Create Azure Site


This guide provides instructions on how to create a site using F5® Distributed Cloud Console (Console) and deploy to Azure Virtual Network (VNet). For more information, see F5 Distributed Cloud Site.

You can deploy an F5® Distributed Cloud Services Site to VNet using one of the following methods:

Using the instructions provided in this guide, you can deploy an ingress gateway site or ingress/egress gateway site. For more information, see Network Topology of a Site.


The Azure VNet Site automates the deployment of sites in Azure. As part of the Azure VNet Site configuration, you can indicate that new VNet, subnets, and route tables need to be created. You also can choose to provide an existing VNet. The subnet information, creation of the VNet, and subnet resources will be skipped.

Note: By default, a Site deployed in Azure supports Azure Disk Storage. You can configure storage within the Site creation form or using a Fleet. This document provides steps to configure storage using the Site configuration form. See Configure Storage in Fleet document for more information on using the Fleet method.

Azure VNet Site Deployment Types

A site can be deployed in two different modes with the Azure VNet site workflow.

  1. Ingress Gateway (One Interface): In this deployment mode, the site is attached to a single VNet and single Subnet. It can provide discovery of services and endpoints reachable from this subnet to any other site configured in the Distributed Cloud Services tenant.

  2. Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces): In this deployment mode, the site is attached to a single VNet with at least two interfaces on different subnets. In this mode, the site provides security and connectivity needs for virtual machines and subnets via a default gateway through the Site Inside interface. One subnet is labeled Outside and the other is labeled Inside. This VNet can be configured in one of these two modes: Standalone VNet or Hub VNet.

Ingress Gateway (One Interface)

In this deployment mode, F5® Distributed Cloud Mesh (Mesh) needs one interface attached. Services running on the node connect to the Internet using this interface. Also, this interface is used to discover other services and virtual machines and expose them to other sites in the same tenant. For example, in the below figure, TCP or HTTP services on the DevOps or Dev Azure VM instances can be discovered and exposed via reverse proxy remotely.

As shown in the below figure, the interface is on the Outside subnet which is associated with the VNet main routing table, whose default route is pointing to the Internet gateway. That is how traffic coming from the outside interface can reach the Internet, along with other subnets associated with this routing-table object. In case of other subnets (for example, Dev and DevOps), these are associated with the VNet main routing table, which means that any newly created subnet in this VNet is automatically associated with this routing table.

A three-node deployment diagram is shown below.

Azure VNet Deployment - Ingress Gateway (One Interface)
Figure: Azure Site Deployment - Ingress Gateway (One Interface)

Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces)

In this deployment scenario, the Mesh nodes need two interfaces attached. The first interface is the outside interface through which services running on the node can connect to the Internet. The second interface is the inside interface which will become the default gateway IP address for all the application workloads and services present in the private subnets. There are two modes supported in this model: Standalone VNet and Hub VNet.

Standalone VNet

As a Standalone VNet, the application workloads are on private subnets, and they connect to Internet endpoints through Mesh instances, which have two legs: one on the outside network and another on the inside network.

As shown in the below figure, the outside interface is on the outside subnet which is associated with the outside subnet route table, whose default route is pointing to the Internet gateway. This interface can send and receive traffic from the Internet. In case of inside subnets, these are associated with the inside subnet route table which is also the main route table for this VNet, meaning that any newly created subnet in this VNet is automatically associated with the inside subnet route table. This private subnet route table has a default route pointing to the inside IP address of the Mesh node (

A three-node deployment diagram is shown below.

Figure: Azure Site Deployment - Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces) Standalone VNet
Figure: Azure Site Deployment - Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces) Standalone VNet

Once the Mesh site comes online, the inside network of the node will be connected to the outside network through a forward proxy and SNAT enabled on the outside interface. All traffic destined to Internet endpoints that is coming on the inside interface will be forwarded to the Internet over the forward proxy and SNAT happening on the outside interface. Now all the workloads on the private workload subnet can reach the Internet through Mesh site.

Hub VNet

As a Hub VNet, application workloads are on one or more Spoke VNets, and they connect to this Hub VNet using VNet (Virtual Network) Peering. This Hub VNet has Distributed Cloud Services Mesh deployed, making it the central point of networking and security control for all the spoke VNets peered to it.

Currently, only the Virtual network peering is supported with the current release. This network connects virtual networks within the same Azure region. Only intra-region Spoke VNet peering is supported with the current release.

For more information, see Azure Virtual network peering.

