Deploy Site with Azure Console ClickOps


This guide provides instructions on how to create a customer edge (CE) site using the Microsoft Azure Console and deploy to an Azure VNet. For more information on sites, see F5® Distributed Cloud Site.

This guide will show you how to create a single-node mesh site with dual interfaces (ingress/egress gateway). However, this guide will also incorporate the differences that you can successfully deploy an Azure CE Site using both Mesh or App Stack and in any supported combination of nodes and interfaces.

Site Types and Scenarios

The scenarios below in the table have been tested successfully. The Network Address Translation Gateway (NAT GW) device in Table 1 references the Azure NAT Gateway. However, technically this should also work with third-party firewalls.

Note: In the Number of Nodes column, 1/3 indicates 1 or 3 nodes. IGW references Internet Gateway.

ProviderSite TypeNumber of NodesGateway TypeInterfacesScenario
AzureMesh1/3Ingress/Egress2Behind IGW
AzureMesh1/3Ingress1Behind IGW
AzureApp Stack1/3-1Behind IGW
AzureMesh1/3Ingress/Egress2Behind NAT GW
AzureMesh1/3Ingress1Behind NAT GW
AzureApp Stack1/3-1Behind NAT GW

Considerations for Sites Behind NAT Gateway

In a regular deployment, each CE node has a Public IP associated with the SLO interface and the Azure system routes, direct the outgoing traffic via the Internet Gateway using the Public IP as the NAT IP.

But for scenarios where there is a requirement to have the CE site deployed without a Public IP address, you can place the CE behind a NAT Gateway. This can be the Azure NAT gateway or any third-party instance, like a firewall used as a NAT gateway.

For scenarios where there is a requirement to have the CE site deployed without a public IP address, you can place the CE behind a NAT Gateway.

If you are deploying a site in this scenario, there are a few differences to note:

  • There is no public IP association with the CE(s).

  • You must ensure the CE can get to the Internet through its SLO interface.

  • From the Azure side, ensure that the routing table from the SLO subnet has a default route that points to the NAT Gateway.

  • The NAT Gateway is a zonal object. In other words, it belongs to one availability zone. Therefore, in the case of a three-node CE cluster, you might want to deploy additional NAT Gateways for high availability.


The following prerequisites apply:

  • A Distributed Cloud Services Account. If you do not have an account, see Create an Account.

  • An account with Microsoft Azure. See Required Access Policies for permissions needed to deploy site. To create a cloud credentials object, see Cloud Credentials.

  • Resources required per node: Minimum 4 vCPUs and 14 GB RAM.

  • F5 assumes that the resource group exists with a virtual network, including a minimum of two subnets: one for the Site Local Outside (SLO) and one for the Site Local Inside (SLI). The CE generally references the SLO interface as eth0 and the SLI interface as eth1.

  • For a single-NIC deployment (ingress gateway/Mesh or App Stack), only a single subnet (SLO) is required.

  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) needs to be opened between the CE nodes on the Site Local Outside (SLO) interfaces. This is needed to ensure intra-cluster communication checks.


This procedure provides instructions for creating a Secure Mesh Site with two interfaces (ingress/egress) on an Azure VNet using Azure Console. Most of the objects and configurations are the same for single-node and multi-node sites.

The steps differ only for the node instance and IP address creation, where you must repeat the steps for each node in a multi-node site.

Create External Network Security Group

The CE site’s instance security is internally managed by the CE data path. Therefore, you must configure a Network Security Group with allow all rules for both inbound and outbound traffic to be used with the site deployment.

Step 1: Navigate to security group creation page.
  • In Azure Console, navigate to the Network security groups service.
Figure: Search for Network Security Group
Step 2: Create and configure security group policy.
  • Click Create.

  • Assign the new security group to your resource group. This procedure uses f5-ce-resource-group as an example.

  • Give the network security group an indicative name. In this procedure, it is f5-ce-external-network-security-group.

  • Click Review + create.

  • After you create the network security group, click on it to set up the inbound and outbound rules.

Figure: Select Network Security Group
Step 2.1: Create inbound rules.

Ensure you add rules for the following:

  • Allowed SSH from the instance. Azure will figure out the public IP address that a user is configuring from and allows it. You can also use the custom option and enter your corporate public address space.

  • Allowed ICMP for troubleshooting.

  • Allowed TCP Port 65500 for the local UI on the CE.

  • For three node clusters, ensure that traffic is allowed between the nodes.

