. The interface given caters to the developers, provides application level interface and hides some of the underlying infrastructure related tasks.


Storage Device Support - This feature brings support for Dell EMC Isilon F800 & HPE Nimbus Storage AF40, this is configured in the Fleet object under Storage Configuration.

Simplified Workload Deployments on vk8s

Simplified Workload Deployments on vk8s - This feature brings in vk8s application deployment workflow to ease deploying applications on F5 Distributed Cloud Services platform. The interface given caters to the developers, provides application level interface and hides some of the underlying infrastructure related tasks.

F5 Distributed Cloud Services Hardware

NVIDIA GPU support on ISV 8000 Series - Updated the ISV Certified Hardware Profiles to download to support NVIDIA GPUs.

New User Type: Debug User

There is a new user type called "Debug User". This allows the tenant admin to provide the F5 Distributed Cloud Support team access to the tenant to enhance troubleshooting.

New Alert Receivers (SMS/Email)

Email and SMS are supported receivers under Alert Management.

Enhanced Connection Log Views

The connection log page has been enhanced to render the data in a more user friendly format.

Upcoming Changes to Default Behavior

In the planned November release, the System -> Security -> Advanced will be deprecated.


In case of node hardware, the USB device whitelisting is enabled by default. Connecting a new device after registration of the node does not work.

Note: You can see the USB devices by navigating to your site dashboard via Sites -> Site List path. Open the Nodes tab and click on a node to open its dashboard view. Click Hardware Information tab to see the USB devices list.

September 24, 2020

New Features
Node/Site Management
Per Node Tooling from Site Dashboard

The site dashboard in Console allows additional troubleshooting and status commands to be executed remotely.

Fleet Configuration Enhancements

Fleet Configuration and related objects (Network Interface, Virtual Networks, Network Connectors, Network Firewall, Network and Forward Policies) can be initially configured during Fleet creation. This is configured under System -> Site Management -> Fleets.

For information on fleet configuration, see Create Fleet.

Fast ACL Configuration Enhancements

Guided form is introduced to enable easier configuration of fast ACLs. See Fast ACLs for configuration instructions.

Hub Group Only Mesh

For smaller deployments, it is desired to configure site-to-site mesh groups without a hub & spoke model. This release introduces the ability to configure a mesh with a hub group only.

HTTP Connect & Dynamic Reverse Proxy Wizard

Guided forms are introduced to enable easier configuration of HTTP Connect & Dynamic Reverse Proxy under the <Namespace> -> Manage -> Load Balancer.

App Stack
vK8s Dashboard

The vK8s dashboard is updated for a better UX experience and end-to-end view of pods deployments, statistics, and health.

F5 Distributed Cloud Services Hardware
IGW 5000 Series

General Availability (GA) Support for the Industrial Gateway 5008 & 5508 series is introduced.

Site List & Connectivity Enhancements

Updates are made to the default System -> Sites -> Site List page to provide clear views of per site data. Connectivity topologies are now arranged based on site longitude/latitude and no longer based on alphabetical order.

App Traffic Enhancements in App Namespaces

Optimizations are delivered to the app traffic graphs views under <Namespace> -> Sites -> App Traffic.

General Tab Updates

Updates are introduced to the General tab and layout for simplified UX for Billing, Support, IAM, and Personal Management.

Tenant Settings

A new section called Tenant Settings is added. The tenant settings section provides an overview of tenant information such as tenant ID, domain and company name. System wide IAM credentials can be configured here.

Billing Enhancements

Updates are introduced to billing reports, usage details, and billing settings. These include options to request changes to existing plans and viewing existing tenant wide quotas.


Updates to the escalation processes are added to team and organizational plans.

Changes to Default Behavior

The default time interval for App Firewall Dashboard is changed to 12hrs from 5 minutes.

  • Performing reboot of active master node of a multi-node site from the Console requires you to wait till the reboot is completed before attempting the reboot of other nodes.

August 13, 2020

New FeaturesNode/Site Management

Site Deployment Wizards In this release, we've introduced a simplified Site Deployment Wizard. Initial Cloud Providers include AWS and Azure.

Site Local UI and F5 Distributed Cloud CLI Enhancements

Introduction of Site Local UI Dashboard at https://<volterranode-ip>:65500. Various debugging enhancements to F5 Distributed Cloud Admin CLI are added.

F5 Distributed Cloud CLI for Cloud Instances

Cloud instances for Node now support the F5 Distributed Cloud CLI for enhancement debugging. Users can access it using the ssh key used when used in the deployment of the Cloud instance.

Enhanced Site Monitoring This feature enhanced existing site monitoring pages in the Site Dashboard. Enhancements included per node health, metrics (CPU/Memory), DHCP Server (Client Leases, Hostnames, IPs, etc.), Per Interface metrics, etc.