As shown in the figure below, the Hub VNet has Distributed Cloud Services Mesh deployed along with Azure Load Balancer resource on the inside subnet. This Hub VNet can now be the ingress/egress gateway for all the Spoke VNets that have peered with this Hub VNet. This Hub VNet has internal load balancer (Azure LoadBalancer), which the Spoke VNets use as the next hop to route traffic to the Hub VNet. To connect the Spoke VNets to the Hub VNet, there are two options: Auto routing and manual routing. With auto routing, a default route pointing to Hub VNet is created for Spoke VNets. While with manual routing, you can manually configure route prefixes that need to be routed to the Hub VNet, directly on Azure. If the spoke VNet configuration has no custom route, then you can manage it through the Auto Routing option. If the spoke VNet has a custom route, then you can manage it through the Manual Routing option.

All traffic destined to Internet endpoints that are coming on the inside interface of the Hub VNet will be forwarded to the Internet over the forward proxy and SNAT happening on the outside interface. Now the workloads on Spoke VNets can reach the Internet through the Hub VNet, which is the central point of network and security control.

Note: Currently, one Hub VNet can peer with up to 100 Spoke VNets. Based on the number of Spoke VNets peered, the time taken to deploy such a site can increase up to 90 minutes.

A three-node deployment diagram is shown below.

Figure: Azure Site Deployment - Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces) Hub VNet


ExpressRoute enables you to extend your on-premises infrastructure or co-located environments to Azure datacenters using a private connection that does not use the public Internet. ExpressRoute requires a connectivity provider, in this case F5 Distributed Cloud Services, to provide the backbone for all connections. The benefits of this include low latency, reduced costs, and high reliability when transferring data between your sites and the Azure private network. For more information, see the official product overview.

ExpressRoute uses BGP to exchange routes between your on-premises networks, your instances on Azure, and Microsoft public IP addresses. The connections to the Azure private network can be established using the peering locations and access regions within a geopolitical region. For example, if you have a Hub Site in North America, then you can connect to Azure in North America with ExpressRoute. This will give you access to all Azure cloud services hosted in North America.

A three-node deployment diagram is shown below.

Figure: Azure ExpressRoute

ExpressRoute can only be used if deploying a site with the Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interfaces) option.

Four main components are required to use ExpressRoute:

  • Route Server: This is to dynamically exchange routes between the Customer Edge site and Azure using BGP. This connection is created inside the Hub VNet during initial configuration in Console.

  • Virtual Network Gateway: Only one is required per VNet. Microsoft provides different SKUs each with different CPU and bandwidth options. This network gateway is created inside the Hub VNet during initial configuration in Console.

  • ExpressRoute Circuit: This is a logical connection between an Azure Site and your on-premise datacenter or other co-located environments.

  • ExpressRoute Circuit Connection: This logical connection is established between the Virtual Network Gateway and ExpressRoute Circuit.

Network Policies

Distribute Cloud Services Mesh can be your ingress/egress security policy enforcement point, as all the traffic coming from private subnets will flow through the site. If the traffic does not match the type defined in network policy, then the default action will be to deny it.

You can define which endpoint/subnet by using the network policy. You can define the egress policy by adding the egress rules from the point of endpoint to deny/allow specific traffic patterns based on intent, and you can also add ingress rules to deny/allow traffic coming toward the endpoint.

Forward Proxy Policy

Using a forward proxy policy, you can specify allowed/denied TLS domains or HTTP URLs. The traffic from workloads on private subnets toward the Internet via the Azure VNet site is allowed or denied accordingly.

More details on how to configure this is captured in the rest of this documentation.

Site Status Descriptions

These descriptions provide information for the various stages of site deployment in Distribute Cloud Console. They also provide information to help you troubleshoot errors that may occur during the deployment and registration stages.

PLANNING: Site resources are being planned for creation.

PLAN_INIT_ERRORED: Planning of site resources failed at init stage.

PLAN_ERRORED: Planning of site failed with errors.

PLAN_QUEUED: Planning of site resources queued to be implemented.

APPLIED: Site resources are created, and site is waiting to come online.

APPLY_ERRORED: Creation of site resources failed with errors.

APPLY_INIT_ERRORED: Creation of site resources failed with errors at initial stage.

APPLYING: Site creation is in progress.

APPLY_PLANNING: Site resources are being planned.

APPLY_PLAN_ERRORED: Planning of site failed with errors.

APPLY_QUEUED: Creation of site resources queued to be implemented.

DESTROYED: Site resources are destroyed and site is OFFLINE.

DESTROY_ERRORED: Destroying of site resources failed with errors.

DESTROYING: Destroying of site resources in progress.

DESTROY_QUEUED: Destroying of site resources queued to be destroyed.

GENERATED: Site Object created in F5DC database as per configuration.

TIMED_OUT: Creation/Destroying of site resources is failed with a timeout.