Important: Be aware that allowing access to any source to the CE control plane is not recommended. It should be filtered using the public IP of your organization.

When creating load balancers to publish applications, you will need to add additional rules in your network security group to accept the traffic that comes to your virtual IP address (VIP).

Figure: Inbound Rules
Step 2.2: Create outbound rules.

Create an allow-all policy for egress traffic. This is the default configuration.

Figure: Outbound Rules
Step 3: Create inbound and outbound rules.

Add an allow all rule to the inbound security rules. The default outbound rules already allow Internet traffic, so there is no need to change anything.

Figure: Inbound and Outbound Rules
Step 4: Verify rules created.

In the overview section for your network security group, you can see all the rules that have been created. Confirm the rules are as desired.

Figure: Verify Rules

Create SSH Key Pairs

You need to create key pairs for SSH login into the virtual machine for troubleshooting purposes.

Step 1: Navigate to SSH key creation page.
  • In Azure Console, navigate to the SSH keys service.

  • Click Create.

Step 2: Configure SSH key pairs.
  • Verify the Subscription and Resource group are correctly selected.

  • In the Key pair name field, enter a name.

  • Click Review + create.

Figure: Create SSH Key Pairs
  • After successful validation, click Create.

  • Click Download private key and create resource to download the key pair locally to your machine since the pair will not be saved in Azure. You will need the key pair to log into the CE node. The private key pair file is named f5-ce-keypair.pem as an example.

Figure: Download SSH Key Pairs

Existing Resource Group Details

In this procedure, we are deploying dual interface single-node and multi-node CE sites. Therefore, we need two subnets: SLI (Site Local Inside) and SLO (Site Local Outside). Note that workload subnets are generally used but are not a requirement to deploy a CE site.

Note: Azure subnets are not zonal constructs, so the same subnets can be used for deploying nodes in different AZs for a multi-node site.

Figure: Existing Virtual Networks

Create Site Token

Create a site token or use an existing token. If you are configuring a multi-node site, use the same token for all nodes. To create the token, see the Create Site Token guide.

Modify the User Data File

Download the raw .yml file to your machine and input the value of the site token into the Token field. See GitHub User Data File for more information. Afterwards, save the file on your machine as you will need it for the user data when creating the F5 CE virtual machine.

Figure: Raw YAML File
#only value to be modified is token
- path: /etc/hosts
  content: |
    # IPv4 and IPv6 localhost aliases localhost vip
  permissions: 0644
  owner: root
- path: /etc/vpm/config.yaml
  permissions: 0644
  owner: root
  content: |
      ClusterType: ce
      Token: # token value here
      EtcdUseTLS: True
      Server: vip

Deploy Multi-Node Site

Follow these steps to create a three-node Secure Mesh Site.

Create Public IP Addresses

In Azure Console, create public IP addresses. You will need to create three public IP addresses since three nodes are being deployed for the CE site.

  • Navigate to the Public IP addresses creation page and click Create.
Figure: Create Public IP
  • Under Configuration details, in the Name field, enter a name for the Public IP.

  • Leave the remaining options with their default values.

Figure: Create Public IP
  • Click Review + create.

  • After validation passes, click Create.

  • Repeat the above steps to create f5-ce-pip2 and f5-ce-pip3 public IP addresses for nodes two and three.

Create the CE Virtual Machines

Create the F5 CE VM instances using the previously created parameters. It is recommended that you create a table and fill it with the information prior to deploying the CE instance.

See table below for example parameters and explanations used for this procedure.

Namef5-ce-node1, f5-ce-node2, f5-ce-node3Names of CE node VM instances.
RegionFrance-centralName of Azure region in which site is deployed.
Image NameVolterra VoltMesh and VoltStack Node Free PlanLocated in Azure Marketplace.
Certified Hardware Nameazure-byol-multi-nic-voltmeshThis is the certified hardware name.
Instance TypeStandard_D3_v2Minimum instance requirements: 4 vCPUs, 14 GB RAM, 45 GB storage for Mesh nodes, and 100 GB storage for App Stack. Recommended instance types are Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, and Standard_D5_v2.
Resource Groupf5-ce-resource-groupCreated in Azure Console.
SLO Subnet IDf5-ce-external-subnetExisting subnet.
SLI Subnet IDf5-ce-internal-subnetExisting subnet.
Key Pairf5-ce-keypairKey pair created in Azure Console.
Security Groupsf5-ce-external-security-groupName of security group created in Azure Console.
Public IP Addressesf5-ce-pip1, f5-ce-pip2, f5-ce-pip3IP addresses created in Azure Console.
Site Namef5-ce-demoEquals ves-io-site-name value.
TokenConfidential. Value varies.Value for site token ID generated in F5 Console.
Storage45 GiB for Mesh site/100 GiB for App Stack recommended.Minimum disk space required.
Step 1: Create new virtual machine.
  • In Azure Console, within your resource group, click Create.
Figure: Create VM
  • Use the search bar to locate the right CE image. You can search for "Volterra Free Plan." This procedure uses the image for Volterra VoltMesh and VoltStack Node Free Plan. This plan image corresponds to the azure-byol-multi-nic-voltmesh certified hardware.

