Configure DDoS Detection


This document provides instructions on how to enable anomaly detection using time series analysis on the metrics of your application. The F5® Distributed Cloud DDoS detection is supported for the Request Rate, Error Rate, Latency, and Throughput (RELT) metrics. The DDoS detection is performed using advanced machine learning upon enabling through configuration. To know more about the DDoS detection concepts, see Behavioral Firewall.

The DDoS detection monitors and alerts about the following types of abnormal traffic patterns:

  • Unusually large spikes (DoS attack and genuinely high traffic)
  • Sudden drops — may indicate reachability issues
  • Seasonality patterns — these are periodic patterns
  • Missing periodic peaks — may indicate problems with client application
  • Unexpected peaks or drops

Note: The DDoS detection includes learning time of day usage patterns.

Using the instructions provided in this document, you can enable the DDoS detection for metrics of your application and monitor the related detected anomalies in the Distributed Cloud service mesh.


Note: If you do not have an account, see Create an Account.

  • One or more applications deployed on Distributed Cloud site and services configured.

Note: See App Management for more information. See Site Management for site creation instructions.


The following image describes the configuration work-flow for enabling DDoS detection for your application metrics:

seq tsa
Figure: Work-flow for Enabling DDoS

Configuration Sequence

The following table presents the sequence of activities in enabling the DDoS detection:

Create App TypeCreate app type and configure the DDoS detection features.
Create App SettingsSelect metrics and components such as nodes, edges, or load balancers for DDoS detection and associate them with the app type.
Monitor Anomalies and AlertsMonitor the service mesh or load balancer to check for anomalies detected and reported by DDoS detection.

Create App Type

To enable anomaly detection for your application services, it is required to first enable DDoS detection for those services using the app type object.

The app type object is created in the shared namespace. The load balancers of that app type in different namespaces need to be assigned with the label of the app type object.

Perform the following to create app type and enable generating the anomaly model.

Step 1: Navigate to the App Types page.
  • Select the Shared Configuration service.
  • Navigate to Security > AI & ML > App Types.
nav atype 2 2
Figure: Navigate to App Type Configuration
Step 2: Configure app type object settings.
  • Select + Add App Type and enter the configuration in the app type object creation form using the following guidelines:
app type cnf 2
Figure: App Type Feature Configuration
  • Enter Name for the app type. This is the value for the app type label to be assigned to the load balancers for which the DDoS detection needs to be enabled.

  • Select + Add item in the Application Type Features section and select a type for the AI/ML Feature Type from the drop-down list using the following guidelines:

    • Select API Discovery for enabling analysis on interactions between the services.
    • Select DDoS Detection for enabling analysis on RELT metrics.
    • Select Per API Request Analysis for enabling detection per API request.
    • Select Malicious User Detection for enabling user behavior analysis.

Note: You can add all the features using the + Add item option.

  • Optionally, select Enable learning from redirect traffic option for the Learn from Traffic with Redirect Response field in the Business Logic Markup Setting section.

  • Select Save and Exit to complete creating the app type object.

Assign App Type Label to Load Balancers

After creating the app type, it is required to assign the app type label to the load balancers for which you want to enable DDoS detection.

Note: Enabling DDoS detection for all load balancers in a namespace requires you to apply the app type label to all load balancers in that namespace.

Perform the following to assign the app type label to your load balancers.

Step 1: Navigate to load balancer management.
  • Select the Multi-Cloud App Connect service.
  • Select the desired namespace from the Namespace drop-down menu.
  • Navigate to Manage > Load Balancers > HTTP Load Balancers.
  • Select ... > Manage Configuration > Edit Configuration for the load balancer for which the app type label needs to be assigned.
lb edit 2 2
Figure: Navigate to load balancer Edit Configuration
Step 2: Assign the app type label.
  • Select for the Labels field and type.
at label 2
Figure: App Type Label Selection
  • Type the name of the app type object created in the previous step, and select Assign a Custom Value to add the app type label.
label value 2 2
Figure: App Type Label Addition
  • Select Save and Exit button to apply the label to the load balancer.

Create App Settings

After creating an app type with the DDoS detection feature enabled, it is required to associate it with the metrics and sources for which the anomaly detection is required. This is done by configuring the app settings object.

The metrics are RELT metrics and sources are of the following types:

  • Services
  • Service interactions
  • load balancers

Perform the following to create the app type object.