ERRORED: Creation/Destroying of site resources is failed with errors.

PROVISIONING: Site resources are created and waiting for site to come online.


The following prerequisites apply:

  • A Distributed Cloud Services Account. If you do not have an account, see Create an Account.

  • A Microsoft Azure Account. See Required Access Policies for permissions needed to deploy site. To create a cloud credentials object, see Cloud Credentials.

  • Resources required per node:

    • vCPUs: Minimum 4 vCPUs.
    • Memory: 14 GB RAM.
    • Disk storage:
      • Minimum 45 GB for Mesh site.
      • Minimum 100 GB for App Stack site.
  • UDP port 6080 needs to be opened between all the nodes of the site.

  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) needs to be opened between the CE nodes on the Site Local Outside (SLO) interfaces. This is needed to ensure intra-cluster communication checks.

Deploy Using Console

The following video shows the Azure VNET site deployment workflow using Console:

The Azure VNet site object creation and management process involves the following:

Create Azure VNet Site ObjectCreate the Azure VNet site object in Console.
Deploy Azure VNet SiteDeploy the site configured in the Azure VNet site object using automated method.

Accept Subscription Agreement

Prior to beginning the site deployment process you must accept the Azure subscription agreement.

  • Select the correct subscription:
          az account set -s <subscription-id>
  • For ingress gateway site:
          az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer volterra-node --plan volterra-node
  • For ingress/egress gateway site:
          az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node_multinic
  • For F5® Distributed Cloud App Stack site:
          az vm image terms accept --publisher volterraedgeservices --offer entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node --plan freeplan_entcloud_voltmesh_voltstack_node

Create Azure VNet Site Object

The wizard to create the Azure VNet site object guides you through the steps for required configuration.

Step 1: Start site object creation.
  • Log into Console.

  • From the Console homepage, select Multi-Cloud Network Connect.

Figure: Console Homepage
  • Select Manage > Site Management > Azure VNET Sites.

  • Select Add Azure VNET Site.

  • In the Metadata section, enter a name.

  • Optionally, select a label and add a description.

Figure: Azure Site Creation Form
Step 2: Select cloud credentials.

Refer to the Cloud Credentials guide for more information. Ensure that the Azure credentials are applied with required access policies per the Azure Credential Client Certificate or Azure Client Secret for Service Principal Credentials documents.

  • From the Cloud Credentials menu, select an existing Azure credentials object, or select Add Item to load form.
Figure: Cloud Credentials Option
  • To create new credentials:

    • Enter Name, Labels, and Description as needed.

    • From the Select Cloud Credential Type menu, select Azure Credential Client Certificate or Azure Client Secret for Service Principal.

    • Enter the required information for each field marked with an asterisk (*).

    • Click Configure for Certificate Password or Azure Client Secret, depending on your selection above.

    • From the Secret Type menu:

      • Blindfold Secret: Enter secret in the Secret to Blindfold box.

      • Clear Secret: Enter secret in box in either Text or Base64 formats.

      • Click Apply.

    • Click Continue to add the new credentials.

Figure: Azure Credential Creation Form
Step 3: Set Azure resource group and region.
  • In the Site Type Selection section, enter the Azure resource group in the Resource Group field. Ensure that you enter a name for a non-existent resource group.

  • From the Select Azure Region Type menu, select a region type. The Recommended Azure Region Name option is selected by default. You can change it by selecting the Alternate Azure Region Name if you do not want to use an availability zone.

Note: The Recommended Azure Region Name option is where Azure provides at least three availability zones. The Alternate Azure Region Name option does not have three availability zones. For more information, see Regions and availability zones.

  • Select a region from the Recommended Azure Region Name or Alternate Azure Region Name menu per your choice of the Azure region type.
Step 4: Configure VNet.
  • From the Vnet menu, select an option:

    • New Vnet Parameters: Select Autogenerate Vnet Name or Choose Vnet Name from the Azure Vnet Name menu. If you choose a VNet name, enter the name in the Choose Vnet Name box. In the IPv4 CIDR block field, enter a CIDR value.

    • Existing Vnet: Enter an existing resource group name and VNet name in the Existing Vnet Resource Group and Existing Vnet Name fields. In the IPv4 CIDR block field, enter a CIDR value.

Figure: Site VNet Parameters
Step 5: Set and configure VPC interface.

From the Select Ingress Gateway or Ingress/Egress Gateway menu, select an option per the configured Azure region type from above. For example, if you selected the region type as Alternate Azure Region Name and want to configure ingress gateway node, select the Ingress Gateway (One Interface) on Alternate Region option.