  • After you find the image, click Create.

Figure: Select VM Image
Step 2: Configure new virtual machine.
  • Enter a VM name.

  • Ensure the correct region and availability zone are selected.

Figure: Configure VM
  • From the Size menu, choose the instance type. This procedure uses Standard_D3_v2 as an example. This instance type is the minimum required to deploy an F5 CE Site to Azure cloud.
Figure: Configure VM Instance Type
  • From the SSH public key source menu, assign the previously created SSH key pair.

  • In the Username field, Enter cloud-user as the default user to SSH log into the CE instance.

Figure: Configure VM Username
  • Click Next:Disk.

  • From the OS disk size menu, select 128 GiB (E10).

Step 3: Configure virtual machine networking.
  • Click Next:Networking.

  • Ensure the following parameters for network interface configuration:

    • From the Virtual network menu, select the network.

    • From the Subnet menu, select the external interface.

Important: You cannot create/assign the internal interface to the virtual machine in this step. It will be added at a later step.

  • From the Public IP menu, select the IP previously created.

  • For the NIC network security group option, select Advanced. This option is needed so that you are able to select the network security group.

  • From the Configure network security group menu, select the security group previously created.

  • Select the Delete NIC when VM is deleted option.

Figure: Configure VM Networking
Step 4: Configure advanced settings.
  • Click the Advanced tab to skip the Management and Monitoring configuration.

  • In the Custom data field, copy and paste the user data file information (which includes the site token).

Figure: User Data
Step 5: Complete VM creation.

Click on Review + create. After validation process completes successfully, click Create.

Step 6: Track VM deployment progress.

You can track deployment progress by connecting to your instance's public IP on port 65500. It may take a few minutes for the web interface to appear.

The default username is admin and the default password is Volterra123. You will be required to change the default password on your first login attempt.

The CE will show in Approval state. This means that the CE is awaiting registration approval from F5 Console. Before approving registration, you need to add a second interface to the CE site.

Figure: Site Local UI
Step 7: Create VM instances for nodes two and three.
  • Repeat above steps 1-6 to deploy f5-ce-node2 and f5-ce-node3 in AZ 2 and 3, respectively.

  • Ensure you associate the correct public IP address with each node.

Add Second Interface to Multi-Node Site

  • In Azure portal, select your VM and click Stop.

  • After the VM stops, click Network settings. Then click Attach network interface.

Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Click Create and attach network interface.
Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Select the resource group previously created for this VM.

  • In the Name field, enter a new name for this second interface.

  • In the Subnet field, enter a new name for this interface. Make sure to reference that this is an internal interface since the external interface was previously created.

Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Click Create.

  • After the second interface is attached to your VM, restart the VM.

  • Connect to the CE's local UI to verify that the second interface was properly configured.

Figure: CE Site Local UI
  • Repeat above steps to add second interface for f5-ce-node2 and f5-ce-node3.

Deploy Single-Node Site

Follow these steps to create a single-node Secure Mesh Site.

Create Public IP Address

In Azure Console, create a public IP address. You will need to create one public IP address since only one node is being deployed for the CE site.

  • Navigate to the Public IP addresses creation page and click Create.
Figure: Create Public IP
  • Under Configuration details, in the Name field, enter a name for the Public IP.

  • Leave the remaining options with their default values.

Figure: Create Public IP
  • Click Review + create.

  • After validation passes, click Create.

Create the CE Virtual Machine

Create the F5 CE VM instance using the previously created parameters. It is recommended that you create a table and fill it with the information prior to deploying the CE instance.

See table below for example parameters and explanations used for this procedure.

