Hello, Clouds!

The Hello, Cloud! is the second QuickStart in Volterra’s Hello, World! series. This guide provides instructions to deploy a secure mesh for your application spanning across multiple cloud locations. Using these instructions, you can also visualize web application connectivity and security metrics using the VoltConsole.

hc top
Figure: Multi-Cloud Deployment of Webapp


  • Volterra Volterra Account.

    Note: In case you do not have the account, see Create a Volterra Account.

  • Volterra Node installed on Azure with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

    Note: The aks_cluster must be set to true in the terraform variables file when deploying the Azure site. Also, the aks_vm_count variable must be set. See Azure Installation for Azure site installation.

  • Volterra Node installed on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    Note: See AWS Installation for AWS site installation.

Deploy Using Volterra Quickstart

Using Volterra Quickstart tool creates the mesh in a quick manner. Perform the following steps to deploy the secure mesh for your application.

Step 1: Create an input variables file. This example show sample variables file.

    "api_p12_file": "<api p12 file path>",
    "api_url": "<api_url>",
    "name": "<prefix name for all the resource that will be created>",
    "aws_vsite_name": "<prefix name for the virtual site that will be created>",
    "aws_site_name": "<aws-site-name>",
    "azure_site_name": "<az-site-name>",
    "sli_network_prefix": "",
    "slo_network_prefix": "",
    "stage_one": true,
    "stage_two": true,
    "stage_three": true,
    "stage_four": true,
    "stage_five": false,
    "aks_kubeconfig_base64": "<this needs to be given>",


Note: The aks_kubeconfig_base64 value is obtained from applying Base64 encoding to the AKS kubeconfig file. Use the openssl base64 -in <aks_kubeconfig.yml> command to obtain the Base64 encoded string from your kubeconfig file.

Step 2: Download the Volterra Quickstart tool.

          docker run --rm -v \$(pwd):/opt/bin:rw docker.io/volterraio/volt-terraform:latest cp /deploy-terraform.sh /opt/bin


Step 3: Create the VES_P12_PASSWORD environment variable. Enter your API credentials password as the value for this variable.

          export VES_P12_PASSWORD=<your_password>


Note: This step requires you to create API credentials in the VoltConsole by navigating to IAM -> API Credentials option.

Step 4: Deploy the application in your cloud locations using the created variables file.

          ./deploy-terraform.sh apply -p volterra -i <absolute_path_to_vars_file> -tn hello-cloud --force


Step 5: Monitor your application for statistics using the output option of the Quickstart tool.

          ./deploy-terraform.sh output -n <name you have provide in variable file> curl_cmd_to_test_app_url


Note: The output option of terraform returns the IP address or URL to your application so that you can use the same with the curl to obtain statistics.

This quickstart creates the following objects in the Volterra platform:

  • Sites (Including Cluster)
  • Namespace
  • Virtual Site
  • Fleet
  • Network Objects (Connector and Interface)
  • Endpoint
  • Discovery Object
  • Route
  • Advertise Policy
  • Service Policy
  • Virtual Host
  • vK8s

You can delete the created secure mesh in two ways:

Note: Performing API call requires API credentials. Download the credentials from the IAM->API Credentials option under the system namespace from the VoltConsole.

  • Using the vesctl configuration utility.