Ingress Gateway (one interface)
  • If you selected Ingress Gateway (One Interface) on Recommended Region, performing the following:

    • Select Configure.

    • Under the Ingress Gateway (One Interface) Nodes in AZ section, click Add Item.

Note: Either a single master node site or a multi-node site with three (3) master nodes is supported. Therefore, if you are adding more than one node, ensure that there are three (3) master nodes for your site. Use Add Item to add more master nodes.

  • From the Azure AZ name menu, select an option to set the number of availability zones.

Note: If you selected the Ingress Gateway (One Interface) on Alternate Region option, you need to set the number of main nodes from the Number of main nodes menu.

  • From the Subnet for local interface menu, select an option:

    • For the New Subnet option, enter the subnet address in the IPv4 Subnet field.

    • For the Existing Subnet option, enter it in the Subnet Name field, and select an option from the Subnet Resource Group menu. Use the Vnet Resource Group option to use the same resource group as that of the VNet, or select Resource Group Name and enter a name in the Resource Group Name field.

  • Select Apply.

Figure: Ingress Gateway for One Interface

Note: You can add more than one ingress gateway using the Add Item option.

  • Optionally, configure more settings in the Advanced Options section:

    • Enable the Show Advanced Fields option.

    • From the Performance Mode menu, select an option:

    • L7 Enhanced: This option optimizes the site for Layer 7 traffic processing.

    • L3 Mode Enhanced Performance: This option optimizes the site for Layer 3 traffic processing.

    • To disable accelerated networking for your new virtual machine instances, select Disable Accelerated Networking from the Accelerated Networking menu.

Note: If enabled, this option will enable accelerated networking across all interfaces on all member nodes if the selected Azure virtual machine supports accelerated networking. The default setting for newly created Azure sites is to have accelerated networking enabled. For existing sites, there is no option to turn this feature on. After the site is created, the setting for accelerated networking cannot be changed. Currently, when enabling this option on a virtual machine that does not support it, you will get the error VMSizeIsNotPermittedToEnableAcceleratedNetworking during the apply stage, suggesting other instance types that support the feature. To learn more about this feature, see Accelerated Networking overview To check if your VM instance size is supported, see Sizes for virtual machines in Azure.

  • Select Apply.
Ingress/Egress Gateway (two interfaces)
  • If you selected Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interface) on Recommended Region, perform the following:

    • Select Configure.

    • In the Nodes section, click Add Item.

Note: Either a single master node site or a multi-node site with three (3) master nodes is supported. Therefore, if you are adding more than one node, ensure that there are three (3) master nodes for your site. Use Add Item to add more master nodes.

  • From the Azure AZ Name menu, set the number of availability zones.

Note: If you selected the Ingress/Egress Gateway (Two Interface) on Alternate Region option, you need to set the number of main nodes from the Number of main nodes menu.

  • From the Subnet for Inside Interface menu, select an option to configure the subnet for inside interface:

    • For the New Subnet option, enter a subnet address in the IPv4 Subnet field.

    • For the Existing Subnet option, enter an existing subnet in the Subnet Name field and select an option from the Subnet Resource Group menu. Use the Vnet Resource Group option to use the same resource group as that of the VNet, or select Resource Group Name and enter a name in the Resource Group Name field.

    • From the Subnet for Outside Interface menu, select an option to configure the subnet for outside interface. Follow the instructions for the inside interface above.

    • Select Apply.

Figure: Ingress/Egress Gateway for Two Interfaces
  • Optionally, configure the network firewall settings in the Site Network Firewall section:

    • From the Manage Firewall Policy menu, add a firewall policy by selecting Active Firewall Policies or Active Enhanced Firewall Policies. Select an existing firewall policy, or select Add Item to create and apply a firewall policy or Configure for an enhanced version. After creating the policy, click Continue to apply.

    • From the Manage Forward Proxy menu, select an option:

    • Enable Forward Proxy with Allow All Policy.

    • Enable Forward Proxy and Manage Policies: Select an existing forward proxy policy, or select Add Item to create and apply a forward proxy policy. After creating the policy, click Continue to apply.

  • Optionally, configure more settings in the Advanced Options section:

    • From the Select DC Cluster Group menu, select an option to set your site in a DC cluster group:

      • Not a Member of DC Cluster Group: Default option.

      • Member of DC Cluster Group via Outside Network: Select the DC cluster group from the Member of DC Cluster Group via Outside Network menu to connect your site using an outside network.

      • Member of DC Cluster Group via Inside Network: Select the DC cluster group from the Member of DC Cluster Group via Inside Network menu to connect your site using an inside network.

Note: For more information, see the Configure DC Cluster Group guide.