Namef5-ceName of CE node VM instance.
RegionFrance-centralName of Azure region in which site is deployed.
Image NameVolterra VoltMesh and VoltStack Node Free PlanLocated in Azure Marketplace.
Certified Hardware Nameazure-byol-multi-nic-voltmeshThis is the certified hardware name.
Instance TypeStandard_D3_v2Minimum instance requirements: 4 vCPUs, 14 GB RAM, 45 GB storage for Mesh nodes, and 100 GB storage for App Stack. Recommended instance types are Standard_D3_v2, Standard_D4_v2, and Standard_D5_v2.
Resource Groupf5-ce-resource-groupCreated in Azure Console.
SLO Subnet IDf5-ce-external-subnetExisting subnet.
SLI Subnet IDf5-ce-internal-subnetExisting subnet.
Key Pairf5-ce-keypairKey pair created in Azure Console.
Security Groupsf5-ce-external-security-groupName of security group created in Azure Console.
Public IP Addressf5-ce-pipIP address created in Azure Console.
Site Namef5-ce-demoEquals ves-io-site-name value.
TokenConfidential. Value varies.Value for site token ID generated in F5 Console.
Storage45 GiB for Mesh site/100 GiB for App Stack recommended.Minimum disk space required.
Step 1: Create new virtual machine.
  • In Azure Console, within your resource group, click Create.
Figure: Create VM
  • Use the search bar to locate the right CE image. You can search for "Volterra Free Plan." This procedure uses the image for Volterra VoltMesh and VoltStack Node Free Plan. This plan image corresponds to the azure-byol-multi-nic-voltmesh certified hardware.

  • After you find the image, click Create.

Figure: Select VM Image
Step 2: Configure new virtual machine.
  • Enter a VM name.

  • Ensure the correct region and availability zone are selected.

Figure: Configure VM
  • From the Size menu, choose the instance type. This procedure uses Standard_D3_v2 as an example. This instance type is the minimum required to deploy an F5 CE Site to Azure cloud.
Figure: Configure VM Instance Type
  • From the SSH public key source menu, assign the previously created SSH key pair.

  • In the Username field, Enter cloud-user as the default user to SSH log into the CE instance.

Figure: Configure VM Username
  • Click Next:Disk.

  • From the OS disk size menu, select 128 GiB (E10).

Step 3: Configure virtual machine networking.
  • Click Next:Networking.

  • Ensure the following parameters for network interface configuration:

    • From the Virtual network menu, select the network.

    • From the Subnet menu, select the external interface.

Important: You cannot create/assign the internal interface to the virtual machine in this step. It will be added at a later step.

  • From the Public IP menu, select the IP previously created.

  • For the NIC network security group option, select Advanced. This option is needed so that you are able to select the network security group.

  • From the Configure network security group menu, select the security group previously created.

  • Select the Delete NIC when VM is deleted option.

Figure: Configure VM Networking
Step 4: Configure advanced settings.
  • Click the Advanced tab to skip the Management and Monitoring configuration.

  • In the Custom data field, copy and paste the user data file information (which includes the site token).

Figure: User Data
Step 5: Complete VM creation.

Click on Review + create. After validation process completes successfully, click Create.

Step 6: Track VM deployment progress.

You can track deployment progress by connecting to your instance's public IP on port 65500. It may take a few minutes for the web interface to appear.

The default username is admin and the default password is Volterra123. You will be required to change the default password on your first login attempt.

The CE will show in Approval state. This means that the CE is awaiting registration approval from F5 Console. Before approving registration, you need to add a second interface to the CE site.

Figure: Site Local UI

Add Second Interface to Single-Node Site

  • In Azure portal, select your VM and click Stop.

  • After the VM stops, click Network settings. Then click Attach network interface.

Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Click Create and attach network interface.
Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Select the resource group previously created for this VM.

  • In the Name field, enter a new name for this second interface.

  • In the Subnet field, enter a new name for this interface. Make sure to reference that this is an internal interface since the external interface was previously created.

Figure: Add Second Interface
  • Click Create.

  • After the second interface is attached to your VM, restart the VM.

  • Connect to the CE's local UI to verify that the second interface was properly configured.

Figure: CE Site Local UI

Create and Register Site

Follow the Create Secure Mesh Site documentation to create a Secure Mesh Site object and register the nodes to the site.


For troubleshooting and opening a support case, see the Troubleshooting Manual Site Deployment Registration Issues guide. It provides step-by-step instructions to debug and resolve the issues that may arise due to Distributed Cloud published Terraform errors, networking and security misconfiguration, or CE internal process issues. The guide also provides instructions for contacting the F5 Distributed Cloud Support Team if you are unable to resolve the issue.