Multi-Node Master Node Replacement Support

Support for replacing a master node in a multi-node cluster configuration. Details can be found here.

Mesh - Virtual Hosts - Load Balancers

Default Pages Error Pages for JS Challenge, Captcha and Errors Added default pages for all VIPs configured using an HTTP Load Balancer or advanced Virtual Host configurations.

Mesh - Delegated Domains

Delegated Domain - Enhancements We now support native integration with LetsEncrypt for those customers who don't want to BYOC and want a secure app experience, this is available as part of the Virtual Host -> HTTP Load Balancer configuration. Provided enhancements in the Domains Verification setup and post-verification displays.

Delegated Domain - DNSSEC

We now support DNSSEC for Delegated Domains. More information here.

App Stack - vK8s

vK8s Auditability This enables the ability to get audit logs for Create/Update operations on k8s objects (for e.g deployment, service, etc.) in vk8s.


UI/UX Enhancements Console sidebar and overall navigation has been augmented to enhance the UX and to simply NetOps, DevOps, Secops and Developer workflows.

2FA Authentication

This feature allows the ability for customers to enable 2FA Authentication for freemium tenants and tenants who use F5 Distributed Cloud Services for Authentication. This does not apply to tenants that use SSO Authentication.

Okta SSO support

This release introduces tenant SSO support for Okta.

July 23, 2020

New Features
vK8s PVC Storage on Regional Edges

In case of Regional Edge sites the F5 Distributed Cloud Services ADN now support Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) for vK8s pods.

Ability to Select a List of Sites for vK8s Objects

This feature provides the ability to select a list of sites (using the ves-io/sites: site1,site2 annotation) for vK8s objects. This is an enhancement to the current ability to select a list of virtual sites(using the vsite1,vsite2 annotation). See vK8s Resource Management for more details.

Audit Logs for Operations on K8s Objects in vK8s

This feature enables audit logs for the Create/Update operations on K8s objects (such as deployment, service, etc.) in vK8s.

Ability to Test Alert Notifications

This feature enables user to test alert notifications to an alert receiver. Once an alert receiver is created, a verify API on the alert receiver will generate a test alert to that receiver.

API User/Client Rate Limiting

This feature introduces the support for rate limiting the number of API requests per user over a time period. Rate limiting per user is based on the user identification configured on the rate limiter object. For more information, see Configure Rate Limiting.

Support TLS Fingerprinting in Service Policy Rules

This feature introduces the support for configuring a service policy rule to match TLS fingerprint and action. Actions are deny and rate-limit. For more information, see Configure TLS Fingerprinting.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) VoltConsle Support

This feature introduces support for enabling 2FA for all plans for customers who use F5 Distributed Cloud Services for authentication. This does not apply to tenants that use SSO for authentication.

API Tokens for F5 Distributed Cloud Services APIs

This feature introduces support for API tokens to be used with APIs. This is in addition to the already supported API certificates. For more information, see Obtain Credentials.

Delegate Domains to F5 Distributed Cloud Services

This feature introduces support for delegation of domains to F5\ Distributed Cloud Services for DNS management. When a domain is delegated to F5 Distributed Cloud Services, all subsequent HTTP load balancer names created will result in the proper DNS RR records to be created. For more information, see Delegate Domains.

HTTPS Load Balancer Automatic SSL certificate Creation for Delegated Domains

This feature introduces support to enable automatic TLS certificate minting and verifying for a HTTPS load balancer provided a DNS domain is delegated to F5®Distributed Cloud Services. For more information, see Create HTTP Load Balancer.

Support for GCP

This feature introduces support for site deployment in GCP using the Node GCP images.

CentOS Support for VMWare Images

Node CentOS support is introduced on VMware ESXi hypervisors.

June 9, 2020

New Features
Verify Domain Ownership in the Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC)

F5 Distributed Cloud Services will confirm domain ownership by verifying the domain in the virtual-host field matches that in the TLS certificates. If there is no match, the configuration is rejected.

Enable Wizard Forms for Alert Notifications

This feature presents simplified configuration views for alert notifications.

F5 Distributed Cloud Site on MiniKube, EKS, and AKS

This feature introduces the ability to deploy a Node on MiniKube, EKS, and AKS for site creation and use in Console tenant.

vK8s: K8s Pod Delete

This feature introduces support for pod deletion in vK8s and is supported using kubectl.

Support API Token

In addition to certificates, this introduces support for API tokens for 3rd party/external API to access Console services.

Caveats & Changes to Default Behavior

Network policies to implicitly deny traffic is now the system default behavior the moment network policy is configured. Prior to R1.2, the behavior was an implicit allow. In case you have an existing network policy set with no explicit rule to allow the ingress or egress traffic, the traffic will be dropped.