  • From the Select Performance Mode menu, select an option:

    • L7 Enhanced: This option optimizes the site for Layer 7 traffic processing.

    • L3 Mode Enhanced Performance: This option optimizes the site for Layer 3 traffic processing.

    • To disable accelerated networking for your new virtual machine instances, select Disable Accelerated Networking from the Accelerated Networking menu.

Note: If enabled, this option will enable accelerated networking across all interfaces on all member nodes if the selected Azure virtual machine supports accelerated networking. The default setting for newly created Azure sites is to have accelerated networking enabled. For existing sites, there is no option to turn this feature on. After the site is created, the setting for accelerated networking cannot be changed. Currently, when enabling this option on a virtual machine that does not support it, you will get the error VMSizeIsNotPermittedToEnableAcceleratedNetworking during the apply stage, suggesting other instance types that support the feature. To learn more about this feature, see Accelerated Networking overview To check if your VM instance size is supported, see Sizes for virtual machines in Azure.

  • Select Apply.
VNet Peering
  • To create a Spoke VNet:

    • In Azure portal, create your Spoke VNets to use for virtual machine and container workloads.
  • To configure an ingress/egress Site into a Hub Site:

    • Under the Advanced Options section, select Hub VNet from the Select VNet type drop-down menu. This selection converts your Azure Site into a Hub Site.
Figure: Choose Hub Option
  • Select View Configuration.

  • Select Add Item.

Figure: Add Spoke VNet
  • In the Existing Vnet Resource Group field, enter the name of the Azure resource group of the Spoke VNet.

  • In the Existing Vnet Name field, enter the name of the Spoke VNet.

  • From the Select automatic or manual configuration for routes menu, select the Auto Routing option to set up routing for all existing subnets on spoke VNet, or select the Manual Routing option to manually set up routing on the Spoke VNet.

  • Select Apply.

Figure: Add Spoke VNet
  • Select Apply.

  • Select Apply.

  • To verify status in Console, navigate to the hub site and select ... > Show VNET Peering Status.

Figure: Peering Status
  • Confirm the "peering_sync_level" and "provisioning_state" fields are set to "FullyInSync" and "Succeeded", respectively.
Figure: Peering Status
  • To verify status in Azure portal, confirm the VNets are online and then test connectivity.

  • To enable ExpressRoute:

    • From the Express Route Configuration menu, select Enabled.
Figure: Enable ExpressRoute
  • Under the Connections subsection, click Add Item.

  • In the Name field, enter a name for this connection.

  • From the Express Route Circuit Configuration menu, select whether this ExpressRoute is in the same subscription as the Site:

    • Circuit in same subscription: Enter the subscription name. You can find this name in the Azure portal as the Resource ID.

    • Circuit in another subscription: Enter Circuit ID. You can find this ID in the Azure portal as the Resource ID.

  • For the Authorization Key option, click Configure. Enter the Authorization Key in the text box and then click Blindfold. You can find this value in the Azure portal. Select Apply to complete blindfold operation.

  • Select Apply to complete ExpressRoute configuration.

Figure: Enable ExpressRoute
  • From the Gateway SKU menu, select an option for gateway performance.

  • For Subnet for Azure VNet Gateway, select an option from the Select Auto Subnet, Existing Subnet or Create New menu. Default option is Auto Subnet. If you select New Subnet, enter the IPv4 Subnet. If you select Existing Subnet, enter the Resource Group Name.

  • For Subnet for Azure Route Server, select an option from the Select Auto Subnet, Existing Subnet or Create New menu. Default option is Auto Subnet. If you select New Subnet, enter the IPv4 Subnet. If you select Existing Subnet, enter the Resource Group Name.

  • From the ASN for F5XC Site menu, select an option to configure ASN for BGP between the Site and Azure Route Servers:

    • Automatically set ASN: Default option. No extra configuration needed. Configuration is performed automatically.

    • Custom ASN: Enter a custom ASN.

  • Select Apply to apply ExpressRoute configuration.

  • To view the status, go to your Azure Site and select ... > Show Express Route Status.

Figure: View ExpressRoute Status
Figure: View ExpressRoute Status
App Stack Cluster (one interface)
  • If you selected App Stack Cluster (One Interface) on Recommended Region, perform the following:

    • Select Configure.

    • In the App Stack Cluster (One Interface) Nodes in AZ section, click Add Item.

Note: Either a single master node site or a multi-node site with three (3) master nodes is supported. Therefore, if you are adding more than one node, ensure that there are three (3) master nodes for your site. Use Add Item to add more master nodes.

  • From the Azure AZ name menu, set the number of availability zones.

Note: If you selected the App Stack Cluster (One Interface) on Alternate Region option, you need to set the number of main nodes from the Number of main nodes menu.