Step 1: Navigate to the App Settings page.
  • Select the Multi-Cloud App Connect service.
  • Select the desired namespace from the Namespace drop-down menu.
  • Navigate to Security > AI & ML > App Settings.
  • Select Add App setting for the load balancer for which the app type label needs to be assigned.
nav asetting 2
Figure: Navigate to load balancer Edit Configuration
Step 2: Enter configuration for the app settings object.
  • Enter a name for the app setting.
  • Go to Application Type Feature Configuration section and Select + Add Item to configure an AppType.
  • In the AppType field, select the created app type object from the drop-down list.
  • Select Configure under the DDoS Detection field. Select + Add item in the Metric Selectors section of the time series analysis setting page.
  • Select an option for the Metrics Source drop-down menu from the list of options.

Note: You can add multiple Metrics in the drop-down menu.

  • Select All Services for enabling metric analysis for all services.
  • Select All Service Interactions for enabling analysis for all service interactions between source and destination services.
  • Select All Virtual Hosts for enabling metric analysis for all virtual hosts.
  • Select a RELT metric for the Metrics field from the list of options.
  • Select Apply button to complete the Metric Selector.
  • Select Apply to finish adding Metric Selectors.

Note: You can add multiple metric selectors by using the + Add Item button in the Metric Selectors list.

Figure: Time Series Configuration for App Settings
  • Select Apply to complete the AppType Setting.
Step 3: Complete app settings object creation.

Select Save and Exit to complete adding the Application Type Feature.

app settings final 2
Figure: App Settings Object Creation

Note: You can add multiple app settings using the Add item option.

Monitor Anomalies and Alerts

DDoS detection happens based on your selection of sources in app settings and app type configuration. You can monitor the anomalies using the metrics or alerts or both. The DDoS gets detected and displayed for service mesh or load balancer or both depending on your DDoS configuration.

Step 1: Navigate to service mesh.
  • Select the Multi-Cloud App Connect service.
  • Select the desired namespace from the Namespace drop-down menu.
  • Navigate to Overview > Applications to see the applications dashboard.
  • Select the Service Mesh tab
  • Select on your application tile from the displayed list to load its service mesh monitoring.
nav sm 2 2
Figure: Navigate to Service Mesh
Step 2: Load the service mesh metrics view.

Select Metrics tab to load the metrics view.

The metrics view presents trend information for your service metrics for a default or configured time period.

When the DDoS detection is enabled for metrics, a shadow is shown over the metrics bars. This is called a Confidence interval. The confidence interval indicates that the metric value crossing this interval is treated as an anomaly. Such instances are marked in red color bars. Hover over or click on any bar to display the metric and confidence interval values.

sm metrics
Figure: DDoS Detection Enabled Service Mesh Metrics
Step 3: Load the service mesh alerts view.

The service mesh loads service graph by default. Select Alerts tab to load the alerts view.

Active alerts are displayed by default. Select the All Alerts option to display all alerts for default interval of an hour. You can also change time interval using the Last 1 hour drop down. The value Timeseries-Anomaly for the Group field indicates that the alert is an anomaly. The DDoS alerts are generated for sustained anomalies.

Select > for any alert entry to load details in the JSON format.

sm alerts
Figure: Service Mesh DDoS Alerts

Note: See DDoS Alerts for information on time-series related alerts.

Step 4: Navigate to the load balancer monitoring.

In the Multi-Cloud App Connect service, select Overview > Performance. Scroll down to the Load Balancers section and select your load balancer from the displayed list to load its performance monitoring view. The load balancer dashboard is loaded by default.

Step 5: Load the load balancer metrics view.

The load balancer dashboard is loaded by default. Select Metrics tab to load the metrics view.

The metrics view presents trend for your load balancer metrics for a default or configured time period.

When the DDoS detection is enabled for metrics, a shadow is shown over the metrics bars. This is called a Confidence interval. The confidence interval indicates that the metric value crossing this interval is treated as an anomaly. Such instances are marked in red color bars. Hover over or click on any bar to display the metric and confidence interval values.

vh metrics
Figure: Load Balancer Metrics with DDoS Detection Enabled
Step 6: Load the load balancer alerts view.

Select Alerts tab to load the alerts view.

Active alerts are displayed by default. Select the All Alerts option to display all alerts for default interval of an hour. You can also change time interval using the Last 1 hour drop down. The value Timeseries-Anomaly for the Group field indicates that the alert is an anomaly. Select > for any alert entry to load details in the JSON format.

vh alerts
Figure: load balancer DDoS Alerts

Note: See DDoS Alerts for information on time-series related alerts.


API References