  • From the Subnet for local interface menu, select an option to configure the subnet for inside interface:

    • For the New Subnet option, enter a subnet address in the IPv4 Subnet field.

    • For the Existing Subnet option, enter an existing subnet in the Subnet Name field and select an option from the Subnet Resource Group menu. Use the Vnet Resource Group option to use the same resource group as that of the VNet, or select Resource Group Name and enter a name in the Resource Group Name field.

    • From the Subnet for Outside Interface menu, select an option to configure the subnet for outside interface manually. Follow the instructions for the inside interface above.

  • Select Apply.

Figure: App Stack Cluster for One Interface
  • Optionally, configure the network firewall settings in the Site Network Firewall section:

    • From the Manage Firewall Policy menu, add a firewall policy by selecting Active Firewall Policies or Active Enhanced Firewall Policies. Select an existing firewall policy, or select Add Item to create and apply a firewall policy or Configure for an enhanced version. After creating the policy, click Continue to apply.

    • From the Manage Forward Proxy menu, select an option:

    • Enable Forward Proxy with Allow All Policy.

    • Enable Forward Proxy and Manage Policies: Select an existing forward proxy policy, or select Add Item to create and apply a forward proxy policy. After creating the policy, click Continue to apply.

  • In the Storage Configuration section, enable the Show Advanced Fields option.

  • From the Select Configuration for Storage Classes menu, select Add Custom Storage Class. Perform the following:

    • Select Add Item.

    • In the Storage Class Name field, enter a name for the storage class as it will appear in Kubernetes.

    • Optionally, enable the Default Storage Class option to make this new storage class the default class for all clusters.

    • Click Apply.

  • From the Select DC Cluster Group menu, select an option to set the site in a DC cluster group:

    • Not a Member: Default option.

    • Member of DC Cluster Group: Select the DC cluster group from the Member of DC Cluster Group menu to connect the site using an outside network.

Note: For more information, see the Configure DC Cluster Group guide.

  • In the Advanced Options section: To disable accelerated networking for your new virtual machine instances, select Disable Accelerated Networking from the Accelerated Networking menu.

Note: If enabled, this option will enable accelerated networking across all interfaces on all member nodes if the selected Azure virtual machine supports accelerated networking. The default setting for newly created Azure sites is to have accelerated networking enabled. For existing sites, there is no option to turn this feature on. After the site is created, the setting for accelerated networking cannot be changed. Currently, when enabling this option on a virtual machine that does not support it, you will get the error VMSizeIsNotPermittedToEnableAcceleratedNetworking during the apply stage, suggesting other instance types that support the feature. To learn more about this feature, see Accelerated Networking overview To check if your VM instance size is supported, see Sizes for virtual machines in Azure.

  • Click Apply.
Step 6: Optionally, set the site node parameters.
  • In the Site Node Parameters section, enable the Show Advanced Fields option.

  • From the Azure Machine Type for Node menu, set the Azure machine type by selecting an option. Click See Common Values.

  • Specify a disk size in GiB from the Cloud Disk Size menu. For example, 80 would be 80 GiB.

  • In the Public SSH key box, enter the public key used for SSH purposes.

Figure: Azure VNet Site Node Parameters
  • Enter a geographic address in the Geographical Address field to determine the latitude and longitude.

  • Specify the latitude and longitude using Latitude and Longitude in the Co-ordinates section.

Step 7: Optionally, configure the advanced options.
  • Toggle the Show Advanced Fields option in the Advanced Configuration section.

  • Select Enable Log Streaming from the Logs Streaming menu:

    • From the Enable Logs Streaming menu, select an existing log receiver, or click Add Item.
  • From the F5XC Software Version menu, set the latest or a specific version for Distributed Cloud Services software:

    • F5XC Software Version: Enter the specific version in the F5XC Software Version field, if selected.
  • From the Operating System Version menu, set the latest or a specific version for the operating system:

    • Operating System Version: Enter the specific version in the Operating System Version field, if selected.
  • From the Desired Worker Nodes Selection menu, select worker node configuration:

    • Desired Worker Nodes Per AZ: To specify worker nodes per availability zone, enter the number of worker nodes per zone in the Desired Worker Nodes Per AZ field. A maximum of twenty-one (21) zones is allowed.

    • Total Number of Worker Nodes for a Site: To specify the total number of worker nodes across all zones of a site, enter the number in the Total Number of Worker Nodes for a Site field.

Note: For an Azure alternate region, there is no availability zone. It is recommended to use the Total Number of Worker Nodes for a Site option.

Figure: Site Advanced Configuration
Step 7.1: Configure blocked services from site.
  • From the Services to be blocked on site menu, select Custom Blocked Services Configuration. If you select Allow access to DNS, SSH services on Site, no further configuration is needed.

  • Click Add Item.

  • From the Blocked Services Value Type menu, select the service to block:

    • DNS port

    • SSH port

  • From the Network Type menu, select the type of network in which this service is blocked from your site.

  • Click Apply.

Step 7.2: Enable the offline survivability feature for your site.

From the Offline Survivability Mode menu, select Enable Offline Survivability Mode. This action will restart all pods for your site. For more information, see the Manage Site Offline Survivability guide.

Step 8: Complete the site object creation.
New VPC Site

Click Save and Exit to complete creating the site. The Status field for the site object displays Validation in progress. After validation, the field displays Validation Succeeded.

Existing VPC Site

If you used an existing VPC, Console will validate whether certain existing objects are available and valid. This provides current information to help troubleshoot and fix any potential issues without having to wait until the full site deployment process completes.

After you click Save and Exit, the validation process begins and is displayed as Validation in progress.

If the site deployment validation failed, a message with Validation Failed will be displayed. Click on the tooltip to display a popup message with the error.

If the site deployment validation succeeded, a message with Validation Succeeded will be displayed.

Note: The QUEUED state references site status action that is in process. The site status will remain in QUEUED state until the backend service is ready to execute Apply/Plan/Destroy commands. The site status (under the Status column) is updated on the Console once the execution begins. After a maximum duration of 15 minutes, the site will stay in the QUEUED state until the status times out after which a new state is set as PROVISION_TIMEOUT.

Deploy Site

Creating the Azure VNet object in Console generates the Terraform parameters.

Step 1: Deploy site.
  • Navigate to the Azure VNet object by clicking Manage > Site Management > Azure VNET Sites.

  • Find your Azure VNet object and click Apply in the Status column. The Status column for the site object changes first to Queued and then to Applying.

Note: Optionally, you can perform Terraform plan activity before the deployment. Find your Azure VNet site object and select ... > Plan (Optional) to start the action of Terraform plan. This creates the execution plan for Terraform.

  • Wait for the status to change to Applied.

  • To check the status for the apply action, click ... > Terraform Parameters for site object, and select the Apply Status tab.

Step 2: Confirm site deployed and online.
  • Navigate to Multi-Cloud Network Connect > Overview > Sites.

  • Verify status is Online. It takes a few minutes for the site to deploy and status to change to Online.

Note: When you update worker nodes for a site object, scaling happens automatically. You can use SSH to log in to your node with username cloud-user and your private key.

Delete VPC Site

You have two options when deleting a site in Console. You delete the site entirely, with all its resources and configuration. Or you can simply delete the site, its resources, but maintain the existing configuration (so that it can be re-applied at a later time).

Note: Deleting the VPC object deletes the sites, nodes, the VPC, and other objects created in the cloud for the site. This action also removes the site object from Console and cannot be undone.

Destroying a site deployed on an existing VPC will leave the subnets used for Site Local Outside, Site Local Inside, and Workload subnets without any explicit route associations.

Delete Site Completely
  • Navigate to Manage > Site Management > Azure VNET Sites.

  • Locate the site object.

  • Select ... > Delete.

  • Click Delete in pop-up confirmation window. In case the delete operation does not remove the object and returns any error, check the error from the status, fix the error, and re-attempt the delete operation. If the problem persists, contact technical support. You can check the status using the ... > Terraform Parameters > Apply status option.

Delete Site but Maintain Configuration
  • Navigate to Manage > Site Management > Azure VNET Sites.

  • Locate the site object.

  • Click Destroy for your site. Alternately, click ... > Destroy.

  • In the pop-up window, type DELETE.

  • Click Destroy to confirm the action. On successful operation, the site status will show Destroyed and the Apply button will appear on the row of your site. This can be used to create the site again at later time, if required. The site object is no longer required and can be removed from Console by clicking Delete in the Actions menu for the site.

Deploy Site Using Terraform

This chapter provides instructions on how to create a single-node or multi-node site on Microsoft Azure with Terraform.

Perform the following procedure to deploy a site using Terraform:

Step 1: Confirm Terraform is installed.

In a terminal, enter terraform version. If you need to install, follow the instructions at the official guide.

Step 2: Create API credentials file.

Log into Console and create an API 12 certificate file and then download it. Use the instructions at Credentials for more help.

Step 3: Create a new directory on your system to place files for deployment.

Create a new directory on your system to place files for deployment.

Step 4: Create the deployment file.
  • Create a file and name it file, and place it in the newly created directory.

  • Copy and paste the following information into the file:

          terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.1"
  required_providers {
    volterra = {
      source = "volterraedge/volterra"
variable "site_name" {}
variable "az_client_id" {}
variable "az_subscription_id" {}
variable "az_tenant_id" {}
variable "b64_az_client_secret" {}
variable "az_region" {
  default = "westus2"
variable "az_vnet_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "outside_subnet_cidr_block" {
  default = ""
resource "volterra_cloud_credentials" "azure_cred" {
  name      = format("%s-cred", var.site_name)
  namespace = "system"
  azure_client_secret {
    client_id       = var.az_client_id
    subscription_id = var.az_subscription_id
    tenant_id       = var.az_tenant_id
    client_secret {
      clear_secret_info {
        url = format("string:///%s", var.b64_az_client_secret)
resource "volterra_azure_vnet_site" "site" {
  name           = var.site_name
  namespace      = "system"
  azure_region   = var.az_region
  ssh_key        = "ssh-rsa XXXX"
  resource_group = var.site_name
  azure_cred {
    name =
  vnet {
    new_vnet {
      name         = var.site_name
      primary_ipv4 = var.az_vnet_cidr
  disk_size    = 80
  machine_type = "Standard_D4_v2"
  ingress_gw {
    azure_certified_hw = "azure-byol-voltmesh"
    az_nodes {
      azure_az  = "1"
      disk_size = 100
      local_subnet {
        subnet_param {
          ipv4 = var.outside_subnet_cidr_block
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [labels]
resource "volterra_tf_params_action" "apply_azure_vnet" {
  site_name        =
  site_kind        = "azure_vnet_site"
  action           = "apply"
  wait_for_action  = true
  ignore_on_update = true
  • Open the file and configure any necessary fields. You can change the parameters for your particular setup.

  • Save the changes and then close the file.

Step 5: Create file for variables.
  • In the same directory, create another file for variables and name it terraform.tfvars.

  • Create and assign the following variables:

    • For your site name, type a name within double quotes: site_name = "<site-name>"

    • For the region, type the name within double quotes: az_region = "<az-region-which-supports-availability-zone>"

    • For the client ID, type the name within double quotes: az_client_id = "<az-client-id>"

    • For the subscription ID, type the name within double quotes: az_subscription_id = "<az-subscription-id>"

    • For the tenant ID, type the name within double quotes: az_tenant_id = "<az-tenant-id>"

          site_name  = <site-name>
az_region = <az-region-which-supports-availability-zone>
az_client_id = <az-client-id>
az_subscription_id = <az-subscription-id>
az_tenant_id = <az-tenant-id>
Step 6: Create and export variables for credentials and secret keys.
  • In the terminal, create and export the following variables:

    • Create this variable and assign it the value of the Base64 encoded client secret: export TF_VAR_b64_az_client_secret=<base64-encoded-secret>

    • Create this variable and assign it the URL for your tenant. For example: export VOLT_API_URL=

    • Create this variable and assign it the path to the API credential file previously created and downloaded from Console: export VOLT_API_P12_FILE=<path-to-local-p12-file>

    • Create this variable and assign it your API credentials password: export VES_P12_PASSWORD=<credential-password>

Note: You can also create and save these variables in the terraform.tfvars file. However, this may pose a security risk. Use caution when working with your credentials and secret keys.

          export TF_VAR_b64_az_client_secret=<base64-encoded-secret>
export VOLT_API_URL="https://<tenant>"
export VOLT_API_P12_FILE=<path-to-credential-p12-file>
export VES_P12_PASSWORD=<password-for-credential-p12-file>
Step 7: Initiate Terraform process.

Enter terraform init.

Step 8: Apply Terraform process.
  • Enter terraform apply.

  • If prompted for the access key and secret key encoded in Base64, enter both.

  • Enter yes to confirm. This may take a few minutes to complete. After the process is complete, the output will state Apply complete!.

  • In Console, navigate to the list of sites and confirm the site was applied.

Destroy Site

Perform the following procedure to destroy the site using Terraform:

  • Enter terraform destroy.

  • If prompted for the access key and secret key encoded in Base64, enter both.

  • Enter yes to confirm. This may take a few minutes to complete. After the process is complete, the output will state Destroy complete!.

  • In Console, navigate to the list of sites and confirm the site was destroyed.

Next Steps

After you have successfully deployed your site, you can choose to upgrade it or create a site mesh group (SMG).

  • To update your site to the latest OS version, click Upgrade under the Software Version tile on the dashboard.

Note: Site upgrades may take up to 10 minutes per site node. Once site upgrade has completed, you must apply the Terraform parameters to site via Action menu on cloud site management page.

Figure: Site OS Upgrade


API References